Blogs from Quảng Nam, South Central Coast, Vietnam, Asia - page 10


Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Quảng Nam » Hoi An April 28th 2014

Helloooo blogees! I've been rather slack lately with my blogs but that's because so much has been happening! I no longer have my personal trainer as he sacked me. Not 'cause I wasn't a worthy client but because he was offered classes in a gym in Danang (the big smoke) and could earn more money. Go figure! So....back to the drawing board. Still riding everywhere as I have no choice. Actually scared to hire a scooter....not because I couldn't ride one (old ladies ride them here!) but because I would probably never jump on a bike again with this heat. I'm nothing if not tenacious! I'll stick with it if it kills me! Just over a week ago, I finished (sort of) volunteering for Lifestart foundation as I had a friend coming to Hoi An and ... read more
Good bye!
Bike ride
Thu Bon River

Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Quảng Nam » Hoi An April 28th 2014

Based upon the below advice from friends, I had planned on visiting the following places as South, Middle, and North, each with the indicated times below. The train from Ho Chi Minh to the middle of Vietnam was 18 hours, so Ashlee suggested we stop half way between Ho Chi Minh and Hoi An and spend a week at the beach in Nha Trang. Nha Trang was only about 9 hours north of Ho Chi Minh by train. I never say no to the beach. If you are traveling by train this might be a better mix. As some of you know, I work from my computer, so I can't move as often as some travelers. So I generally try to spend a week or more in each place and move residence (?) only on weekends. ... read more

Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Quảng Nam » Hoi An April 23rd 2014

When we arrived in Viet Nam our first foray into the ocean sent us scrambling out pretty quickly. In February the water temperature was no more than 21 C and though this is considered practically balmy at home we had just spent the past few months south of the equator where the water was much, much warmer. In addition to the cold, beaches here are sandy and shallow with big foamy waves that break in parallel lines as far out as the eye can see. It is so shallow that even if you swim 600 meters straight out from the beach you are still being pounded by waves. These are terrible conditions for diving or swimming. We have two beautiful white sandy beaches close to our home -Cửa Đại and An Bang - and on beach ... read more
Racing a jellyfish
Clownfish hiding in anemone
Yellow Crinoid

Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Quảng Nam » Hoi An April 1st 2014

heute machen wir es uns gemütlich. wir radeln in die altstadt um uns noch einen kleinen schrein und ein museum anzusehen, sowie ein kleid für mich zu finden. durch das ständige ein- und auspacken haben wir schon so manche verluste zu beklagen. mein kurzes kleid fällt leider unter die vermissten gegenstände und eine frau auf reisen ohne kleid - das ist eine zumutung und das versteht sogar markus. demnach wird in ein neues kleid, maßgefertigt in hoi an, zum preis wie bei h&m, investiert. (ja, liebe beatrix, ich habe ein kleid gekauft und musste dabei schmunzelnd an dich denken!) weil der shop so toll, der preis für zwei stück besser verhandelbar und meine schwester eine der (drei) besten unter der sonne ist, lass ich gleich noch eines für lisa anfertigen. der restliche tag wird dann professionell ... read more
old seller
ancient house

Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Quảng Nam » Hoi An March 31st 2014

unser bislang teuerstes hotel (€25,-) bietet ein entsprechend üppiges frühstücks buffet mit blick in den garten mit pool. mit den rädern erkunden wir heute die umgebung und den strand, fahren über die allgegenwärtigen reisfelder mit malerisch platzierten wasserbüffeln und erfreuen uns an dem fahrtwind unter der weiterhin erdrückenden schwüle. am strand angekommen hält uns nichts mehr und wir tauchen ins unerwartet kalte nass. gemütlich schlendern wir im sand, dankbar, dass dieser lokal beach zur vormittäglichen stunde noch wenig touristen anzieht. zurück im sattel geht es gemächlich durch weitere reisfelder und wasser-cocosnuss-plantagen sowie kleine dörfer. in den offenen häusern lässt sich immer ein kleiner blick auf das alltagsleben erhaschen und wir sehen ganze familien, die in der mittäglichen hitze auf den fliesen der vorräume schlafen sowie gruppen von männern mit nackten oberkörp... read more
fisherman's nutcase
water coconut farm
coconut leafe farmers

Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Quảng Nam » Hoi An March 30th 2014

des morgens fahren wir weiter südlich, von hue nach hoi an. nicht nur die hitze wird drückender, auch die menschen noch freundlicher, das essen (wenn es denn möglich ist) noch besser aber leider wird es auch zunehmend touristischer. mittags kommen wir in unserem hotel, the sunshine, an und fahren mit den gratis rädern umgehend in die altstadt um im berühmten “morning glory” eine kleinigkeit zu mittag zu essen. wieder einmal sind wir froh, heute und nicht in zehn jahren in vietnam zu sein und somit ein noch spott billiges und, zumindest in manchen teilen, untouristisches land aufnehmen zu dürfen. die altstadt mit ihren prachtvollen kolonialbauten mit starker französischer prägung, erinnert mich, zumal es hier auch regelmäßige überschwemmungen gibt, stark an new orleans. mit einer “old city card” haben wir die möglichkeit, uns fünf der old bzw ... read more
neues cappy
japanische brücke
street style

Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Quảng Nam » Hoi An March 28th 2014

Isn't it funny? I keep putting off writing a new blog as I think that nothing special has happened but really, every day wonderful things happen.....either to me or people I know. Most days, I have to pinch myself as I wander around my immediate vicinity marveling to myself that "I'm living abroad!" For the past week, I have had my (ex) sister in law here and she has mentioned a few times how friendly and generous the Vietnamese in Hoi An are. I've also noticed that from the beginning. Wherever I go around this beautiful area, I have people calling out to me "Sue! Sue!" And I think to myself "who is this?" The thing is that they are such engaging people that you end up in interesting conversations with them (which I do with ... read more
On the beach!
You've got to kidding!

Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Quảng Nam » Hoi An March 25th 2014

Have you been thinking about volunteering abroad? Are you a team player who can be depended upon to work for our beneficiaries in a selfless way with great energy, determination, pro activity, resilience and flexibility whilst always remaining culturally sensitive? Having had great success with an SOS request in the past we’re hoping to reach some amazing people who are happy to pack up and head to Vietnam for a minimum of 3 months ASAP. We have also had our share of unsuccessful volunteers in the past and we’ve learned it’s essential to be upfront about the realities of volunteering so people have an idea of what to expect and can honestly assess whether they can cope with the challenge. An unsuccessful volunteer is a great drain on our resources, quickly taking the focus away from ... read more

Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Quảng Nam » Hoi An March 18th 2014

It's hard to believe that we've been ensconced in our little rental house in Hội An for almost 3 weeks. In that time we have affirmed to ourselves that we are, indeed, "city folk". After we sold the house in Vancouver we toyed with the idea of leaving the noise and pollution of the city but we've been reminded of just how nice it is to have markets, restaurants and shops within walking distance. Recently we found ourselves admitting sheepishly to each other that we're happy to be back in the middle of the bustle and craziness. The soundtrack of Hội An is a chorus of horns. Walking is like navigating an obstacle course, and sidewalks are definitely not a safe zone. If someone needs to get around a truck, or traffic jam they will just ... read more
Our Skinks
Tree Frog

Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Quảng Nam March 3rd 2014

So despite the nice pictures...not everything went flawlessly. Ho Chi Minh's insane traffic and constant being asked to be given a tour was alittle much for me. I decided to change up my plans from moving on to Na Trang and to go to Hoi An instead. As far has HCM (Ho Chi Minh) goes....alittle more chaotic to my liking. I will say that the Duc Vuong Hotel was awesome. Really great price, nice location, nice rooftop bar and great staff. Definitly recommend the hotel to anyone visiting Ho Chi Minh for a few days. Also the airport pick up and transfer is a good deal. Besides some shopping and some good food... Ho Chi Minh was pretty overwhelming change from Cambodia. As much as i liked the 50 cent beers and 34 degree was ... read more

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