I love Pai!!

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December 20th 2012
Published: December 20th 2012
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Today is our third day in Pai and we are so glad we came here!! It is such a cool little town, completely different to Chiang Mai. There are a lot of hippys here and there are reggae bars everywhere and such cool bars and beautiful scenery.

We got up early for our bus and I hadnt researched into Pai at all as it was just a last minute decision to come here. Just as we got on the bus I had a horrible feeling that the journey would be horrible because Pai is right up North in the mountains.. I was right. The whole way here we were winding around the mountain edges and the driver was going so fast I was moving from side to side in my chair and starting to feel really sick. We made a stop half way through the journey which saved me from actually getting sick which was good but I was definitely relieved when we pulled up in the town.

We hadnt booked anywhere to stay so we took a stroll down the street to find somewhere to stay and quickly came across a nice little place which was pretty cheap and so put our stuff down and headed out for some lunch. Soon found out everything is a LOT cheaper which was a relief. Got a meal for about 60p and then had a wander around the town. We then hired a moped for a pound each for 24 hours which is amazing and had a little explore around the countryside surrounding the town. Found a really cool place called Happy mountain with some realy nice views and went to find a waterfall but it was a long walk and by that time the sun was starting to get low.

Went back and had a shower and stuff, then we were planning to find a little restaurant but when we walked outside the whole street had turned into a market with food stalls and clothes and music so we spent a couple of hours eating the delicious street food (which is SO cheap) and wandering around the market. Bought a cheap bottle of Sangsom (cheap thai whisky) and headed out for a few drinks.

Ended up in the most amazing bar for the night which out the back, had an open top and loads of mats with triangle pillows and a fire in the middle where you could just lay back and look at the millions of stars 😊 Met a few people at the bar who were all saying about things to do in Pai and a lot of people recommended going to an outdoor pool called fluid the next day so thats what we did yesterday.

It was the nicest pool weve been to yet and so we may be going there a few more times while were here if we get stuck for things to do :P Today we are not sure what were doing but we still have a moped so may go to the hot springs up the road or go on a litle adventure. I shall let you know what we end up doing!


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