Page 2 of nusilusi Travel Blog Posts

There are sidewalks in the jungle. Imagine your morning commute, instead of driving, you walk barefoot for 2.5 hours along a beautiful beach in the caribean, a few small jungle trails and pass the community of Cayo Paloma. After crossing a bridge over the water, you come to a shaded jungle trail- with a cement sidewalk and the steepest stairway you will ever see in the jungle. This is Steven’s daily commute- one way- to the community of Tobobe on the Peninsula Valiente in Bocas del Toro. He walks 5 hours daily to teach a sewing class all day and earns $20.00 a day. This is a very good wage in Panama but the course is only a few months long. Then Steven will have to look for work again. Until then, he makes the long ... read more

North America » Canada » Alberta » Edmonton July 8th 2010

So I missed the trip to Elk Island to see deer, bison, etc because I thought I wouldn;t get back in time to make my flight (little did I know!). I was also a bit bummed to miss hockey season in Canada, thinking no one cares about hockey when it's 85 degrees and sunny until 11 pm. Then I found out about Oilers Prospect Camp. I made my way to a small local hockey rink in Clareview to watch 2 hours of the Edmonton Oilers hockey prospects camp. Some are 18 year old kids drafted out of high school, college kids from the US, or older junior league players from Canada. The hot prospects are Eberle, Taylor Hall (who looks like he belongs in the Twight movies), and Magnus from Sweeden. And man was Magnus good. ... read more

North America » Canada » Alberta » Edmonton July 8th 2010

I'm still stuck in Edmonton. Long story short DO NOT use SKY SHUTTLE to get to the airport even if you are broke. It took 2 hours to make a 35 minute ride. It is now 10:30 and I am back at the Sutton Place, a lovely hotel, were I was given 20 dollars worth of free food and drink and free chocholate covered strawberries. Thank you! I still am amazed by the fact it is light out at 10:38 pm. Not broad day light but twilight which is why I am still awake. I had a great time at the ice rank today which I'll put in a new post. ... read more

North America » Canada » Alberta » Edmonton July 7th 2010

I arrived just in the knick of time for my poster session. I brought only carry-on items, breezed through customs in 5 minutes, and took a taxi directly to the Shaw Center. By 6:05 pm my poster was up at the session at the International Congress of Conservation Biology. Yeah! My advisor arrived at 6:45 or so. This was my first time to meet her in person and I will not see her again until I graduate. A bit wild but it's the Prescott College way. Edmonton is an okay city. I skipped the meeting festivites tonight and headed to the Edmonton Capitals baseball game. They beat Tijuana Cimmarrones 14-5. It was fun and more people were there than the tourism agent at Edmonton Tourism told me would be there. The capitals are in the Golden ... read more

As usual, Chuck really did his homework. We are staying in a cabin right on the Quileute River. The river is gorgeous and the cabin much nicer than our old apartment. The owners decorated with handmade furnishings and found an "old" fashioned refridge and stove to look like the 1940's. Tonight we'll go to La Push and see the ocean. Should be equally as gorgeous and chilly tonight. ... read more

There is a saying in spanish "borrocho de sueno" (there is a squiggly over the n) -drunk with sleep. Well I am suffering from a Panama hangover. I got home last night after a 17 hour journey from Gamboa to Panama, then DFW, LAX and finally San Diego. My cell phone died in the middle of the night and I thought the beeping was monkeys calling. I was confused why the floor was suddenly so comfortable and why was it so cold? Shouldn't I have been sweating and swatting mosquitos? Luckily I did not arrive home sick this time and the only hitchhikers were a few tiny ticks. Tommorrow the Panama hang-ver will be gone and I'll start planing the next one:) I've downloaded my pics and hope to write a few more back blogs about ... read more

This morning one tamarin was darted at the Gamboa Eco-resort. It was a young female. Unfortunately, the dart factured her leg. I guess this happens frequently but the majority of the animals return to the forest and heal over time. So she will be released later once we find the tamarins again. The tamarins live in a small forest patch between the Gamboa canal zone houses and the Gamboa resort. Many local families-who work for STRI- fed them bananas in the morning. This makes it easy to track them and low enough for Bob to dart them. Today, the Authoridad Canal Panama, is cutting down large trees and limbs in the neighborhood. We have spotted tamarins in several of the same trees they are cutting. I asked the jefe today why they are cutting them. It ... read more
Clementina and family
Flash grating coco

Well I figured out how to catch a falling monkey. You use bird netting, the same kind used to mist net birds. We caught 2 mono titi- tamarin monkeys in the neighborhood where we are staying. They were literally right across the street from the house in Gamboa where we are staying. It is a little surreal to see monkeys from the porch window of a canal zone style house. The monkeys are fed by the family who lives in the house across the street. Very easy to catch and see them! I will write more later when I have more time, Holly... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Chiriquí » David March 7th 2008

I am still in avid waiting to take the midnight bus to Panama City. I hate getting there at night so I'm on this bus arrives at 530 AM where I will meet up with the other monkey researchers. Bugging out in Panama I have so many bites and picasones, I'm itchy, from the bugs here. On Isla Popa there were chitras/ sandflies which can drive any ngabe or gringa loca, colradios/ciggers which itch for weeks ans zancaudo/ mosquitos which are not as bad since it is the dry season, even in Bocas. I wonder what awaits me the next 9 days in Soberana National Park and Gamboa. Coconut Oil I'll put up some pictures and another description later but I helped Clementina make coconut oil on Tuesday. She gave me some to bring home and ... read more

Europe March 7th 2008

I am now in a very purple hostel in David, Chiriqui Panama. I left Isla Popa in the morning and spent the day in Bocas with Clementina and her family. I forgot how hot Bocas is and how fast I burn here! I was a little bummed I didn't get to eat my favorite food, jonny cake, beacsuae it wasn't made yet. I was able to get one later in Almirante though. Isla Popa was good to see again. Yesterday, several groups of tourists came by to see the community, buy beadwork and chacaras and play volleyball. It was a little strange to be on the otherside of tourism-They were staring at me and wondering why I was there! I ended up taking the first group around the community because they spoke english. In the afternoon ... read more

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