Albrecht Schmidtler


Albrecht Schmidtler

My name is not real...

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand » Nakhon Si Thammarat December 30th 2014

Happy new year everybody! I am sorry for not continuing my blog but apparently I am so busy with other things. We reached Koh Chang, I travelled to Shenzhen over Christmas and now I am back in Khanom. I am fine, I hope you are too...... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Sukhothai December 9th 2014

I had to give my muscle a break so I hitchhiked. The very first pick up stopped and gave me a ride until almost Thung Saliam where I checked us in into a nice little hotel. This day was rather uneventful apart from a temple and the pics are from Mo and Alex. And it was not so convenient to sit in the back of a pickup, trying to hold the bicycle with one hand and myself with the other...... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Lampang December 8th 2014

Today we passed what we thought might be a tough mountain ride. However from our side it was a nice 20km descent, enjoyable and relaxed. Finally the climbing all the last days paid off. Unfortunately my muscle got a lot worse, especially from not moving it while rolling down the hill. We arrived in Thoen, where we found only one hotel with a reaonable price but awful rooms. The highlight there was Tony, my jumping spider!... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Lampang December 7th 2014

Only about 65 years ago, a monk called Kuba Wong lived in a rather small temple. The town was actually not existing, it was just the temple. At the same time there was a tribe, the “Karean” (if I got that right) that lived in the mountains nearby. They were poor, had no schools, no doctors and lived from farming drugs. Kuba Wong led the whole tribe down to the temple and within a decade this town was built around the temple (actually there are two large temple areas and the town is built around it). Today they count about 25.000 people here and still are hardly known to google or any other of our well-informed society. Really extraordinary is, that Kuba Wong ordered all the pople to live vegan. In the whole town, everybody eats ... read more
vegan food
vegan food
vegan food

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai December 7th 2014

Our today’s trip would lead us further east from lake Doi Tao. We had no exact destination to go as we did not find any accommodation in the internet. We decided to go to a place with many roads, that were set in an odd way, reminding us of US city planning and look for a place to sleep there. We started around 7 a.m., the weather was cloudy and we were making acceptable speed along the rural road. Of course the endless up and down the hill slowed us down. Unfortunately one of my muscles started making problems and until noon it hurt so bad that I could basically not bike any more. At lunch break I had to take a painkiller and started to push my bike up a steep hill. It was really ... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai December 6th 2014

We continued finally, started early to avoid the sun and ran into an almost endless list of ups and downs. It got really exhausting in the early afternoon with the high sun and my feet started cooking inside my shoes which made me rest about only 4 km from our target lake Doi Tao. In this area there are actually no hotels or guesthouses documented in the internet and so we asked our way to a small ressort with very friendly people and a fantastic view. Enjoy the pics that might be below.... read more
and pass we did
view from the bungalow to the lake

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand December 3rd 2014

About 80 km through beautiful landscapes, up and down the hill. Enjoy the pics. After having arrived we found a Thai hotel for 900 Baht for a 3-beds bedroom and checked in. In the night Alex got sick and vomited a few times. Also I was feeling quite exhausted after the mountain and the long ride so we decided to stay 2 days and get our laundry done. Mo used the next day to ride up the highest mountain in Thailand – one of the hardest rides for bcyclists in the world and famous for it. With my deepest respect I must say he really did it! Congratulations!... read more
somewhere in Thailand
Water break
So green

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai December 2nd 2014

Cycling in Chiang Mai The guys decided to go up the mountain to the famous monastery/temple up there and so I followed them – stupid as I am. It was a tough ride, about 800 height meters on 12 km. While cycling upwards I saw many pickups bringing up people with bicycles just to let them ride down. That is not my style I thought and so I fighted my way up, curve by curve, meter by meter until with a final effort at the steepest last 200 meter I arrived at the temple – where I did not take the some-hundred stairs up but the lift J I documented the ride down with the GoPro and sped it up to reduce the 18 minutes downwards to 5. Have fun watching it! After that I returned ... read more
Doi Suthep temple
Doi Suthep donation temple
Me arriving at Doi Suthep

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai December 1st 2014

Many pics at the end of the page... So on Thursday I finally left Khanom. I felt a bit sad but on the other hand I was looking forward to experience something new. I took the night bus to Bangkok but us usually I did not sleep long or well in the bus. As always there was some water and a dinner included and there was also boss-strike weekend with my favourite game so I somehow managed to get over the night. As expected I arrived 4:30 am in Bangkok but not (as also expected) at the Southern Bus Terminal SaiTai but some station rather in the northern part of Bangkok. Well – a GPS always comes in handy… After arriving at the station, I assembled my bicycle again and waited for the sun to rise. ... read more
...and dissabsembled for the bus
...the bus
Early morning in Bangkok - ugly road

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand » Nakhon Si Thammarat November 26th 2014

Hi everybody! This is for now my last night in Khanom. Tomorrow I will take a night bus to Bangkok where I will meet my road-mates Alex and Mo on saturday. We will take a night train to Chiang Mai on sunday and then finally the cycling part of this trip will start. I will have more to blog then. Nothing much happened in Khanom, I am sitting with friends in the evening, eating and I went to a massage twice now. So I am fine... I hope that you are all ok. Photos below...... read more
Friends at dinner
And Khun-An, friend and my daily cook

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