Blogs from Kathmandu, Nepal, Asia - page 137


Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu November 12th 2006

On the third day my monkey mind was playing games with me. I almost stood up from my cushion as an image danced in my head coaxing me to get up and play in a fantasy world. My eyes opened and I realized where I was. There was no image, there was only me on my cushion, surrounded by 100 other silent meditators. I did not get up and I closed my eyes again to follow the instructions given by the course leader, S.K. Goenka. "focus on your respiration between the the nose and the upper lip, let everything else fade away." We were on on our third day of a ten day meditation course. The morning wake up bell sounded at 4 am and we proceeded to meditate for ten hours each day, with short ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu November 10th 2006

Pokhara-Gorkha-Kathmandu So i finally departed Pokhara and headed back to Kathmandu, on the way i took a stopover in Gorkha a historically important town with an old fort at the top of a big hill. I arrived back to the hussle and bussle of Kathmanhu which for what it is - an over populated city in a developing country is actually quite an enjoyable place to be. The first couple of days i spent sightseeing. I visited pashapatinath a temple on the bagmati river and here i witnessed some open cremations, Patan which is pretty old and has a lot of temples, Durbar square the focal point of kathmandu which contains several temples and swayambhunath also known as the monkey temple. After two days of this i was pretty templed out so on the third day ... read more
Sadhus, Pahunpati
peace and quiet
Juice bar, Pokhara

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu November 8th 2006

Thursday November 3, 2006 - Today after I said good bye to my friends I got on the bus from Chitwan back to Kathmandu. I had a seat in the last row of the bus, where there are five seats together with no aisle, and the seats don't recline. Not very comfortable. So I sat in another seat as it wasn't full. A guy from the bus came over and made me sit in the back row. Nice. The good news was that I sat behind a nice Polish couple as well as an American/Brazilian couple, Michael and Andrea. We all talked for a while and then I slept or read or listened to music. It was a long ride back to town - we left at 9:30am and arrived around 3pm or so. There was ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel November 8th 2006

namaste fellow goat herders!! well finally i've made it into nepal! more force of sircumstances than anything else! before leaveing udiaphur matt me and an ozzie girl, went on a day trip out into the country side around udiapur! this was a far cry from the usual speed tourism that me and matt had become used to! for example going round the city palace in udiaphur like a whirl wind trying to keep ahead of the groups of tourist! nb indian tourist happen to be the noiseist tourist in the world, avoid like the plauge at all cost's!!!!!!!!!!! anyway a whole day of being a tourist, but it was well worth it just for the car journey alone! Driving through the countryside seeing how they worked the land! looking at the hills lite up by all ... read more
kumbhalgarh fort
sun set in udiaphur!!

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel November 7th 2006

Ako je iste sirokej verejnosti zname, predvcerom vecer sa nam podarilo dorazit do Kathmandu. Prve dojmy boli vesmes pozitivne, tak sme boli vcelku zvedavi ako to vypali dalej. Prvy bod na ktory sme sa vcera vecer vrhli, bolo vybavenie treku. Bolo treba zajednat sprievodcu a poriesit vsetky povolenia na vstup do Himalaji. Kedze sme lenive potvory, zneuzili sme na to agenturu priamo v hoteli kde byvame. Mozno by sa to dalo niekde aj o par dolarov lacnejsie, ale nechceli sme stracat cas a podla nasich sofistikovanych vypoctov to nakoniec s cenou ani moc neprehnali. Asi videli, ze nam sa zrovna moc platit nechce (uz po prichode do hotela sme na nich spravili taky depresivny dojem, ze mame izbu o 5$ na noc lacnejsie..). Takze nakoniec sme vsetko uspesne poriesili a zajtra rano vyrazame do Pokhary a ... read more
Terasa v Hoteli..
Let okolo Mt. Everestu..

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel November 7th 2006

The kayak rodeo!!! Always lots of fun, 3 days festival, with a lot of contests! First day was the slalom race, second day the rodeo, and third day the downriver race! A big contest for Nepali’s, and international kayakers, who come to Nepal specially or this weekend! And of course Leen and I had to be there too! I did a few of the contests, but didn’t do all of them, so no results for me! But my brother Uttar did everything, and got lots of prices (3rd place for rodeo and slalom)! Even he was the youngest Nepali contester, he did a good job! Have a look and see our pictures! That van full of boats was a crazy thing! 11 boats and all the bags, and 14 people inside, but we made it! And ... read more
Go for it, kayakers!!!!
Kalu on the rodeo

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel November 7th 2006

After the trek (and eventually working out how to put pictures on this site) we felt that we deserved a really relaxing few days. So, we checked into a really nice guest house (we stretched to 3 pounds a night) which had ensuite bathroom, towels and even bed sheets! We ended up staying for 4 days in Pokhara just wandering around the town and trying to catch a few early morning views before the clouds rolled in. Then, after the really relaxed 4 days came what was probably the most exciting 4 days so far..... we signed up for a beginners kayaking course! We started with a day on the local lake. During in the day we were meant to learn how to paddle the kayak straight (somehting everyone but especially soph really struggled with!) and ... read more
The comedy teapot!
The mighty Seti river
Durbar Square - Patan

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel November 5th 2006

Finalne sa nam podarilo zmenit krajinu z Indie na Nepal. Predvcerom sme vyrazili z Jaisalmeru smerom na Bikaner, kde sme si ako zvycajne kukli miestnu pevnost a desne sa nacpali v hotelovej restike s krasnym vyhladom na cele mesto. Kosto uz zacina byt pomaly zavisly na Tandooori Chicken.. :) Chceli sme este ist kuknut aj Krysi Chram asi 30 km od Bikaneru, ale bohuzial nam uz nevysiel cas. Ale aspon si nemusime z vreciek okrem piesku vytahovat aj vsakovake hlodavce. Ved mozno tam zabludime nabuduce aj s nejakymi slecnami, tie by tam urcite krasne jacali.. :) Na druhy den sme skoro rano vystartovali do New Delhi. Bola to zase raz sialena jazda po "dialnici" spocivajuca z divokeho vyhybania kamionom a obcasnej jazdy v protismere. Tentokrat nam to uz nedalo a spravili sme aj nejake video. To ... read more
Vrabce udelat sestava..
Krajinka tesne za Bikanerom..

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel November 3rd 2006

Chilling out in Kathmandu Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel By SteviecNovember 3rd 2006Stephen Carrollurl='/Videos/2638.html' onclick='dialog("/Videos/2638.html?popped=1","tbvideo",600,600);return false;'Thamel vid Even though the district of Thamel in central Kathmandu is a noisy, dirty tourist ghetto full of western bars, restaurants, camping shops, souvenir shops, trekking agencies and tiger balm salesmen (???) it really is quite an enjoyable place to pass away days and even weeks. The tiny taxis honk, the motorbikes beep and the cycle rickshaws ring their bells as they all vie for the precious space in thi... read more
Dodgy stomach ... breakfast blues ...
Thamel street scene
Rickshaws - the colonial transport option!

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