Pai continued..

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December 27th 2012
Published: January 1st 2013
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So considering our original plan was pop to Pai for one day, and we are still here 10 days later and reluctant to leave Im definitely glad we decided to come here. It has definitely been our laziest week of the trip yet though (probably why we dont want to leave) haha. We have pretty much spent everyday going on little adventures on the moped around the town and to a waterfall and to a few temples and the rest of the day we have been hanging out at the pool called fluid until early evening. Then we go back, have a shower and head out to the main strip that turns into a market every evening selling loads of cheap delicious food 😊 Then we head to a few bars and have been saving a lot of money by sneaking in our own bottles of rum to them so we just buy a few cokes and that does us for the night!

Obviously it was christmas a couple of days ago and we spent the day going around to as many cool places we could find and getting some pictures and then spent the rest of the day at the pool drinking and playing games which was nice, didnt feel at all like christmas but we wore our xmas hats and heard a few xmas songs throughout the day. Then boxing day... my birthday :D again, didnt feel like my birthday at all but had a night out and people sang me happy birthday which was nice! Sean also filled the whole room with balloons for me and stuck them to the walls which was quite funny.

Had a big night out and felt bad for it today but it was fun 😊 AM definitely getting an early night tonight as Im shattered and we have to get the bus back to Chiang Mai tomorrow and then we will be heading off to Bangkok for a craaaazy new year! Koh San Road here we come!!!


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