Blogs from Northern Highlands, Nicaragua, Central America Caribbean - page 10


Bold Kreative Photography photos that Kristy took of Lenin and me when we were home for Christmas. A small selection! This does mean, though, that we are not in Moropoto, Madriz, but instead were at Ha Ha Tonka State Park in Camdenton, Missouri.... read more
mollylenin (90)
mollylenin (21)
mollylenin (18)

On Thursday, 21 January, 2010, I visited the cafetal, or coffee farm, of Don Hugo Huete. His finca (farm) is located in El Rodeo, which is just a short drive up the mountain, but a long walk. Karen, the daughter of Don Hugo, Lenin and I decided to hike up to Rodeo. We set off at the hottest part of the summer day at noon with a backpack full of water, a sandwich, an avocado, several tortillas, and a few bananas for each of us. The house puppy, Huesita, followed us for the adventure. We hiked up and up through dusty ravines, seeking out shade and taking breaks every so often to drink plenty of water and wipe the streaming, dusty rivulets off our faces. After nearly an hour we merged with the road and ... read more
i look pinker because of my chela skin, but he is flushed, too!
photo break
we arrive!  me amid the coffee

I pulled out my journal the other day. It's a beatiful leather journal that I bought in Beijing solely for the purpose of joining the Peace Corps and recording my thoughts. I used to write in it about every day, up until like last February or something, and then I'd only write sporadically or not at all, only using it to update what had happened in the last months. So I pulled it out to update what has happened since my last update, which was the beginning of September of last year. So my 27th birthday, buying my stove and cooking, electricity going out and people using barbed wire to steal electricity, and Lenin's and my trip home to Missourah for Christmas 2009 and New Year 2010. Then I went back and read about when Lenin ... read more
moropoto kids playing on the swing
omg she is adorable
with her moter, sonia

Update from Houston and photos from Bridal Cave and the last few days in the States... So yesterday Dad drove us up to St.Louis to stay in a hotel, as snow was coming. We got a swank suite, thanks to my government ID and status as a PCV, so that was nice. Then at like 9:30 my mom called and said American Airlines called and our first flight (to Chicago) was cancelled. Thus ensued a lot of calls and being put on hold. After a few hours of this, while the snow built up, finally got through to Continental and exed out the Chicago American Air flight and ended up here in Houston at like 11am. Our flight isn't until 5:45 pm, so we have like a 6 hour wait here. We sat. We ate. Now ... read more
apparently the osage used it for weddings... and now so do a lot of people
ps no we did not get married at Bridal Cave
the tour is cool

It's snowing. Again. We've had two snows thus far, but they've both melted within a day or two. Now it's snowing again. Perhaps we'll get to, like, build a snowman or go sledding! Also, thank god 2009 is done. 2008 was such a mile stone for me. I'd been planning for 6 years to get to Beijing during the Summer Olympics, and I was there all summer and got to see some Games. And while I was there, the Peace Corps called. And so, since I've started this phase of my life, I keep saying "hasta Noviembre de 2010," or "until November of 2010". So I went from Life Goal Olympics 2008 to End of Service 2010. Which means that 2009 was.... well, kind of a non year. In the grand scheme of my goal oriented ... read more

Okay, once again, we are not in Nicaragua at the moment. Here are some photos of Nicaragua, like the bean harvest, and then here in the States for Lenin's first visit to the USA and my first vacation to the motherland since I started PCV service.... read more
lenin's first snow!
standing on the iced over dog water dish
unloading firewood at the house

Tegucigalpa, Honduras, a 26 de septiembre del 2009. Saludos a todos. Muchos saludos a todos desde Tegucigalpa, sì, leyeron bien, la capital de Honduras. En su momento me dedicarè a teclear algunas lìneas sobre la situaciòn polìtica en este paìs, pero por el momento aprovecho para enviar algunas fotografìas de un pueblo de la zona montañosa nigaragüense llamado El Ocotal, ubicado a 30 minutos de la frontera con Honduras, que resultò ser inesperadamente bonito y que de ser mexicano sin duda estarìa en la lista de "pueblos màgicos". Lamentablemente en Nicaragua, al igual que en Mèxico, gustan de privilegiar unas regiones sobre otras, enfocàndose la promociòn turìstica a la zona del Pacìfico (donde està la capital Managua, Leòn y Granada), dejando descuidadas las dos zonas restantes (montañas y Caribe). El pueblo està considerado un sitio històrico ... read more
Imagen 005
Imagen 007
Imagen 010

Okay, so I'm not actually blogging from Moropoto. 'CAUSE I'M HOME IN MISSOURI FOR THE HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!! Yup, actually, we flew a week ago, Monday 21 December. This is like Monday the 28th. What can I say? Flights were good. Loved watching Lenin figure it all out. We had to ruuuuuuun to catch our plane from Chicago to St Louis and were the last ones to board.... which of course means my baggage didn't run as fast. So, the lovely boy in StL at the baggage claim went ahead and had it FedExed to the house. No big deal. I was fine all day, until we were on the like 45 min flight from Chicago to StL, and then I was so excited to get home I could barely sit still. This week has been great. Lenin ... read more

Hi, I arrived back in Esteli this afternoon. A storm came through last night and it was really cold and wet this morning at the Miraflor Reserve. While I was there I met a couple and their children who live in Temple Terrace (near Tampa). They were staying in the same cabina area as I was and we were being taken care of by one family. I had a guide take me around one half day and saw the school and the village. There were lots of crops and people got around mostly by horseback or by walking. There is no running water or electricity there. The familes collect rainwater and have a solar powered generator that runs several hours each evening for several hours. All families that I saw had gardens. One of our guides ... read more

Hi! Today I will pack up half of my stuff and head out to the nature preserve called the Miraflor. This area is a cloud forest which is supposed to be like Monteverde, Costa Rica was 40 years ago. Living there is primative, I am told. I have all my warm gear and my head lamp, bug repellant, walking shoes, toilet paper, etc. I will stay with a family for 2 nights and I hope to see some coffee picking and processing. Here are some pictures from around Esteli. They are getting ready for the carnival and horse parade that attracts horses and cowboys from all over Central America. I got to witness the Mis Gallina Competicion (the Miss Chicken Contest) and hopefully my photos will load. I hope to have time to write one last ... read more
Nice Hat
Handmade Mural
Cowboy Boots

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