The Sutts' Guestbook

28th February 2014

Brilliant memories
Dear Angela, It was great to read this blog and the one before, several weeks ago, was a fantastic resumé of our PBCC charity trek. I look forward to reading how it went in Goa! Also, greatly looking forward to the group's reunion walk in the Cotswolds on Sunday 16th March.. All the very Best, Zoe
9th January 2014

What an amazing time you've had Ange - I've loved reading about your journey and many incredible experiences.......what a brilliant adventure! Fab photos too - hope you are feeling better after the malaria tablets.
6th January 2014

New experiences
I enjoyed your blog. New experiences and new cultures are wonderful. Makes life worth living.
29th October 2013

Crook Peak
Glad the training is going well Ang and enjoyed the photos on your trip up Crook Peak, Lucy x
26th January 2011

The Ultimate Tourist
My name is Jennie, and i would just like to inform you that there now is a webpage called, where tourists from around the world finally can get some use from all these photos they have of themsleves, posing by different landmarks and attractions. Here you can choose from over one hundred attractions and typical touristic activities, upload your photos and collect one tourist point for each photo (Remember you have to be in the photo yourself, to prove you were actually there..:). Reach different levels and everybody over 80 points will become Ultimate Tourists. So if you want to compete with your photos, or just spread the word, go inte Swedes are dominating the top 20 for the moment. Challenge them! :)
22nd August 2010

monte nora
it is so nice here i have been here :)
From Blog: Bloody Nora
29th June 2009

Ang. That was very good. Just read the whole blog from start to finish. Brought back some great memories. Clive. ps How is Biba?
29th June 2009

Rare Animal
My God Ang! You'd certainly give him a wide birth if you saw him coming the other way wouldn't you?
20th May 2009

Ange how on earth do you have the energy to write all this after such hardcore walks! Sounds like you'll definitely deserve the lovely break at the end. Hope you're all ok and have invested in some earplugs xxx
15th May 2009

Uh hum!
Im not too sure i like the "continuous noise that is the lovely Sarah" bit thank you very much....... god you haven't even seen me yet!!!!! Hopefully will be able to pop up that weekend to at least see you saturday night, Sar x
1st June 2008

And finally....
Great blog Ang, seeing the photos brings it all back (tho not sure a view of John, Clive, and Nick in his dressing gown, from Heather's dining room is something to write home about!!). Looking forward to our next 'amazing adventure'!
31st May 2008

Scotland goes wild over six!
That sounds like some fantastic walking country. If only we had some time when the weather wa sgood enough to get up there. One of the downsides of being in seasonal theatre I guess. Tell me, when you were round Loch Ness, did anyone point at Dave and start shouting "Monster, there's the monster, It's a lot bigger than I thought!" There, Didn't I promise you some comments. You never specified what sort!
27th May 2008

You have been so lucky with the weather, Sun and Mon were a complete washout here, only fit for ducks. Hope the good weather keeps up for the week. Shame about the City Clive, but I believe they put up a good show, just couldn't get it in the net! The traditionalist in me prefers the Championship to the Premiership anyway. Nicky I hope your foot is holding up well to the walks, I'm thinking of you. Looking forward to the next update. Sheila x
29th March 2008

Probably last comment as you will be back in Blighty next week. How quick has that gone? You should have fried the spider and had for dinner as I hear that is a local delicacy!! It's a gloomy wet Saturday afternoon here and Andy is asleep after a heavy night last night and a round of gold this morning! Amy at work and Meg out swimming so I am having a bit of peace and "me" time on computer, rare these days. Don't know if you knew before you went or not but Sarah is pregnant, due 11 September. The pictures from CJ are amazing!! I want all of them not just mine! We have already hung ours and I can't stop looking at it. CJ told me she has nabbed Josh again for another session! Safe journey home, see you soon. Ceri x
From Blog: Paradise
29th March 2008

