Blogs from Toledo District, Belize, Central America Caribbean - page 4


Cd. de Belice, Belice, a 30 de septiembre del 2009. Saludos a todos. Ahi les mando algunas fotos del cruce de Puerto Barrios, Guatemala, hacia Punta Gorda en el sur de Belice. Llegue al pais por mar, en lo que segun yo iba a ser un ferry o, ya de malas, un transbordador. Al llegar al muelle de Puerto Barrios me indican que me vaya al "Pichilingo", y yo por inercia me voy al barco mas grande (un transbordador), luego corrigen mi error y me encuentro con la panga de 2 motores fuera de borda que ven en la foto, asi que asumi con resignacion el transporte que el destino me tenia reservado y vámonos para Punta Gorda: Tripulacion: 3 (capitan y 2 cargadores que se sentaron en la proa). Pasajeros: 3 (un guatemalteco, una americana ... read more
El Pichilingo I.
Puerto Barrio Coast.
On our way to PG.

I arrived in Belize City and was immediately greeted by the filthy hot air sneaking its way onto the plane. I stood around for about 15 minutes hoping to bump into a similarly minded traveler (read: poor) who wanted to split the cab into town. Unfortunately the crowd was a bunch of whities on their little exotic vacas, so I had to part with the $25US and make my way into town alone. I was dropped off at a hostel that was run by two ex-pats: a gray haired lady and her significantly younger pony-tailed partner. I ended up chatting with him a little bit about the “fate of the planet” the next morning and he turned out to be an annoying pessimist who abandoned his children in California and has a gambling problem. Pretty tense. ... read more
Other side of my room
Our kitchen
Front of the field center

Central America Caribbean » Belize » Toledo District September 30th 2009

Wilderness Medicine Course This was a course designed to teach you how to practice medicine in remote areas when you have no supplies, technology or support. It also taught survival and rescue methods. Unfortunately the course was a bit disorganized and it got cut short leaving out the medical portion. Dana and I did however receive the survival and rescue training and I will tell you the entertaining (for you)/traumatizing(for me) bits. Highlights: saving our broken legged “patient” who was trapped inside a cave and transporting her though an underground river, up a muddy slope and through the dense bug/snake infested jungle. Repelling down a 150ft cliff in the dark (splinting a patients arm and leg half way down) The best part (for you): surviving for 2 days in the jungle with only a machete and ... read more

My time in Belize is drawing to an end. Over the past couple of weeks I have realized how comfortable I have gotten living in this environment. I’m getting used to the heat, if that is possible. I still squirm when I see a giant spider crawling in my room but my first reaction is not to bludgeon it with my hiking boots (which in the wet season are little more than weapons against insect invaders in my thatch). I know my way around the farm kitchen and have even had the opportunity to show new interns how to light the fire, harvest and learn to cook with unfamiliar foods. It does not ever strike me as strange to have to ford a river, walk two miles, and take an hour long bus ride to get ... read more

Three weeks down, six to go. Time has been going by pretty quickly, although a day in the life of a kitchen intern resembles nothing like a routine yet. The wet season is getting underway in southern Belize. Heavy rains have swollen the rivers, turning the winding turquoise stream into a swift muddy river. It’s still beautiful but much harder to cross without an experienced person in the dory. Between experiments in trying to prepare meals from the food on the farm (and trying to come up with creative ways to use the excess number of bananas that keep showing up), I have had some opportunities to do some exploring and volunteering in Toledo district. Two weeks ago another intern and I took a day to volunteer with a food distribution program for elderly people in ... read more
Road back from Nim Li Punit
The Kitchen

I arrived in Belize on May 28th and have been at the farm where I will be working for the summer for over a week. I caught my domestic flight to Punta Gorda (PG) without a problem and enjoyed watching the green scenery below only broken occasionally by a river winding its way to the Caribbean or by a burning field. The flight stopped three times at single-runway airports that were mostly surrounded by water and bordering a small town before I got off in PG. Because I was not taking the bus to San Pedro Columbia until the next day, I had made a reservation at a guesthouse. Unfortunately my room was given away on accident before I got there, but the man who had taken the room graciously helped me find a different place ... read more
My Thatch
Cobb Oven

!!!! eviter de regarder les photos de cet article si vous etes au bureau et que la journee est grise!!! apres une longue matinee en bus, nous sommes finalement arrive a Belize City. Nous ne pensions pas rester au Belize car les prix sont beaucoup trop haut, mais un seul coup d'oeil sur la mer des caraibes et les photos des iles nous ont fait changer d'avis...juste une nuit, une seule. Nous avons donc pris le bateau-taxi jusque San Pedro et avons passe une journee dans un petit paradis aux eaux bleue turquoise. Pas grand chose d'autres a raconter en fait, car on ne fait pas grand chose sur les iles a part profiter du moment present...mais les photos vous en diront plus ;)... read more
postal card, no?
island in the sun

The last time I visited Belize, I had the fortune to go on one of the most unique tours on this continent, the ATM Cave Tour. Since being in that wet dark cave, I have learned alot about the unique creatures that live in absence of light and heat, and swore I would never be crazy enough to enter again. Until St. Hermann's cave last November....and now the cave at the mouth of the Blue Creek waterfall was calling me inside.... The Southernmost district of Belize, Toledo, has about 55 miles of paved road and the rest remains an expanse of hard to reach wonders! Blue Creek is really off the beaten path, and there are very few tours to this remote spot. We had heard about the Blue Creek waterfalls and cave from a few ... read more
No straightforward hikes in this country!
The pools at the basin of the falls
One small seies of the wonder!

Hallo Leute wie gehts denn so? Ja ich weiss ich meld mich nicht mehr immer anfangs der woche, aber ich bin sehr stolz drauf das ichs uberhaupt tue. Denn die meisten leute die ich treffe, haben zwar nen blog, aber schreiben uberhaupt nichts, oder vielleicht einmal im Monat. Also ich hoffe ihr konnt mir verzeihen. Dann erzahl ich euch auch eine geschichte, und zwar eine wahre. wo soll ich anfangen...vielleicht in caye caulker, die wahrscheinlich schonste insel der welt, fur mich. wahnsinn, so viel spass, so viele nette einheimische, so viele coole traveler, ich wollte garnicht mehr weg. Ein typischer tag in meinem paradies sah so aus: Ausschlafen, computer answitchen, einen bauen, internet surfen und musik hoeren, mit den jungs kurz vor mittag fruehstucken gehen, dann chillen, ab zum strand, schwimmen oder mit dem kanu ... read more
Karibik vor Belize
Kristallklares Wasser
Robin und Rochen

Its 8 months ive been on the road!!!! Jesus, it feels like ive started yesterday... then again it feels like ive been doing this for 3 years!!!!!! Belize was amazing!!!! On christmas day we had a bbq on the beach!!! it was incredible!!! we had jerk chicken, grilled snapper, and grilled lobster, obviously prepared by yours truly.... :) i also made new years dinner, which consisted of lasagna, roast pork shoulder, and other delicacies.... yyyeeaaaaaahhhhh!!!!! apart from it being my fiorst time in the caribbean, i loved belioze so much bc of the fact that everywhere, and ay time, they are playing dancehall music!!!!! i love it!!!!!!! heading to honduras next, to get my divemaster certification!!! then probably heading to ny to work for 6 months or so, save some money and go back to traveling!!!! ... read more
Meal in the making....
Bread-fruit stew!!!!!

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