Blogs from Northern Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 9


Asia » Thailand » Northern Thailand » Phayao February 22nd 2013

Kedves Mindenki, egy gyors bejelentkezes ket kurzus kozott, az egyik legszebb tanfolyamrol, amin valaha is voltam... Laurino gyonyoruszep, mely energiaval, a bizonytalansagban is kiserletezokedvvel, elfogadassal, egyutterzessel tanitott, orom volt resztvenni es asszisztalni a kurzuson! A szokasos szeretetbuborek egy kedvesseg-tudatossagbuborekka alakult at ezen a tanfin, problema nelkul es hihetetlen jo vegmasszazsokkal zartuk a 11 napot. Flora jogaoraiert megvesztek, mindig volt a 32 diakbol legal;abb 15-20 jelen napfelkeltekor, a kapcsolatunk ujabb viszontagsagok utan megbeszelessel-megertessel majd lenyugvassal zajlott,nem konnyu korulmenyek kozott (32 diak, 11 tanito, zsufi es atjarohaz mindenhol...)de a tanfolyam melle egy kis kirandulas is belefert, amint a kepeken latjatok. Flora es Laurino fennmaradtak 3 napos vipasszana elvonulasra a kolostorban, jomagam lejottem a kurzus utan ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Northern Thailand January 23rd 2013

Woke up incredibly early on the 6th, the jet lag thing really messes you up but it actually worked out in our favour because it meant we could get the early train to Ayuthaya (our first stop on the way to Chiang Mai) and we made it to the island by midday. Tony's our guest house for the next 2 nights (recommended in the lonely planet guide) was amazing, more like a luxury room if you were on holiday. We were convinced to take a boat trip to visit the temples which surrounded the island, the mount and dismount of the river boat was certainly different, almost falling in the river on several occassions but luckily nothing came from it. The first temple stop Wat Phutthaisawan had a giant golden buddha inside. I hadn't seen anything ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Northern Thailand » Nakhon Sawan January 18th 2013

The sun had yet to rise and in fact would not for quite some time as our motorbike convoy departed from the entrance to Sawan Park on our way to Thailand's grandest of swamps - Bung Boraphet as it's known among the locals - is the nation's largest wetlands and home to all sorts of migratory birds, endangered fish, beautiful plants and the lot. When my alarm went off at 5:30 am on a Saturday morning Tara and I were none too happy but I had only had a few beers the night before and felt alright so we drank down a liter or so of water along with some tea and oatmeal with some dried fruit and made our way out to meet with our friends. We felt none too wise for having lived in ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Northern Thailand » Phitsanulok January 14th 2013

The main reason I stopped in Phitsanulok, or Phi-lo, how it is called here, was that I needed reliable Internet access to work a bit. That is your destiny when you run your own company - sometimes you cannot avoid to work a bit even while travelling. But the trip has to be paid nonetheless. But after a long evening and a short night I was ready to look around the city a bit. In the morning I got some cheap fresh fruits from a stand near the hotel and started with a visit of the folk museum. I am not so much into museums but this one was quite interesting which lots of information about live and work of the "old" thais. I highly recommended it! I continued with a stop at the Buddha Casting ... read more
chilling at the Nan river
the train - my preferred method of transport here
how buddha statues are being made

Asia » Thailand » Northern Thailand » Nakhon Sawan January 10th 2013

After a short train journey of a bit more than 3 hours from Ayutthaya I arrived in Nakhon Sawan. The train station is about 6 ks out of town. The minute I stepped out of the train I was surrounded by tuk-tuk drivers selling expensive rides to town. I decided to take a songthaews together with some locals which turned out much cheaper. Well, I did not have a map nor did I know where my hotel was which I had booked the night before. So it was difficult to know where to get of the songthaew. Nakhon Sawan is rarely visited by tourists. And no tourists - no maps - and no english. This city seems to be fun for me ;-). On the songtaew I got to know Sonja, a german traveller. But she ... read more
me on a tuk-tuk ride
this guy is laughing!
nice tuk-tuks

