Blogs from Ao Phang-Nga Marine NP, South-West Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 2


Photos of Ao Phang-Nga and Ko Samui - 2008... read more
Ao Phang Nga
Ao Phang Nga1
James Bond Island

I rejoined Connie and Rosemary yesterday afternoon at Karon, one of the beaches on the west coast of Phuket Island, down in the south where the tsunami had a great impact. Adrian and I used to travel there each day from Phuket city 30 years ago when we were teaching at the university here. We stayed in the town in a fine old Chinese hotel which is still going . In those days there wasn't really anywhere to stay at the beaches. Now!!! I am sorry to report that the various beach villages are something of a cross between Surfers Paradise and Kings Cross. Absolutely jam-packed with bars and bar girls. And this is the off season, so most places are empty. Rahter pathetic. Phuket might be nice in an isolated resort away from the main ... read more
Cat in Cremorne, Sydney

After I left Krabi, I headed North to the town of Ao Phang Nga. This small town is mainly a jumping off point to the local national marine park. I strolled around the town a bit, and I have to say, it was kinda crummy. No offense to anyone, but there was only 1 restaurant! After I got off at the bus stop a hostel was recommended to me by the guy, Mr. Kean, who is the one-stop tour operator in the town. Very helpful and nice. And he must be well respected because mentioning his name always seemed to drop a few baht off the price of anything you were negotiating for. Very handy. Anyway, I went to the first hostel and booked a room, in a hurry to drop off my bag which was ... read more
National Park
Serious business
View from long tail

The evening after I'd been to Phi Phi I went into town and met up with Dan, Jordan and Richard. Jordan has dubbed us the Lonely club as we're all travelling solo. They'd all had a large night the night before and Dan was nursing a 2 sore arms, 1 because he came off his motorbike while pissed, the other because he'd had a tattoo done. Jordan had only gotten out of bed at 6pm! We had a few drinks in O'Malleys and Richard wanted to go on somewhere. I've been calling him (to myself) the sex tourist because he's a bit seedy like that. I'm not particularly keen on him, he's a bit off with me, I think he thinks I'll cramp his style. Anyway he enticed Jordan to go to a girly bar and ... read more

Ja, richtig gelesen, ich bin mittlerweile schon in Thailand angekommen und nach einigen Tagen auf der wunderschoenen Insel Koh Tao sind wir nun auf die Nachbarinsel Koh Phangan gefahren wo ich meine letzten Urlaubstage verbringe bevor es in wenigen Tagen zurueck in die Heimat geht. Leider sind die thailaendischen Internetverbindungen etwas langsamer als anderswo (so wie alles etwas langsamer verlaeuft :-)), deshalb ist es nicht mehr moeglich Fotos raufzuladen. Ich moechte mich aber auf diesem Weg nochmal bei einigen Leuten bedanken: - zuerst bei meinem Schwesterherz, mit der ich wunderschoene Tage in Borneo verbringen durfte, - allen Sponsoren meines Tauchkurses anlaesslich meines Geburtstages, ich habe ein tolles neues Hobby entdeckt :-) - bei Kai mit dem ich fuer ein Monat die australische Ostkueste erkundet habe (Team Deutschland - Oesterreich hat sich wieder mal gut be... read more

Sternzeit :: 007 :: Guten Abend liebe Zuseher von ORF und 3Sat. Auf zahlreichen Wunsch der Zuseher werden wir heute noch mehr Bildmaterial als sonst veroeffentlichen (also mindestens 1 Bild mehr). Tja, es gibt viel zu erzaehlen, denn wir waren ja nicht immer untaetig in den letzten vier Tagen. Am 16. November haben wir Ko Phi Phi verlassen und sind nach Ko Lanta weitergezogen (auch hier kann man ganz gut Pi Pi machen...). Auf Ko Lanta haben wir 2 Tage mehr oder weniger echtes Maennerprogramm hinter uns gebracht. Die endlos langen Straende haben uns regelrecht zu "extreme faulenzing" mit kurzen Pausen fuer Speis und Trank verleitet. Danach ging es weiter nach Phang Nga. Was wollen die in Phang Nga, werdet ihr euch fragen. Genau das haben uns die Leute auf Ko Lanta auch gefragt. Denn nur ... read more
Extreme Faulenzing
Kampf mit dem Drachen
Der Hoellenhund

Tahng Ya Phraek Foundation (YPF) My “desk” is a nightmare of paper notes, pencil shavings and piles of photos, pieces of research and books. There are a hundred times in the day I’d like to abandon trying to sort out all the “things” I am working on and go find a market or beach somewhere. I don’t know why the brain tends to go into molasses mode here…I HATE it. My applications to half a dozen programs are almost complete…almost, and a number of the projects are wrapped up, so my thoughts naturally turn to increasing the list of things to do to keep me in that motivated “busy” state. To better coordinate my projects here and to ensure accurate accounting and movement of funds, I am developing a foundation. Right, I hear the groans, no ... read more

I connected again with ChildTrac and went to visit them again this week. This organization is an offshoot of the original D-Trac which set up operations here in Thailand soon after the Tsunami. ChildTrac works specifically with children’s needs. “The organization works to protect and safeguard the rights and wellbeing of children…irrespective of race, gender, or status.” Simply stated their role is to trace and safeguard children. Of the 2,500-3,000 estimated Thai orphans and additional 1,000 Burmese migrant orphans and children, only about 2,000 have been registered. Fewer yet have received any formalized aid. The reality of this is striking. In my times here since the Tsunami, I have learned a lot about how not to do things…namely, that aid needs to be organized and it needs to be planned so it becomes sustainable. The benefits ... read more
 up high
beautiful hotel room

With additional donations, the Orphanage Garden has expanded tremendously. The new space was cultivated by a group effort and the location behind the concrete wall protects it from strong winds and the worst of the downpours. It took about three days to prepare the land for planting. With the help of a local organic farmer, the garden has become exactly what we had hoped (although I still like to get up early and do the weeding!) All the kids play some part in its care…mostly through watering as the water play is much more fun than hauling fertilizer or pulling beetles off the plants. We are growing eggplants, peppers, a variety of Thai veggies I can’t name and we have two baby coconut trees rooted in the middle. The bamboo poles were placed to hold the ... read more
We have peppers!
racing on the bike track
Chook....stalking the camera

These are just a few more pictures that illustrate our life here...... read more
Storm coming...
malie working on her drawing
..anything can be used to keep off the rain!

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