Blogs from Capital Region, Guatemala, Central America Caribbean - page 9


Sigh; last day. We had said farewell to Becky and Benny the night before as they had a departure transfer of 07:30. Made plans to meet with Randy and Janice at 08 for breakfast, then decided to wander around, find our new hotels (all of us had to move for our post night), search for carpets and enjoy the morning, with plans to meet Justin at 1pm for lunch in the main square. Well, Old Town Outfitters had given me a map with the hotel marked on said map, even highlighted all pretty like. We found Randy and Janice’s hotel easily enough; other then there being 2 hotels with almost the exact same name one block apart, we knew at least *one* of those was theirs. Then came ours. Let’s just say it was a good ... read more

April 17th (I wrote this before I found out about Opie, so figured it needed to be posted to my dear followers) Yay! Our bike riding excursion to the coffee plantation and the smaller villages was today! Yipee - exercise in the hot blistering sun at 3,500 feet elevation! woot-woot! And once again I booked this! We had breakfast, then walked up to meet OldTown Outfitters and walked a few blocks to get our bikes. Larry’s bike wheel was semi flat and asked to have it filled. The guy couldn’t fill it (kept pssstttttt slowly) and said Gee I have to get you a new bike as your tire is flat. (you think?) Renting bikes in any developing nation is always entertaining; this was not the worst or the best vehicle, however it would do. I ... read more
super unique flower in the coffee plantation
Took them 18 clippings to get one to grow!
OK, I"m a sucker for flowers!

We were so excited to know that we had 3 nights in the same hotel, and if it wasn’t for the Semana Santa holiday we could have stayed here 4 nights. So nice to actually unpack; knowing you are staying put for a few days, crazy broken shower and all:-) Larry had gotten up early, wandered all the way to the square (about 10-15 minute walk) and brought back REAL good coffee. I was all ‘so where did you go; Guatemala City?” (I thought he was going to the restaurant) and when I looked up and saw the real coffee I squealed. Apparently I was too busy inhaling the coffee to say thank you - so I figured a PUBLIC thank you would help to make up for it!! We had the official city tour with ... read more
Fountain in central Park
Becky and her new friend. Big smiles!
Main Cathedral

Today was our last (YAY!) travel day. We were all happy about that as it was getting a bit tiring being in the van all the time. We had a half hour boat ride back to Panachal, then about a 3 hour van ride to Antigua and we would be FREE from travel. FREE AT LAST! Kidding. sort of. This last van was very small with little leg room (and that’s saying a lot coming from me) with dark windows. I must admit I was feeling quite claustrophobic in it and restless. Then Justin put on a video (it actually had a small TV screen) of Mel Gibson’s movie the Apocalypto from 2006. Justine figured after all the Mayan sites we had visited (3; 2 in Honduras and one in Guatemala) we would appreciate seeing an ... read more
Beautiful, calm morning for a canoe
Local fisherman on Lake Atitlan
Waterfall along the highway back to Antigua

This is how we went from Santa Ana El Salvador to Antigua Guatemala on chicken buses for about $6.50. 1. Catch the 210 bus to Ahuachapan from the bus station in the market. We got on it at 6:45am as it was making its way through the market. It took until 7:00am to get out of the town. It cost 50 cents and arrived in Ahuachapan at 8am. 2. Catch a minibus to Las Chinamas border. The bus from Santa Ana drops you on the side of a road on the edge of town. Walk towards the main road in front of you. On the right are signs to the centre of town. Follow the signs and go right down a hill towards a 'Bomba' sign. There was a minibus 11a parked on the side of ... read more

Our Arrival The bus from Guatemala City dropped us at the bus station near the market. The town is a few minutes walk past the market stalls. Where We Stayed Hotel Posada Refugio II - Down a small street opposite the Terrace hostel on 3a Calle Poniente between Calzada Santa Lucia and 7a Avenue Norte. Q100 for a double room with private bathroom and hot showers. Kitchen available on the roof terrace. No internet but we picked up free wifi the whole time we were there. Try and get a room upstairs. Posado Vero - Down the other small street on Calle Poniente. Q80 for a room with shared bathroom. Really strong internet and a bit of a roof terrace with laundry sink. What We Did Walked around town looking at the many churches and ruins. ... read more

Up on time, thanks to the morning birds at 05:00 - I personally would have been happy throwing a solid object at them, as *I* didn’t find them cute; but welcome to Central America! Had breakfast in broken Spanish and was told in fluent Spanish (yikes!) that our tour guide to Pacaya Volcano had phoned and was on his way. What I thought was Guatemalan time, he arrived at 08:30. Turns out that he thought we were meeting him at the office and I thought at the hotel. Bless him for not ignoring us and phoning the hotel! An hour and a half drive on a shockingly nice highway, until the last 5-10 km, then it was dirt road, embedded rocks and about 15-25kph going. the kind that makes you want to cry after an hour. ... read more
Pacaya Volcano Hike

Part 2 - after all it's a long journey with a lovely 6 hour layover in my fav airport:-) Back to the airport albeit briefly; still in Edmonton and I had purchased a new TSA lock as mine had died that morning. What I didn’t realize was the instructions were not on the cute little booklet that came with the lock (how silly of me to assume) but were on the original packaging. This cute elder couple saw me and quickly figured out my dilemma and started giggling with me. So true to Ned’s nature, I went back to the container that was fortunately recycling and praying that other people respected the same, stuck my arm inside and dug round for my instructions. I came up gleefully to the giggles of a few people, but i ... read more

YYYAAAYYYY!!! It's time for Ned to go on Vacation with a capital "V"! hastagvacation! Super excited, I feel like I haven't done a get down and dirty, hang with the locals on their mud floors, eat street meat, fresh fruit, end up with 'ahem' bathroom issues due to previously mentioned events; feel better and do it all over again! My last visit to the Central/South America continent (which is without question my fav) was in Dec 2010 when I did Chile, Argentina, and Easter Island. That was the trip that started this blog, truth be told, and I am beyond delighted to be here again, about to set foot on Spanish soil. My language skills may not be any better, but I will have a heap of fun trying!! Of course preparations for this trip were ... read more

Wczoraj dotarlem do Antigua. Przejazd chicken busami zajal mi jakies 2,5 godziny. Po raz pierwszy jechalem chcicken busami, ktore maja plazme w srodku :-) na ktorej leca umilajce podroz teledyski. Sama Antigua jest miastem niezwykle przyjemnym i pieknym. Pelno jest w nim brukowanych uliczek zamknietych dla ruchu kolowego, skwerow, ladny zocalo oraz itp. Dwa wulkany Agua i Fuego gorujace nad miastem dodaja niesamowitego uroku. Kiedys byla to stolica calej centroamerykanskiej kolonii hiszpanskiej. Az do roku 1773 kiedy to silne trzesienie ziemi - a w zasadzie cala seria trzesien ziemi - zniszczyla to miasto. Wtedy tez zapadla decyzja o opuszczeniu miasta i przeniesieniu stolicy do Guatemala City. Nie wszyscy sie jednak temu podporzadkowali i ci co zostali probowali odbudowywac miasto. Do dzisiaj miasto jest w bardzo duzym stopniu odbudowane, a jedynymi wiekszymi pozostalosciami po trzes... read more
Kosciol Merced
Ruiny kosciola
Centrum Antigua

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