Blogs from Khao Sok NP, South-West Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 2


Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Sok NP August 26th 2017

Saturday We had breakfast in the restaurant next to the river and then went, in the mini bus, to Sonchana Farm and Elephant Sanctuary. It was such an intimate experience. The four of us were met by the farmer Soncha who was growing rubber trees, sugar cane, pineapples, bananas, and papayas. We walked through his farm, crossing little streams with planks of wood as bridges, looking at his plants. But the star of the day, or maybe even the trip, was Samboon a fifty five year old elephant with one tusk. He had been rescued by the farmers father who bought him three years ago when the elephant could no longer work. Somboon is partially blind and was injured badly and had to go the elephant hospital. Now he lives a happy life on the farm. ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Sok NP August 25th 2017

Last night, when going to bed, Mollie and I had a fight with the mossie net. It had fallen down on us and we struggled a bit to tie it up again with some string I had in my bag (for ever Mary Poppins) We were up at 4.15 ugh. The boys found a huntsman spider in their kettle, thought it was dead so, put it down the toilet but it crawled up again. That put George off his coffee! Mollie was on her phone as usual while we were trying to get out of the door In the dark we climbed the 100 plus steps to the reception and a young man, who didn't look strong enough, carried up our bags. The resort gave us packed breakfast (we hoped it wasn't curry) We rumbled up ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Sok NP February 13th 2017

We slept well enough, once an annoying woman in a nearby hut had stopped shrieking and yapping. We left our fans on, directed at the beds and it wasn't uncomfortable, although the bedding arrangement was a bit strange. Flowery sheets and pillow cases and then a kind of stretchy towelling thing on top. Do we lie on it or get under it? I used my cotton sleeping bag instead. By morning it was actually quite cool. No animal noises, just a few birds in the morning, rather disappointing. Today was our canoe trip. We waited in reception after breakfast (the tea and coffee was disappointing, you are given a flask of hot water and a few instant sachets to make it yourself) and some other guests were waiting with all their bags. Slightly worryingly, when the ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Sok NP February 12th 2017

We only have one whole day here, what to do? The retired elephant was fully booked for both of the day's sessions ( poor bugger, must think oh no, not another group wanting to wash me...), so we looked at the other options. Neither of us fancied walking for hours and going to the lake was a very long day, 6am - 7pm, couldn't face another one of those so soon. So we decided to do canoeing on the river The next day. Easy peasy, you don't have to paddle, the guide does it all for you. Picked up at the resort, 1 1/2 hours on the river, depending on the current. We paid 800b each, couldn't be bothered to trek round the so-called village and get a couple of quid off. We also booked our ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Sok NP February 11th 2017

So last night Sam googled bars offering happy hour drinks, found one called The Roots, cocktails at 95b. It was at the other end of the strip, a 15 min walk and another Death Dash. Sure enough, it was happy hour, although it shouldn't have been. We had one drink, it was early no we weren't hungry, so ordered another, and the guy was very apologetic as it is a holy day today and they are not allowed to serve alcohol anywhere. He must have forgotten and so we felt lucky to have got away with one! There was a sign in the supermarket saying no alcohol sales today, but we didn't think anything of it. Sure enough, as we walked back some bars were closed completely, others half empty with farangs sitting disconsolately nursing a ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Sok NP March 15th 2015

Tidig morgon denna dag! Upp kl 7 för att äta frukost och göra sig redo, för vi ska ut i djungeln. Det är en lugn heldagstripp med kort vandring, åka båt, besöka grotta och äta mat, bada och njuta lite och åka hem. Vi åker en minibuss med ett gäng tyskar. 8 tyskar och två italienare. Tyskarna är i par och känner inte varandra sen innan. Tyska verkar dessutom vara majoritetsspråk i Khao sok pga den enorma mängd tyska turister. Varenda par/grupp vi mötte i byn talade tyska... anyways. Vår guide var dock thai. Och en väldigt karismatisk reseledartyp som gjorde hela upplevelsen nästan. Han berättade om vad vi skulle göra och se, och kanske se om vi hade tur, lärde oss lite thailändska och peppade oss för utflykten. Vi åkte buss en mil till hamnen ... read more
2015-03-14 16.09.19
2015-03-14 16.12.58

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Sok NP March 14th 2015

Khao Sok är en liten by i djungeln. Vissa skulle kalla det en turistfälla. För det är det.. major turistfälla. Man är fast ute i djungeln mil från civilisationen, med endast det boende och den mat de erbjuder. Tur att det finns mycket av båda delarna. Utöver det är det otroligt charmigt med en liten turistby mitt ute i ingenstans. Vi gillar djungeln. Vägen hit var trots bråkigheten väldigt vacker. Naturen är något väldigt olikt något annat jag sett. Gigantiska berg med helt vertikala stup. Trots extremt branta bergsväggar är allt täckt i djungel. Trots allt trubbel var det värt att komma hit. I utkanten av området hittade vi en bungalow med utsikt över ån och djungeln på andra sidan, här fick vi bo. På andra sidan lekte ett gäng apor i träden. Vi satt på ... read more
2015-03-13 18.28.26
2015-03-13 18.35.59
2015-03-13 18.38.28

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Sok NP February 15th 2014

MORE PICS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE I started early at about 6:40 from Surat Thani, because I had another 75 km to go and did not want to drive to much in the midday heat. The first 30 km led me along 401 and 4153, highways with some times up to 8 lanes. At Nong Sai I turned to 4247 which was a brilliant road most of the time – almost new, small enough but not too small. However I already felt my legs getting heavy and was worried that yesterday was still weakening me. So I intended to make my first break and first food of the day (so far it had only been water, coke and Gatorade) but I did not allow myself to break so soon and wanted to reach 50 ... read more
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Second part data

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Sok NP January 7th 2014

The days on Koh Surin where spent snorkelling, sleeping (not at night!), eating, reading and swimming. Lovely. We were privileged to be able to visit the Village of the Moken tribe. They are a people who live from the sea and are very knowledgable on the subject. They are a very shy people, living quite a sheltered life from the rest of people in the area. While we were at the village our guide counted how the Moken Village was completely destroyed in the Tsunami but not one of the Moken died because they recognised subtle changes in the sea and had evacuated long before the Tsunami hit. Our guide had been on the beach during the tsunami and had stayed around long enough to take some photos. He then picked up his friends son and ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Sok NP April 1st 2013

An early morning flight got us into Surat Thani where we had arranged a private transfer to Khao Sok National Park. Because we had a week in Thailand only I didn't want to waste precious time on the local buses, knowing from experience how long those journey's can take... I had arranged a 3 day tour of Khao Sok National Park with Kris at Limestone Lake Tours - my 3rd trip with her. Like I said in the previous blog, this is the one place that I had dreamt of taking the love of my life... and so it was bittersweet to be going with Ben considering that we were no longer together.... It was kind of fitting then to walk out of the airport and see the ominous black clouds.. A sign of things to ... read more
Beautiful when it stopped raining!
Dinner... Cold :-(
One of the evil Monkeys that stole the chips!

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