Blogs from Cabarete, Dominican Republic, Central America Caribbean


Friday June 28, 2019 - It did not all work out beautifully. But it wasn’t too bad. I woke up early, packed up, watched a couple episodes of Modern Family, as I try to catch up on tv shows this summer. I asked one of the ladies at the guesthouse to call the bus for me to tell them that I was coming, but they could not get through. Not that it would have mattered much anyway truthfully. I left around 9:15, bought a baguette sandwich for the road, and waited for the guagua (minibus) to leave for Samana. This one wasn’t so much a minibus as a pick-up truck. I sat in the cab but could have sat in the back. No thanks. I was the only passenger for some time, and we drove at ... read more
My transport to Samana - the white one
My transport from Samana to Cabarete
My crib

8. Februar, Manaus - Aruba Wir flogen im fast leeren Flugzeug nach Aruba. Mit dem Taxi ging es zum Hotel, dabei erhielten wir vom Taxifahrer eine kostenlose Sightseeing-Tour, weil er zweimal falsch abgebogen war. Das Essen im Hotelrestaurant war sehr gut und extrem günstig, da wir das Essen per Talon an der Bar bestellen mussten und sie so vermutlich Personal sparen konnten. 9. Februar, Aruba Am Morgen sind wir mit dem Taxi zum Hotel am Strand gingen, in welchem wir in 2 Tagen einchecken werden. Schon der Taxifahrer hat uns verärgert und dann war der Empfang im Hotel unter aller Sau: der Hotel Chef war äusserst unfreundlich, denn trotz Abmachungen per E-Mail durften wir nicht surfen. Er hielt zudem an Zeiten fest, welche vorher nicht kommuniziert wurden. Er meinte, dass er ein Business zu führen habe ... read more
Aruba 1
Aruba 2
Aruba 3

Yesterday was a day of snorkeling. We went out on a small boat and were looking at fish and the blue ocean for about 1 hour, maybe a little bit more than that. The fish were so beautiful and bright. We were able to see everything so clearly. After a while of that we got back on the boat and went to a different spot for about 15 minutes. Only Sydney, Janet, Jordan and the guide went back in. The rest of us stayed on the boat. After about 15 minutes of snorkeling again, Sydney was stung by a jelly fish and needed to get out and put vinegar on her leg and her arm. We then headed back to land and took a taxi to The Cabarete Coffee Company. We shared hot chocolate and a ... read more

light, sun, liquid heat, smoldering nights in a dorm room, sleeping on the floor, mosquitoes preventing open windows - waking to doves adjusting to morning. Moving through space, noticing landscapes... voices of Dominicans playing in the background, a boy asking to have shoes bought for school... Smooth chocolate monkeys, sand dollars and warm waters... snorkeling, floating after fear subsides, a world below..stinging jelly problem... Making dinner together, splitting up, taxi cabs and Gua Guas..., Supermarcardo de Janet, two minutes to buy groceries...rummy, Skipbo, charades... a place to come back to. JGV... read more

I have to write a blog post before we can eat................................................................................................Bye :)... read more

vendedores, motos, playas, arena, suave, sol sol sol, camiones, chocolate caliente, Quiero una trenza, estoy flotando, peces, sudor, beep beep, mucha agua, fruta madura, Janet's, splash, no bastante agua, mosquitos me pican, el sol, botes, vendedores. -AK... read more

Here are some photos--more to be posted on the Compass facebook page.... read more
dr 517
dr 474
dr 375

Janet made it down to meet the group and we hear all it well. A few more photos from the campo.... read more
Jordan vs. Local Kid in Math Contest
dr 521
Working the Fields

I'm in the plane, about to land Two weeks away from home I see the trees and all the sand Touch down, Disembark, Our adventure has just begun. We all survived the van ride, But that was just step one. ---------- I am climbing, carefully. I am clutching the rope. I am standing still. I am clutching nothing. I am listening to a countdown... "Dos, Tres!" I am silent, I am breathing -- and then -- I am flying. I am touching nothing. I am spiraling, I am free... And now I am wet. ------------ Here we are, alone. Children run and play and live And pull out my hair.... read more

All is well--everyone is happy and healthy. What a wonderful group and a wonderful experience for all. We just got to Cabarete and will post this quickly to let you catch up and will post more (and hopefully pictures) later as we now have internet and electricity. Nothing but good things to report. Travel Blog Campo Tuesday The music’s blaring, and another round of Rummy has begun, we have just been outside working, turning the small sea of green grass into a lake of rusty brown freshly turned soil. Lunch is being prepared and Taylor colors in the coloring book. We are all going to head down to the school after lunch to do some planting; we might take a walk down to the river to cool off, but I don’t know if well have enough ... read more

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