Into the Unknown


Into the Unknown!

Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away!

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go...

... You'll get mixed up, of course,
as you already know.
You'll get mixed up
with many strange birds as you go.
So be sure when you step.
Step with care and great tact
and remember that Life's
a Great Balancing Act.
Just never forget to be dexterous and deft.
And never mix up your right foot with your left.

And will you succeed?
Yes! You will, indeed!
(98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)

(Dr. Seuss)

I seem to be writing this blog at a rediculous belated post pace, so apologies are extended. I will make an attempt to catch you up on how my winter woes were nearly absolutely avoided - making an excellent beginning to this year of 2012. As I have come to be all too familiar with the winter in Beijing settled in with a fury and the typical "joys" of government controlled heating (set by date: November 15 - March 15) no matter how cold or mild, fierce Siberan winds, colds/flus which never quit, and knock-off UGGS falling apart mere days after purchase. (I have repaired mine by sewing them together again with dental floss so many times they look like some freaky frankenstien footwear). Needless to say, this level of uncomfortability is something I had come ... read more
Yum... Yum... Yum
View from the Bungalow
Packing up the Fish Sauce

Asia » China » Beijing » Dongcheng December 22nd 2011

This school year seems to be fraught with ill fate. Scarcely two weeks had passed before I contracted a ferocious case of head lice - a situation I have NEVER encountered during my life. At first I thought the itchy scalp was just a sensitive reaction to the change of temperature or my shampoo. Then one fine morning as I was helping the children out of their coats I happened to catch sight of myself in the mirrors which line our walls. Usually I try to avoid eye contact, so as not to horrify myself at my typical ragamuffin appearance - duly doused in snot and paint - but this particular morning a strange rustling of hair (sans wind) caught my attention. I peered in closer to discover the cause of this phenomenon and was horrified ... read more
Dance Monkey's Dance!
Our Epic Performance
Ta Da!

Asia » China » Beijing » Dongcheng November 10th 2011

Endless, endless apologies for not writing sooner. I am consumed with shame to realize that it's been nearly a year since my last entry. Inexcusable! Except for this ridiculous fast pace of life here that occasionally barely allows moments of respite and reflection coupled with the inclination and available energy to sit at the computer and type. I have also been suffering technical difficulties with my MacBook and was no longer able to upload photos or utilize anything beyond basic surfing. This can no longer be an excuse however! I am the proud new owner of a fabulous MacBook Pro (which I am still currently getting to know the ins and outs of, so patience please!) After not replacing my technology in nearly six years it's a fabulous feeling to have access to a machine that ... read more

Asia » China » Beijing December 28th 2010

I'm not back for Christmas... you won't notice me. You'll have rain: a drizzly pain, and presents under the tree... Strange to believe I have heralded in my second Christmas in Beijing. How short the year seems to be one again beholding my little plastic, blow-up tree, a tacky strand of lights draped over the tv, and have the gerbilish version of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" and "Jingle Bells" (sung in Chinese) blasting out from shops and restaurants. What did the holiday hold for Jennifer Lindsie? Thus far there has been a shortage of ridiculous festive work; which (I admit) isn't altogether disappointing. Finances, though always tight, aren't in the dire straights they were and I was hoping for a more quietly productive vacation. I have been attending some intensive Chinese classes during the ... read more
... Mariah Carey will work.
Coolest Co-Teachers Ever!
Cheering Wildly!

Asia » China » Beijing November 24th 2010

Life has continued on its mad merry way. It seems that since the dawn of this new semester I haven't caught hold of two consecutive moments to claim my own. My world has been filled with book weeks, UN Day, glue, glitter and paint-streaked jeans. Outside of this I have been slogging through a Multiple Intelligence Institute Course for a certificate in MI Theory (for school) and preparing for Parent-Teacher Conferences which are underway this week. Whew! Blistering barnacles, Beijing is cold! As usual, the weather here changes from balmy to bitter in the blink of an eye. November is one of the most miserable months here, as the government does not turn on the heat until mid-month... no matter the temperature. So Simon and I have experienced many the night of wrapping ourselves like tortillas ... read more
Maggie Cheng?
"In The Mood For Love"

Asia » China » Beijing August 20th 2010

Our summer descended upon us with a great bought of sultry and soggy type of heat. Walking out on certain days you feel as if you are being coated with slimy grime and are careful while breathing, as it is as if you can bite the air - it's that thick. The refreshment of a newly showered body lasts an average of four minutes in this humidity, and if it is a day with no sun these are truly dismal surroundings. I can't complain too bitterly however, as there have been a smattering of exceptional weather (of course always while I'm working) where it's an incredible joy to gaze out at the crisp blue sky (and occasional fluffy cloud!) while wandering about dappled in real sunlight. It's a heady joy. My "summer" has come to a ... read more
Rosita's Drawing
Love Note from Superman
Step One: Light Brown

Asia » China » Beijing July 21st 2010

There is this semi-conscious sort of sleep that for a frequent commuter is important to perfect. You see it all the time on buses and subways, people who have honed this skill to the art of sleeping while upright, able to drop off at a moments notice and awaken again perfectly timed upon arrival at their destination. Your body becomes used to the curves and stops to the point where your brain manages to shut off and charge itself, though the true transit pro never loses all lucidity. - I was musing over this as I was making my way over to a voice recording gig after completing a days work at school. I was bone tired (we've had a brutal amount of "end-of-year" paperwork due) and not overly enthusiastic over delaying my relaxing couch time ... read more

Asia » Hong Kong » Kowloon June 26th 2010

"Why your visa not right?" - was a phone call I received during the final stages of the Dragon Boat Festival we celebrated mid June. A few weeks previous I had finally submitted all required documents to my agency for them to apply and obtain a "Z" (working) visa for me, at this point in the game any phone call I was expecting was one to inform me that my nightmare was over and I could finally pick up my working permit. Alas, it should have been expected that my personal ill-fate was not through sending stumbling blocks to trip me up! I gradually came to understand that the visa run I had taken in April was a miserable failure as the agency I hired to obtain the Hong Kong visa did not in fact issue ... read more

Asia » Hong Kong » Kowloon April 6th 2010

The undersides of my feet are dyed a dusky indigo blue, as for some inexplicable reason I figured an adventure to Hong Kong a good enough reason to break in my new flats. This was to be one of a series of unfortunate decisions I would make in regards to this particular venture. I have known for quite some time that I must travel to Hong Kong for visa purposes; as I have lived in the Mainland for a year now and have used up all possible extensions available to me. All this prior knowledge did not spur any sort of practical planning and my usual last-minute and haphazard travel arrangements were hastily pulled together at the last second. As I am not due to receive my first pay cheque from Ivy until the 16th of ... read more
Cookies Saved My Sanity
Bubble Tea...
View from ChungKing Mansion

Asia » China » Beijing March 16th 2010

My "Life Soundtrack" has now completely shifted to be set to children's songs... I find myself wandering about my pit of an apartment, muttering tunelessly, "It's time to clean-up, it's time to clean-up..." to myself until Simon pokes his bemused face out to mock me. I don't even notice anymore. Why, you may ask, have I regressed to such infantile music appreciation? Could it be that life has become that much bleaker that I have had to escape to happier, younger times, before life and responsibility rested on my shoulders? No, quite the contrary. As I had initially suspected, the Tiger had good things in store for Ms. Bristow. I am proud to report that this little lady is once again, well on her way to becoming an established personage in Beijing society and at the ... read more
BaoBaoXi Investigating the Playdough Table
Playing Cars

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