Blogs from Nghe An, North Central Coast, Vietnam, Asia


Asia » Vietnam » North Central Coast » Nghe An November 7th 2019

På turen fra Mai Chau til Vinh længere syd på blev det første stop ved en spisepinde fabrik. Spise pinde laves af bambus som skæres i den rette længde og knæene skæres fra. Bambusstykket flækkes i to halvdele og proppes ind i en stansningsmaskine som presser pindene ud. Spisepindene samles i store bundter og til sidst i sække. Fabrikken kan lave 3-6 ton spisepinde om dagen. Videre på turen passerede vi starten af Hot Chi Min stien som var et system af mange stier som nordvietnameserne brugte til at føre tropper og våben sydpå for at kunne bekæmpe amerikanerne. Museet ved siden af mindesmærket fortalte om de tropper som byggede og vedligeholdte Ho Chi Min stierne. Historen om Vietnamkrigen fortsatte med et besøg ved Ho Chi Mins fødehjem som i dag er et helligt sted hvor ... read more

Asia » Vietnam » North Central Coast » Nghe An » Vinh June 16th 2014

Central Vietnam, 29 May to 1 June 2014 - We traveled by train from Hanoi to Vinh city and stayed a night there. I used to visit this city in the past, but it was just a day trip on business for submitting tender documents of my company. There was a place that I had not been to in Vietnam yet. It was the home village of President Hồ Chí Minh (1890 - 1969) which is 15km away from Vinh city. The purpose of our trip this time was to visit his home village and Cửa Lò beach. On 30 May, we made a day trip to Sen village which was the place where President Hồ Chí Minh lived from 1901 to 1906 during his teenage. This is also the home village of his father. We ... read more
Students from Sơn La province visiting Sen village
Súp lươn (Eel soup)
Fishing village in Cửa Lò town

Asia » Vietnam » North Central Coast » Nghe An » Vinh March 7th 2012

We left Nha Trang by train heading for a city up the coast called Vinh. We had researched the best way to cross into Laos and there really didn’t seem to be a way that was any way decent. All our internet searching and Lonely Planet trawling led to stories of scams, being dropped off at borders or waiting all night on buses waiting on immigration to open but we did read of a bus that went from Vinh straight to Vientiane so we decided to brave it. The train journey was 20hours long. I didn’t really know what to expect cos as far as I could remember this was to be the longest continuous journey in one mode of transport that I have ever been faced with. We booked sleeper tickets – soft sleepers. This ... read more
Sleeper Train
Sleeper Train
Sleeper Train

Asia » Vietnam » North Central Coast » Nghe An » Vinh October 14th 2010

The childhood of President Ho Chi Minh is recorded lively and exactly in his memorial relics in Kim Lien Commune, Nam Dan District, Nghe An Province. Under the green bamboo trees in Chua Village (Hoang Tru) and Sen Village (Kim Lien) still remains the house made of bamboo and wood, the beloved relics stood for nearly a century which marked in the human history and became the invaluable property of our nation, having the national and international significance. These material and cultural heritages contribute to reflect the beauty of President Ho Chi Minh's life - the national hero of self - liberation, world cultural activists, the most notable person of Lam Hong region and Vietnam. Heading to National Highway No.46 from Vinh City, turn left about 1km, It's Hoang Tru Village - President Ho Chi Minh's ... read more
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Photo 5

Asia » Vietnam » North Central Coast » Nghe An » Vinh January 24th 2010

Søndag den 24.1.2010 En af de dage, som er sjovere at tale om end at opleve… Vi er nu på vej til Vietnam. Vores destination er Vinh, som blot er en transit by for os, inden vi når Hanoi. Anne har læst i guidebogen om hvor besværligt det er at krydse grænsen til Vietnam over land. Uendelig lang liste af historier om grænsevagter der tager urimelig betaling for at lukke turister ind i Vietnam og buschauffører der stopper på en øget landevej og vil have ekstra betaling for at køre fra grænsen og til nærmeste større by. Kun grænseovergangen ved Lao Bao har et godt ry som en nem og problemløs grænseovergang. Og det er også den grænseovergang som vi skal over. Troede vi. For da vi nærlæste kortet viste det sig, at der var sket ... read more
Så er vi ved sidste by i Laos og skal skifte til Vietnamesisk bus
Her er vores bus til Vietnam
Så kører vi. Freja sidder oppe foran til højre og Julie og Anne lige foran kameraet...

Asia » Vietnam » North Central Coast » Nghe An » Vinh May 11th 2009

well we have know left laos and entered vietnam. It has been a hard hilly ride to get here but after a few massive passes we made it. we left luang probang heading south down route 13 towards the capital. with the original intention to do a short day when we left we arrived at the guest house to find in wasnt too good. so we decided to press on for what the map said was 25 kms to the next town. although the problem was that the map wasnt right and the actual distance was 55km. this comprised of a 10km pass then followed by a 20km pass. at night fall we just managed to arrive at the guest house only to find it was as bad as the first and expensive. anyway after another ... read more

Asia » Vietnam » North Central Coast » Nghe An » Vinh October 13th 2008

Unfortunately we had to leave the nice hotel we'd been staying in and travel on to pastures new, we hopped onto yet another little bus and headed to Vinh for our final look at Vietnam, the journey was pretty standard-nothing too long or bumpy. The usual sight of many people and many bags and boxes on the back of motorbikes, but a definate lull in the constant beeping horns and manic traffic systems. My most random sight was definately a man on a bicycle with a cow on a rope in front of him-talk about taking the dog for a walk!! We had a precarious stop at the worst squat toilets in vietnam i am sure but braved that experience complete with guards outside due to the door-less nature of the toilets! Eventually we reached our ... read more

Asia » Vietnam » North Central Coast » Nghe An » Vinh September 10th 2008

Pour vous changer des tractations electorales, voici un apercu de notre passage au Vietnam! Decouvrir le Vietnam en trois semaines, ce n etait bien sur pas assez long! Mais bon, il faut faire des choix, et le Laos nous attendait! Mais pour etre franche, nous ne sommes pas decus d avoir traverse la frontiere avec le Laos et de laisser derriere nous le Vietnam. Comme plusieurs voyageurs vous le diront, le Vietnam est magnifique, facile a voyager, mais reellement epuissant. Trop de commercants vous offrents mondes et merveilles pour ensuite vous appercevoir que vous vous etes fait avoir. Dans de telles conditions, il est difficile de faire confiance et meme parfois de garder le sourire. Agressivite et anarques ne sont pas rares. Mais c est aussi ca l art de voyager: continuer d ouvrir son coeur ... read more
Bateaux cargos du Mekong
Des fruits a vendre
En attendant des clients

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