Blogs from Toledo District, Belize, Central America Caribbean - page 2


Yet almost another week was a busy one! Last weekend, we chartered a boat to Livingston, Guatemala. It's about an hour boat ride from Punta Gorda. When we got to Guatemala, our guide, Ishmael, was waiting for our arrival. We got on another boat and took a two hour ride up the Rio Dulce. The coast of Guatemala was so different than Belize and was super neat to see. We passed many small fishing villages and stopped in a yacht marina-two very different worlds. When we got to land, we took a tractor ride up into the mountains to Finca El Paraiso, the hot springs waterfall. The water was steaming, as Gretchen would say. We stayed at a place called Casa Rosada, which was a bunch of small bungalows right on the coast. We had ... read more

This week was a whirlwind. So many new things! We have kind of settled into a routine by now. We are separated into two teams that consist of PA students, Pharm students, Doctors, Pharmacists and local Belizean employees of Hillside. Each day, we rotate working at the local clinic (which is two feet from our dorm) or traveling in a mobile clinic to different villages of Belize. Hillside Health Clinic covers much more of Belize than I had realized and is an integral component of the Ministry of Healthcare of Belize. Mobile clinics have been such a neat experience. We pack as many medications as we have available and pile into the back of the van. The roads we mostly travel are gravel and VERY bumpy. Luckily, I have my dramamine :) When we get into ... read more

After a rocky start with a missed flight due to snow, we are officially in Belize. Saturday we flew into Belize city and took a water taxi to Caye Caulker, a tiny island off the coast of Belize. The day we were there went quickly but the time was well worth it. It is a completely different way of life; barefoot kids, wandering dogs and all travel done by foot, bike or golf cart. From there we took a small 12 seater plane to Punta Gorda, where our clinic is. It was the most enjoyable flight experience of my life, complete with a layover that included a bar on the tarmac and the Caribbean sea a hop, skip and a jump from us. Views from the plane on our trip over gave us an idea of ... read more

This is a little awkward - let me try to explain why. You see, for you - whoever still reads this blog - you are just sitting down to read this blog post for the first time. But for me, it is not my first time writing it. I've already written this blog post, but it didn't contain this self-referential post-modern introduction/disclaimer. I wrote a very long blog post a couple days ago about Belize, Punta Gorda, and Blue Creek and lost the entire thing when I hit save. So I'll try to reproduce it in all its original glory but I can't promise that because it was quite glorious the first time and I'll never get that back. Onwards and upwards. We felt almost immediately the difference between Guatemala and Belize. In some country crossings ... read more
Wandering Palm
Sara found a coconut, or 'a nut with a nut'.
Hens N' Chicks.

We last left our heros at Hotel Backpackers in Rio Dulce. Hotel Backpackers is the hotel that is run entirely to profit Casa Guatemala, the never-never-land-esque orphanage/children's home/school/clinic/farm. We actually spend a full week at the hotel, where I spent my last week of work before taking a 'real' vacation. This was an ideal place to work from - their restuarant is on a dock over the river and has really strong WIFI all the way out on the water. If I was bold enough to risk it, I bet I could have paddled out on a kayak and still gotten WIFI a few meters into the river. I didn't do that, however I did hold multiple meetings with the river shimmering in front of me - on the phone with my colleagues trudging through snow ... read more
View from the Lancha, Rio Dulce to Livingston
Pelicans on a rusted bridge
Another bird photo

Weds 11th Jan - Rio Dulce to Livingston An early exit from hotel bacteria and a long wait for the 1.30pm ferry to Livingston. It was certainly worth the wait though as we ventured down the Rio Dulce to take in the breath taking views along the way. The journey starts off with the crossing of a very large lake indeed, before you find yourself deep in the jungle. As you near Livingston the canyons rise on either side of the river bed to a great height before subsiding as you near the ocean. After batting off some more harbour hotel pimps, we made the walk up the hill into Livingston before stopping and staying at Stacies old haunt, Rios Tropicales. A nice affordable family run hotel. Thurs 12th Jan - Livingston Having a bacterial infection ... read more
Hostel Pernico :)

As we approach another Saturday (time is just FLYING by!) I should tell you about the rad Saturday I just had last week, and some other stuff I've been up to! If you can't tell yet, my soul needs some pretty frequent replenishing of things that are awesome, luckily I don't have a hard time finding those kinds of things. Last week we had a teachers retreat at a beautiful centre, so that was a nice mid week break (see the pictures to see why!). Got a chance to chat with my colleagues and just have a Wednesday off from teaching, which anyone can appreciate! We also got Friday off of teaching, because it was Garifuna Settlement Day on Saturday, a day to celebrate when the Garinagu people came to Belize from St. Vincent. The Garifuna ... read more
Church at Retreat Centre
view from the retreat centre
Khya and N'Gaii

(Pretend I posted this on time, when I first started writing it last weekend...) After a hard week at school I was in dire need of some spirit rejuvenation and some inspiration. And where else to look but to nature and history! In the morning, after the market for my veggies, I took a run out to the big hill at the back of town called Cerro Hill - about 5km from my house. After running way past where the "path" starts, I finally saw some people who I could ask about it. I was a little tentative about asking two men where the tiny, lonely, far from town path was when I was clearly alone, but I figured if I got weird vibes, I would take note of the entrance and come back another day. ... read more
Wire Rope
But what a view!
The sea

What better place to relax and recover than my friend's private eco-beach retreat in southern Belize! David and Wayne had been inviting me down to their new home just north of the small village (and I mean small - like 30 people) of Punta Negra, and finally our calendars coordinated! I got a ride to their place with them and the Punta Negra school teacher, Teach, who was wearing a Green Bay Packers hat! All right!! We took an amazing journey through the mangroves and past Monkey River, dropping Teach off at the Punta Negra point....where about 6 homes are sitting along a rapidly eroding beachline. Most of the villagers came out to greet us, and we hollered that we'd be back in a few days for "the birthday party!" (I don't remember the little girls' ... read more
Looking south
Great sand here!
Bocchi court

This post is only... a month late? I wanted to post about some places I've had the chance to go lately but when I tried to post the pictures (more than a hundred of them, I'm a little camera happy) on Facebook, my internet cut out - making me lose all my edits and captions. My frustration pushed me out the door for a walk, and I abandoned the posts and then life went on and now, here we are - either way, better late than never right? So I have had the chance to do a few cool little trips around Belize since I've been here. I already posted about my weekeday-weekend in Placencia (where I will be returning to next weekend hopefully, with my friend Gomi, to get some of their famed gelato from ... read more
Beach in Dangriga
K in Dangriga

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