Call 2 Adventure's Guestbook

13th August 2008

Hi Son- Bill and I are having a great time in Victoria. We just got off a sail boat that went out for 3 hrs out into the Straight of Juan De Fuca. Celebrating our 1 yr anniversary today! We googled Lizette and got a good look at her-she is a doll! Love you!!! Happy 2 yrs in NZ!
12th August 2008

Stay There
stay in NZ. that part of the world has a future. America has became old world bypassed by the multinational corporations. NZ will be the food basket for the Far East. Auzzie will be the raw materials commodities source for the booming economies there. America's future has been cast by the Neocons and Bush. War and more war with the Middle East and the Muslim religion. McCain/Bush will drag America into an invasion of Iran withing 2 years, requiring the draft of all men under the age of 40. Stay there, live long and prosper.
29th July 2008

Congratulations on your victory. Now, are darts in your future?
22nd July 2008

poor knights I keep missing. It is definately on my to do list though.Sorry to see you have gone to the dark side of dry suits - I have a nasty habit of undoing zippers just as people are getting out of the water Mooohhahhahahahaaaah!
29th June 2008

What kind of sea life did you see? Do you require an underwater light to see? Am so glad you are having fun!
25th June 2008

Great Pics!
Great pics! Glad to see you include yourself in some of them.
23rd June 2008

Great sea and diving photos
Best treatment for sea sickness is a greasy raw porkchop on a string, swallow and pull back up. Removes all offending particles left in stomach. Glad you didn't have a Great White lunch on the bottom
16th June 2008

Hi Bill
Thanks for the feedback. We had a great time filming.
14th June 2008

Soft Porn?
is Soft Porn supposed to make one laugh? stick with the farm field shots boy. sheep are more your speed. keep making those "Kind" of films and Bush's Secret Police "Homeland Security" will have a special greeting for you on your next visit.
11th June 2008

Hi mom. Thanks for that. My comment on money was said more in jest rather than in seriousness... see the smiley face. I manage my finaces well and get to do a number of crazy things during the month and there's still cash at the end of the month. Thanks for the inspiration. much love- d
11th June 2008

Great quote
Son- I am so proud of you in that you have taken the risks you have in order to see the other side of the mountains, the other side of the seas. You have gained a perspective most never realize in their entire life. Yes, it has brought a financial cost you did not expect, but.....when you look deeper you see the richness traveling and working in foreign countries has brought to your life. This very well could pay off financially in time but do not focus on that. Note this quote by Thoreau I found just for you: "Our houses are such unwieldy property that we are often imprisoned rather than housed by them." You may not be able to afford to purchase a home right now because of the high cost of living in NZ but you have gained life experience that many home owners do not have. The time will come when where ever you decide to settle down and make home all will come together and you will feel a deeper sence of peace. Just give yourself that time and do not torment yourself for not living the "normal life". There is none! And if we settle for that how bored and boring we would be. Do not settle for what many of us have! Love, Mom
7th June 2008

A fun outing.
I certainly enjoyed reading this blog, and would have loved to been along on this trip and bike ride. My problem would have been the morning after the night before! What a tough ride it would have been for me on Sunday. Jim
27th May 2008

I wish we could have been in the Crystal Palace, with all of you and the mustyness! We'll be watching for the link to U-Tube. Thanks for keeping us up to date with all the great happinings in Auckland. When I was a kid in Tacoma, The Crystal Palace was the farmers market up on Market Street! Jim Lesniak
27th May 2008

Any Sheep in the Movie?
from "Casablanca" "Captain Renault: I've often speculated why you don't return to America. Did you abscond with the church funds? Run off with a senator's wife? I like to think you killed a man. It's the Romantic in me. Rick: It was a combination of all three. "
26th May 2008

Twsenty Three Sidoo!
Sure wish that I could attend this presentation. I have always loved the Roaring Twenties, its music, styles, culture and of course the 1920's automobiles, hence my 1925 Chrysler that you saw when you were here. You are enjoying a great life with great people in NZ and wow, the parties at your place must be a ton of fun! The mornings after, do you ever scratch your head about 3 feet out from your nose? Hee He! Jim Lesniak
23rd May 2008

Oooops, I think we have lost you.
Hi Donavin, Recieiving your blogs is always a hot spot in my week or day. It is so much fun to enjoy the excitement in your life, in NZ. Now that I have read "colour" in your comments, I am worried that your roots have gone down too far in NZ to return to the gray PNW!? Melinda and I are glad that you are having such an extraordinarily beautiful experience down under, and from all the wonderful experiences that you have shared with us, I am hopefull of visiting NZ some day. I have a friend in Wahi Beach, that hopefully is still around. I just do not know how to look him up. He worked with me at Metro KC and retired to Wahai to live with his daughter. World Cavalcade travelogs that I have seen over the years, still resonate with me, and the beauty of NZ that I have seen on the screen is something that I hope to enjoy first hand, in my lifetime. Say hello for met to M. Marcos, my "DeSoto" look alike. Glad that you have found such wonderful friends in Auckland. Jim Lesniak
19th May 2008

Hairy NZ Beasts
Poor Jolly, nipple hairs sticking out over the breast line of his dress. straight razor time. leave the nipples please
8th May 2008

Frig Bottles
Is that paint thinner or toe nail cleaner in the blue, green and clear bottles in the frig?
8th May 2008

Women Are From the Far Side of Pluto
Boy, if you haven't learned about pouty lipped women yet, there is no hope for you whining, pessimistic and safety concerns come from their hormones. they also have a problem sticking with one ram. stick with the sheep boy, far simpler for us men to figure out
22nd April 2008

Fun, fun, fun!
Great that you and your flat mate celebrated moving into a new place. We do not celebrate good things often enough. That Heinekin looks good in the fridge but not as good as some of those NZ beers that I tried while there! I start my new job tomorrow....I am so pumped! A ways to drive....a 45 min drive. But the project of organizing the college's compensation structure for 60 positions will be a satisfying challenge. Our party went great over the weekend. We served Bill's employees and their spouses (16 of us in all) a five course dinner. The house was beautiful and the meal was tasty! We all had a good time getting to know one another better by playing the game 2 truths 1 lie! Miss you but so glad to hear how well your new place is working out. We are looking at dates to come next year to hike one of the great walks on the South island. Any recommendations for a hike?
21st April 2008

I see Zardov likes Ewes I have a title for your 48 hr flick "Those Aren't Giant Harvey the Rabbits in the Fields of NZ"
12th April 2008

Fun class
Tonight, on the John Tesh radio talk show, I heard that our ability to be creative is associated with trying new things all the time and reading tenatiously! A wine fun!
7th April 2008

Turn on the fun machine.
Looks as if everyone had a great time - so I take full credit.
6th April 2008

Bush Occupation NZ
Donovan douth scribeth "Recently the New Zealand government placed severe restrictions on everyone’s freedom of speech during election year sounds like Bush and the Neocons have invaded NZ
6th April 2008

Booze and Drugs
40 years of rock 'n roll booze, drugs and groupies will make you look and think like Ozzie Ozborne and act like Kiss and Ted Nugent

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