Asia » Thailand » Northern Thailand » Chiang Saen December 28th 2012

Chiang Rai (Thailand) to Luang Prabang (Laos): 20 Dec - 27th Dec Our vision (as many of you know) was to cycle from Bhutan (where we were), to Australia (where Mel's bro Martin is). But there were a few problems... 1. It seemed like an awfully long way. 2. Crossing into Burma by land is not possible (legally). 3. Avoiding Burma, we'd have had to go over mountain passes into Tibet, in the middle of winter, which would be closed because of the weather (brrrrr). So... we made a new and improved vision. This new vision cuts out the tricky bits above, and has seen us set off from Northern Thailand. With this vision in mind, to head South on our Southerly bike ride, we spent the first 4 days cycling Northwards. In brief: Thailand: A ... read more
Stage 1 - Chaing Rai to Luang Prabang
Rural Rest
Mel on Top of the Clouds

Asia » Thailand » Northern Thailand December 7th 2012

Bangkok - what a shock. We arrived in Bangkok and met with the other 30 people on our tour. We are on another Contiki tour, so we've got plenty of new friends. The opening meeting was very interesting, our guide talked through our itinerary and seemed to end every subject with '...or you will die'. That evening we went to a restaurant and got to know the other people on our tour. After the polite niceties were out of the way, we were offered the opportunity to catch a ping pong show - we politely declined as we had watched a lot of ping pong during the olympics. The following morning we visited the grand palace and a temple. 95% of the population are Buddhist. It was once the permanent residence of the King and was ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Northern Thailand » Phitsanulok November 30th 2012

Geo: 16.82, 100.27Out at 07:00 to do the final breakfast run then stay in the room for quite a while watching some old foottie and a film on TV. Did a lot of walking yesterday and my knee is hurting today.Go to Sugar Bar for lunch and to say our goodbyes then back to the room.Mid afternoon I visit the large Mae Ping Hotel where a travel agent is advertising short breaks in Burma that I want to enquire about. These are 3 or 4 day breaks from Chiangmai to Rangoon and cost about 400-500GBP per person. Sounds a bit expensive to me andI am sure we could do it a lot cheaper independently.We visited the Krungsi/Ayyudthaya Bank and renewed Jai's medical insurance for another year.Most of the street stalls by us seem to be taking ... read more
Last lunch in Sugar Bar
A bit of light exercise
A bit of light exercise

Asia » Thailand » Northern Thailand » Chiang Khong November 24th 2012

Hello readers, Georgi here, This blog is to update you on our journey into the upper most parts of Thailand. A place of beauty, encapturing sights, and one of the last known hippy freelands out there. In the north, life is not governed by tourist police and pad thai vendors. No. It is floating on a river of satisfaction, flowing free and easy. The lack of ping pong shows, and umskur ridden walk ways allows one to observe the beauties, rather than just avoiding the nasties. Dont get me wrong, i love Bangkok, in all its rush hour glory, but the ability to seek silence when you need it, and a party when you feel like it, is a luxury only felt in the higher realms of Thailand. We stayed in Giant guesthouse 2 in Chiang ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Northern Thailand » Phitsanulok November 23rd 2012

Geo: 16.82, 100.27Up with the alarm at 05:00 for a quick breakfast and out car arrives early at 6:10. Into Phon Thong to find that the early bus is running late and although due to have left at 06:20 it is still in the station - waiting for us ? An uneventful bus trip until just outside Khon Kaen when the driver decides that he needs some fuel. A lengthy U-turn across the dual carriageway and into the gas station. When he leaves the station, instead of driving with traffic until he finds a gap in the central reservation he decides to drive into the oncoming traffic for about 400m, with cars and lorries speeding towards us, until he finds the break that he used to get here. Scary stuff but not the first time I ... read more
Khon Kaen bus station
Breakfast at Warrarot market

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