Page 21 of Xeaman Travel Blog Posts

North America » United States » Florida » Riviera Beach April 25th 2012

I didn't write a log today so Im just posting photos.... read more
white nose pipefish

North America » United States » Florida » Riviera Beach April 23rd 2012

I skipped the dive yesterday simply because I was a wuzz: I didn’t want to drive and I didn’t want the cold. Steve said to me: I bet You the Girlz are going to find 8 dworfs and you are going to miss it. And gave me the “Kovacs” look. I couldn’t wait till they get out of the water to find out what they saw: Almost exactly that: Not 8 but 6, plus 2 of my Nodosas between other interesting critters. Ah? Foggies? Yeah Froggies every where. Where? Every where!!!! Ahhrrr I couldn’t wait to go find them the next day. I made sure I got all the directions right. Got to the bridge way before time with all my equipment double checked and got in the water confident I was going to find them. ... read more
Pink horn seahorse

North America » United States » Florida » Riviera Beach April 19th 2012

Like always I was looking forward to my night dive. My plan was to investigate if my mini shrimp were visible at night. Obviously never saw one. As soon I got in the water I realized I had weight problems. I thought I was using the AL tank by mistake. At the end of the dive I finally put it together: I forgot my weight pockets. I didn’t want to bother getting out of the water to reweight myself and decided to continue the dive and do something different. Maybe shoot some fish. I saw a cute angel fish and fit it on my frame and shot it. When I zoomed in on it I saw a shrimp cleaning its gill. How fun is that? Cool. I got closer to take a better shot and I ... read more
Cleaner Shrimp
Arrow crab with eggs
Cleaner Shrimp

North America » United States » Florida » Riviera Beach April 17th 2012

HT was at 6 pm I was going to have a late drive back home. I dove with Deb’s 100 cc that I like so much. I started the dive looking for the B. Nodosa and the black seahorse with pink horns. Viz was low and particulated. I found a couple of “Mena” shrimp with curly tale. One sand color and pics are a blotch and another dark color like the one I saw back in January. I needed the mindset for it so left it behind and I moved on. I found a very cooperative Bridge Mimic Octo with stripes on the legs. I had lots of fun with it for a while. Then I found an Orangina but I was having trouble focusing because of the surge. On my way out I saw a ... read more
Dragonete displaying mating colors
Curly tail shrimp
Black Mantis with red eyes

North America » United States » Florida » Riviera Beach April 16th 2012

We had lunch with the girlz and Bob. I think it was the day we celebrated Lindas last day at work and Lureen's promotion :) We enter the water 2 hrs before high tide. Our mission was to find the shrimp with curly tail: "My" shrimp. Woooo the current was still strong and 10 ft viz. So it is easy to imagine that I lost my buddy pretty soon after we got in the water. I searched for the nodosa for a while with no luck. Diane showed me a colorful fish that later got identified as a rare Red Goatfish and Deb found my black seahorse with pink horns but it didn’t have the porcelain crab on it. I moved on to the curly shrimp tail grass and immediately found one. I saw 4 more: ... read more
Red goatfish
Fish with some sort of parasite…possibly
Dusky with eggs

North America » United States » Florida » Riviera Beach April 15th 2012

Steve and I did two dives today. The first dive we did 1 hr and 20 min. SK found a jaw fish he has never seen before and made me take an ID shot to show around. Now we think is a moustache Jawfish but not confirmed yet. Then I found a bunch of white skeleton shrimp very pregnant and tried to shoot some camouflaged shrimp but the photos are ugly. In the second dive I took Deb, Linda and Diane straight to the area where I saw the Nodosa two dives ago. I was lucky enough to find it. Maybe I just had fresh eyes. So cool. It has a lot of potential to use creative lighting with it. While Deb was shooting it I found more pregnant skeleton and the shrimp with curly tale. ... read more
Nodosa with Parasite Eggs
NUdi ID Please
Dusky with eggs

North America » United States » Florida » Riviera Beach April 13th 2012

I was late for the dive on Friday but I didn’t realize it until I got there. I didn’t feel like rushing. It was a bit windy and I was late already so had my time have my cappuccino and bagel with cream cheese and jelly. I headed to the log and south of it nothing there, I checked the edge with the channel and nothing so I photographed my orange skeleton that had given birth to its babies. I stopped by nudi world and found SK snooting one of the duskies with the younger eggs. I took him to the one with more developed eggs and hanging around I found 2 playful Sailfin blennies doing a full display of the fin and eating. One of the strobes wasn’t firing so my photos have an ugly ... read more
Sailfin blenny just about to swallow a big brittle star. Shot I missed!

North America » United States » Florida » Riviera Beach April 12th 2012

I dove with Linda and Anne. We were on the froggie mission and Anne was going on her third attempt to photograph the F. Marcussorum. On the way to Nudi world I saw a big banded Jaw fish with young eggs and a fish I have never seen before. Then Linda found a small dusky with pretty big eggs. In the meantime I saw 2 spiders that look like mating on of them was “Deb’s spider” with eggs. Then we wonder for ages looking for something different with no luck. Linda suggested to go under the bridge and I followed. We saw a flatworm I didn’t take pictures of, a few nudis and my final find: another dusky with pretty well developed eggs. Wow I don’t think I have seen eggs that big before. Then I ... read more
Baeolidia Nodosa
Jawfish with eggs
Hypselodoris Ruthae

North America » United States » Florida » Riviera Beach April 11th 2012

Dive with the mucksters. We found the marcussorum laying eggs. If you look closer you can see the eggs coming out of the body. The pregnant seahorse is getting bigger. Dedicated the dive to look for some secret subjects I didn’t find.... read more
Pregnant seahorse
Dusky Jaw Fish
Favorinus Nudi (I think)

North America » United States » Florida » Riviera Beach April 10th 2012

I was running late to dive with Linda and I got to Bhhb just when she was getting in the water. Quickly we planned the dive. I met her at the dip where she had found a Super mini Melo. I tried to take a photo but immediately it put its face inside a hole so cute. Like I wouldn’t see it if I didn’t see it’s face. Left it alone and we moved to the dwarf froggie area and searched with no luck. I spotted an orange skeleton shrimp and I decided to place my backdrop and shoot it. Hopefully one would come out sharp. Linda left me her flag and waved me bye. As soon as she left something jumped and hide behind the snoot’s bags that I was using to hold my back ... read more
Melo hiding

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