Katherine Rickert


Katherine Rickert

My name is Katie and I am 19 years old. I am currently a student at Northern Arizona University. I am majoring in Sociology with a minor in Social Work. I hope to some day with with children in third world countries or else work with adoptions wherever I am needed 😊

I love to travel and I believe I will be doing it for the rest of my life. Last summer I spent 3 weeks in Brazil volunteering with Cross Cultural Solutions. This past fall I spent 2 months in Thailand also volunteering with CCS and this summer I will be spending a month in Cape-town South Africa volunteering again.

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town June 2nd 2009

Hello everyone!! I hope this blog finds you all well. I have now been in Cape-town South Africa for 4 days and I LOVE it :) My trip to get here was also probably one of the easiest I have ever experienced. I left Boston at 930 at night on Thursday and arrived in London at 8 in the morning on Friday. I had a twelve hour layover there so I had contacted another girl who was also going to be volunteering with me, who also had a 12 hour layover and we decided to meet up and go walk around London for the day. I have wanted to come to London ever since I can remember, I have always said that England would be the place I chose to settle down when I got older ... read more
South Africa

North America » United States » Arizona » Flagstaff April 12th 2009

Hello Everyone!!! It has been a VERY long time since I have written a blog entry, and that is probably because I had completed my travels and once again have returned to Northern Arizona University. I have been very busy with classes and other fun stuff. But summer is only 4 weeks away!!! YIPPY!!! And it is time to let you all know what my plans for this summer are... At the end of the semester I will be moving in with my friends Halley and Courtney in a 3 bedroom Sublet right off campus. I am very excited about this! I could not be moving in with nicer people. After I have moved in I will be heading home to New Hampshire for 3 weeks...yes ONLY three weeks. Hopefully these three weeks will be fun ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Trang November 20th 2008

Sorry I haven't written a blog in about 2 weeks (even with mommy nagging me about it almost every day) but it has been a crazy few weeks and I haven't really had time to write or really felt like writing for that matter. But here it goes... Monday 11/10: Work was good, it was just Sam and I which was really weird since I've been used to having either Ashley or Nicole with me the whole time, but Sam is really good with the kids too. I don't believe anything really special happened, at least nothing that stuck in my mind(obviously). After work we had a free day. Went to bed pretty early. Tuesday 11/11: Again work wasn't anything special and neither was after work. Wednesday 11/12: After work today Khem and Jack ordered pizza ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Trang November 10th 2008

So this weekend we decided to hit up Koh Phi Phi again because a lot of the people in our group hadn't been there yet. It was Sam's last weekend, and Nicole was supposed to leave Friday but decided to leave Monday and come to Phi Phi with us. We left around 6:30 in the morning on Friday to get the 7oclock public bus to Krabi. The ferry ride from Krabi to Phi Phi was nice and quick and the weather held out and didn't rain at all on the way there. It was nice seeing as how the last time we went to Phi Phi it rained the whole ferry ride there. We got to town around 1 and went to our hotel to get changed into our swim suites and then go and get ... read more
Cool Coral

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Trang November 4th 2008

So as I start to write this entry it is Tuesday night here in Thailand and Tuesday morning for the rest of you guys and hopefully you guys are all heading to the polls or thinking of doing so later today. I can't wait to see who the next president will be. It is going to be very weird to come home to a country under a new presidency and in great economic trouble. So on to more Thailand. Monday 11/3: After not feeling so good on Sunday my cold got even worse and I woke up on Monday with a very bad sore throat, so I did not go to work. But all the other volunteers (excluding myself, ashley and nicole) have all been working at English camps for the past month, and this week ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Trang November 2nd 2008

So I have honestly been so bad at this whole updating my blog thing and I wanted to apologize. I've just had a lot on my mind lately and just haven't really felt like writing. Friday 10/31: So after the knife making thing we headed off to Koh Lanta...again. This time hopefully the weather would be ten times nicer then it was last weekend. It was a 3 hour drive on a van that was VERY uncomfortable. The weather was really nice on the way there so we had high hopes. The resort we were staying at... Southern Lanta...was a really nice resort. It was bungalow style and right on the beach. The beach that this hotel was on was 10 times better then the one last weekend too. By the time we got there though ... read more
Kiri and Ashley
The elephants
More elephants

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Trang November 2nd 2008

By the way that last entry was regarding the weekend of October 23rd and not the weekend of October 31st. Monday 10/27: So this weekend we got some new volunteers, 7 to be exact. There are 3 volunteers under the age of 30 and the rest are 50 and up. Its really weird having other people here besides us. They are all very nice and seem to be very excited about being in Thailand. Work today was the same as usual. WinWin who last week had actually seemed to be getting used to being at Day Care and had stopped crying all day long, decided that nope, he didn't like day care and continued all day to cry. It was very annoying but really sad at the same time. The part that stinks is that he ... read more
The Knife making place

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Trang October 28th 2008

This weekend was a really fun laid back one compared to some others. There were only four of us that decided to go together, Kiri, Nicole, Sam and myself and we ended up island hopping instead of staying in one place the whole four days. We started off our weekend going to Koh Phi Phi and boy was that a shocking adventure. The minute we landed we couldn't stop thinking how could anyone come here and think they are having a Thai experience. Every where you look there are furangs(thai word for foreigner), usually here in Trang its unbelievable to see another tourist but in Phi Phi it was like we had to try and look for Thai people. It was kinda sad. But it was a really fun time :) I got a lot of ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Trang October 22nd 2008

Monday October 20th Tuesday October 21st we( nicole, ashley and I) headed to work as usual. About an hour into the day this nurse lady(she is actually the director of the nursing college) came and asked if we wanted to go on a tour of Trang Hospital. So we headed off. we got to go into the operating room, although there was no one in there and we got to see all the different wards and the most amazing part..... WE GOT TO HOLD ONE DAY OLD THAI BABIES!!!!! Oh my goodness it was AMAZING!! Like honestly the most amazing experience in the whole entire world. THey were so small and so cute and I absolutely loved it. I would have to say it was a once in a lifetime experience...and of course non of us ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Trang October 21st 2008

So I'm pretty sure that from now on i'll be writing blogs for the week before, just because I never have time to just sit every day and write about what I did that week. So yup. Monday 8/13- Another busy day with the children, we did a lot of dancing and signing and played with playdoh, you know the usual. After work Sam, Kiri and I road the bikes to Tesco in a thunderstorm, it was POURING out but it was so much fun. We went so that Sam could buy a camera and it was also language lesson and we didn't want to go (mom i know, im sorry! but the classes are SO boring!!) Thai is such a hard language to learn. Its a tonal language meaning that every word has 5 different ... read more
Nicole and ....

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