East London to Kakamas to Bloemfontein through Lesotho back to East London

a trip by izak van der Ham
From: April 12th 2014
Until: May 3rd 2014

Driving gravel roads as far as possible, this family visit in different parts of the country turned out to be a nice adventure.
I always try to learn some lessons when looking back at what I did, and I think this one is:
"Adventure is not something which happens to you, it is something you create. Therefore you determine how many adventures you have in life."
Wow, this fits perfectly with the following philosophy: "Life is about Relationships and Experiences". Both depends on your self:-)
Trip Length: 3 weeks
Blog Entries: 0
Photos: 0
Words: 0
Tot: 0.084s; Tpl: 0.002s; cc: 2; qc: 25; dbt: 0.033s; 1; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 1mb