Hi there
Hi you two, I can't believe you are in your final week already. The dinner party is looming fast now, but it's all under control :-) We've missed seeing Biba but it sounds like she has been well fed by the boys again. That sounds terrible, of course we have missed you too!!!! Looking forward to the stories on Saturday night. Safe journey home. Sheila xx
From Blog: Paradise
27th March 2008

wish I was there!!
Hi ang and Dave sorry I keep missing your calls have been ill for a week in bed for couple of days so easter was great fun think I need a little bit of paradise in my life. What a great place dont think I woud like the spider either but I guess they come with the terrortary (spelt wrong) enjoy you last week cant wait to hear all you stories love to you both karen n co xx
From Blog: Paradise
26th March 2008

Hi Guys. Some great pics. Looks and sounds amazing (Tarantula's apart) Cows on the beach? that's a new one, don't think Nikki would be very impressed with a sight like that if she were sunbathing on a tropical island. Took Biba (have i spelt that correctly) out with us for a walk around the Chepstow area Good Friday, she was in the front passenger footwell in my old banger with Johnny sat in the passenger seat with his feet on the windscreen (you had to be there really, very funny) Biba had the seat to herself on the journey back, Johnny had had enough and sat in the back with the girls. She was very good though on the walk, no incidents at all, mind you i don't think we came across another dog all day so she wasn't really tested i suppose. Have a great time over the remaining day's left. Wont be long now before you are back in good old BS20
From Blog: Paradise
25th March 2008

SPIDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! alert
Nice to be in contact again, did'nt you bump into any of your friends on Bamboo Island? well we missed the snow but froze over Easter, most people did'nt know if it was Christmas or Easter!. Everything is fine at no;11, Beba has put on a bit of weight, but enjoyed her walk with Macy, I'll go down again tomorrow. no news so will close take care, Love Mum and Dadxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From Blog: Paradise
21st March 2008

Amazing hol
hello you guys! You will be on the island now and having a fantastic time no doubt. The place looks idyllic. What a fab idea selling seafood on the beach - a business opportunity for Trethias perhaps? Keep safe. x
20th March 2008

Greetings from Posset
Hi you two, I've been following the blog, you are doing well to keep it updated so regularly. Sounds like you are having a great time and the Island sounds very restful, reckon I could hack that bit. We haven't started to panic about the dinner party yet, but give it a week and we will be! Some snow is forecast for the Easter weekend, so we are off to Devon in the van, we must be mad. If they don't have hot water there will be a riot! Take care, see you soon.
17th March 2008

looks fab
Well I am impressed you must spend a lot of time writing, looks like a fantastic adventure. Some bits sound a little trying (cant see me ever doing this) but love reading your reports (you should write for a travel company). Lovely to hear from you on monday loved daves asian dialect. take care xxxx
From Blog: Land of The Gods
16th March 2008

Hi, hope this gets to you previous ones I've sent have'nt arrived, you seem to be having a very hectic but nice time, Dave you'll have to hire yourself out to all the local groups ie;Jam and jerusalem, with talks of your holidays. Your friends look interesting!. Amy won a cup in her drama exam! keeping my eye on boys and Beba, alls well. Love you Mum and Dadxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From Blog: Land of The Gods
14th March 2008

Glad youre having great time. As per previous posts the weather is awful here, as I knew it would be as I have just picked up my mid-life crisis car :( Count yourself lucky is wasnt Lee Hirst they we after at Dom Kralor, Duncan Disorderly would have been in jail now getting raped by Mr BIG in the shower :-0
9th March 2008

Looks fab
Hi to you both Glad you arrived safe and sound, luv the land rover looks like its not long for this world! Your little house looks very quaint, was it well equipt? Everything is fine here we are just awaiting a very big storm that has been forcast for tonight (sun). 80 mile an hour winds have been predicted so it should be a rough old night. Mike is just about to watch rovers in the quater finals of the FA cup (hope they win) and did you know that barnsley knocked out chelsea yesterday, apparently a fantastic result. Missing you ang! would love to be swimming in the pool even if it is with a silver backed ape! Dave you really looked at home in there just like tarzan. Have fun and be safe lots of love to both of you Karen xxxx
5th March 2008

bloody jealous
bet your bloody jealous of us back in blighty -5 c at night hard work and I didnt even have to pay for any flight at all to get the jelly belly ! Is that silverback naked ? Its a bit to far for us to spring a surprise like Dave gave us in Sept.(wish we all could) Love and miss you both, The Doughty clan.

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