Pai canyon

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai
December 21st 2012
Published: December 21st 2012
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Had quite a cool day today, we hadnt had anything planned but last night on our way back Sean stopped to get some food at a little stall near our hostel and a couple told him about Pai Canyon which is like a 10minute moped ride from the centre of town so we decided to go on a little adventure there thismorning. It was pretty cool, and had some nice views... it was more like a series of high thin ... Read Full Entry

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21st December 2012

Nearly Christmas!
Looks like a very cool place and good idea to stay put somewhere for a bit after all your dashing around - you still have an amazing time in BKK and South to look forward to which will be incredible! So, it's nearly Christmas, seeing as I am now working for myself I have decided to kind of give up this week anyway, saying that I have put an offer in on a flat in Mitcham that needs some major work, so hopefully that might come off! Helen's last day at work is today and I am off to get some Christmas presents today. We have our tree up now for a couple of weeks and its only 6ft this year, but its on the table so looks huge! I think I am having a kinf of christmas-tree-off with the neighbours as we all have our trees in the window and at night they all look realyy nice all lit up! On saturday we are going to see La Boheme Opera at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden which I am really looking forward to. ON Sunday we are going to the chruch Christmas service and carol service and then seeing simon and the kids for lunch which will be good. They are over for a couple of weeks and I think this will be the only time we get to see them. Julia is coming too - but think she has a big night the night before with Dan's christmas gig so will see what state she is in! On Christmas eve Helen's mum and sister are coming down and we are going out for dinner and drinks then on Christmas Day mummy will come for lunch and then in the evening John/Gita/Sarah/Julia/Dan are coming over in the evening for some wine and cheese which will be nice. Anyway, so all good. The weather is actually not too bad 10 degrees and sunny! It's almost like summer! We will call you on Christmas day around 8pm your time so have your phone close! Sxx

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