Blogs from Moropoto, Northern Highlands, Nicaragua, Central America Caribbean - page 5


Okay, once again, we are not in Nicaragua at the moment. Here are some photos of Nicaragua, like the bean harvest, and then here in the States for Lenin's first visit to the USA and my first vacation to the motherland since I started PCV service.... read more
lenin's first snow!
standing on the iced over dog water dish
unloading firewood at the house

Okay, so I'm not actually blogging from Moropoto. 'CAUSE I'M HOME IN MISSOURI FOR THE HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!! Yup, actually, we flew a week ago, Monday 21 December. This is like Monday the 28th. What can I say? Flights were good. Loved watching Lenin figure it all out. We had to ruuuuuuun to catch our plane from Chicago to St Louis and were the last ones to board.... which of course means my baggage didn't run as fast. So, the lovely boy in StL at the baggage claim went ahead and had it FedExed to the house. No big deal. I was fine all day, until we were on the like 45 min flight from Chicago to StL, and then I was so excited to get home I could barely sit still. This week has been great. Lenin ... read more

more photos in the life and times of a peace corps volunteer in central america... read more
abuelo cutting firewood
modesta and dina´s venta
winder´s high school graduation

Okay, so here´s what´s been up. Thanksgiving was awesome. Like, full spread of EV-VERY-THIIIIING and it was waaay too much to eat. And we woke up to homemade waffles and fresh strawberries and BACON frying. How, you might ask, was this possible? Well, we were hosted by a husband wife (ex, actually) team of USAID workers. She is USAID Nica and he is USAID Iraq, but had a week of vacay. USAID is apparently made up of 50% Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCV). But, the overall acceptance rate into USAID is all of 2%. However, worth looking into. Because that house was swank. And you move to a new post every 2 years. This weekend, though, after returning... not gonna lie, I´ve been depressed. Actually, I was just really annoyed with everyone and everything and generally ... read more

Photos of my last week of English classes at the Moropoto school. Preschool 1st/2nd multi grade 4th grade 3rd/5th multi grade 6th grade 7th/8th multi grade ... read more

Yup, more. Love wireless. So went around with the idea of photographing the women and their gardens... but kept getting sidetracked by all the kids who wanted photos taken. Then Lenin and i went to the town of Palacaguina to meet a bus coming from Wiwili where his father had sent 150 pounds of corn, several platanos, and some cuajada (cheese) and we had to pick it up and get it back to Somoto and then to Moropoto. Meanwhile, we played with the camera in the park. ... read more
teofilia and her flowers
her garden behind the house

3 November 2009 4pm Tuesday I am listening to my feliz navidad mix. Yes, I know it’s only November. I usually don’t start up the Christmas music until after Thanksgiving. However, I am so damn excited about being home for Christmas this year that I can’t help myself! So! Lenin and I went to Managua Sunday late afternoon and arrived after dark. Monday morning we had the tourist visa interview, which eventually took place at a counter with a visa agent behind the glass. So our number is called and Lenin passes his application and passport and the guy looks at me and is like, “So who are you?” I said I’m a Peace Corps Volunteer and his fiancée. The agent is like, “How long have you known each other?” and I say that, actually, I ... read more

Got my new camera! And Lenin and i have taken a lot of photos in the last few days... here is a selected photo essay.... Thursday 15 October 7:30am Argh. Okay, so I came into Managua to have a catscan of my lungs. Fine. The ISSUE has nothing to do with medical stuff though. The issue is that Lenin and I went to the bank and paid the fees. HE paid the total of $131 and the $12 fee for the 1-800 number to call and set up the interview appointment. MY job is to make the call and set up the appt. However. Tuesday I called and called this 1-800 number and got no answer. So I figured I'd be in Managua at the office the next day, I'd call there (here). Except yesterday everytime ... read more
moropoto water 2
moropoto water 3
jael working from home

23 August 2009 Sunday 12:33 PM Garden update. Our neighbor’s turkeys flew up and ate most of the leaves of the green beans. They’re not looking so hot. We planted tomato seeds and peas where there were two empty spaces. There was one empty space from onion seeds that never sprouted. And the other was from the radishes. Some sort of worm came in and demolished the radishes in two days. So now we have peas sprouting where the radishes were. And tomato sprouts where the failed onion seeds were. We have also thinned out the chilies and moved part of them into where the chives were planted…that didn’t grow, either. Now, since a good part of the garden is made up of root vegetables like onions and beets and carrots and, once upon a time, ... read more

21 August 2009 Friday 7pm I would like to go home for Thanksgiving or Christmas. And I would like to take Lenin, too. But, before we buy tickets, we need to get him a tourist visa using the Nonimmigrant Visa Application. We have filled out the application. Now I just need to figure out the next step. Where do we send it? How do we pay? How do we get an interview set up? And when do we know if he gets it so that tickets can be bought. Thank god he has his passport already. One less step to take. In other news, he is impatiently waiting for the camera to arrive so that we can go to Wiwili and visit his family. I am well aware that it takes a few weeks for packages ... read more

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