Blogs from Maldives, Asia - page 10


Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll November 24th 2012

It was a dream to go on a vacation to Maldives someday. We (Mr. hubby and myself) didn't know this opportunity would come so suddenly and we would be off to this vacation after such little planning. Maldives being an awfully expensive tourist destination and combined with the fact that we have both spent our allocated days of annual leave this year, the 3 day holiday seemed like the best time to go on this dream vacation. 2 days means a lot less budget required and also means no need to tale leave from work. We are very much looking forward to 2 days of absolute bliss (in shaa Allah). join us on our dream voyage- hope you would want to visit this beauty too ........ DAY 1: I had seen photographs- of private wooden jetties ... read more
Speedboat transfer

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll November 23rd 2012

Another Day in Paradise... Cigarettes - probably way too many - in fact I know way too many. Mosquito bites - we'll deal with that one later... Alcohol - NONE FOR THE PAST 7 DAYS... NOT ONE DROP!!!! And in case anyone reading this thinks I usually drink excessively - I don't, it's just I would have one or three every couple of days or so... My excuse for the cigarettes is pretty lame - they are sooooooo cheap out here, I did say it was lame! Now mosquito bites are, as we all know, very itchy and irritating but when they become infected they're also very painful, resulting in one very swollen foot (predominantly because I had been bitten 3 times on the sole of my foot...) and one very inflamed arm - I was ... read more
surfs up

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll November 18th 2012

Surfs up on Hudhuran Fushi I have moved islands... I feel settled at last and I like my new home... the surfers are out in force so bring it on!! My room now has personal touches... photos, fairy lights and of course my Bon Jovi calendar :-) So the past couple days have been quite eventful - I got caught in a moonsoon like downpour in Male, I was literally soaked to the skin and think I would have faired pretty well in a 'Miss Wet T-Shirt' competition... serioiusly WHITE is not a good colour! At least I had colour co-ordinating undies on - shame my cheeks were glowing scarlett from embarrassment! I obviously moved to my new home and explored the island... all paths lead to the big breaking waves :-) For anyone interested this ... read more

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll November 14th 2012

Sunny Greetings from Kurumba! I feel I should start writing this evenings blog in the format of Bridget Jones' Diary... Cigarettes - quite a few Alcohol - 1 Passion Fruit Mojito - with definitely more mojito than passion fruit - so much for a 3 month abstinence from alcohol... that lasted oooh about 5 hours... Mosquito Bites - way way way too many to count now Number of fish I saw when I went snorkelling (for the first time ever...) lots and lots So I tried snorkelling today and once I was sure I could breathe underwater I didn't do too bad - I actually really enjoyed it, so much so I'm going again tomorrow :-) What did freak me out was after I was out of the water I saw a shark fin circling... okay ... read more
Sunset Kurumba Style

Asia » Maldives » Ari Atoll November 13th 2012

Here we are on the final day of Fun Island. Not my name for the place, I'm guessing it must have been one of the first resorts in the Maldives, and they were looking for something to catch the english tourists. That being said, it has been fun here. The resort itself is rather spartan, but all we were looking for was white sand and clear, near 80F, water. I was telling Penny the other day, if anyone asks her about the water temperature, tell them its about the same as the feeling you get in your shorts just after you pee in the ocean. Not the relief part, just the heat part. This place is loaded with Russians and Chinese. There have been a few other nationalities, but for the most part, that's been the ... read more
Reef Shark

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll November 13th 2012

Hello again :-) I've woken to another beautiful morning on the island of Kurumba - I'm not sure there is any other kind of morning in the Maldives... I'm sporting two very attractive mosiquito bites (one on each leg...) and my hair really has taken on a life of it's own! The locals have suggested coconut oil to tame the curls so might give that a try. Can you tell I'm not really a morning person...? I'm heading to work in an hour or so and get this... I go by speed boat!!! No crowded buses or trains here... this would not be a place to work if you get sea sick :-) I'd like to think I resemble a 'Bond' girl whilst standing on the rear deck casually leaning against the railings but in truth ... read more

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll November 11th 2012

Warm wishes from the Maldives. A new employment contract and a new adventure for me, as is writing this blog. Something I have always wanted to do but never quite got around to... bit like working overseas as a travel rep - should have done it in my 20's but settled down instead, now in my footloose and fancy-free forties I have never enjoyed life so much. I have worked mainly in Switzerland but did a stint in Finnish Lapland and a brief spell in Northern Italy. It's not a boast or an enticement, simply the chance to tell people what I've encountered along the way. If you're still reading this, my first ever blog - then thank you - any feedback and advice will be most welcome :-) So now I find myself in paradise, ... read more

Asia » Maldives » Ari Atoll November 9th 2012

Here we are, the focus of our travel, the birthday! It has been a long journey to make it here, with a short stop in Paris, but we can finally state we have arrived. One might think that this is the focal point or height of the travel, but looking at the details we realize that it's just another of our steps before the eventual goal is realized. What is that goal? Well, it's still a mystery to Penny. When we arrived here yesterday, it was spilled quite quickly that we would only be here for a week. So, once the 14th arrives, we are on the road again. Where to, anyone's guess but mine. So, yesterday, once we changed out of our Paris gear and into something more atune to our climate; then we wandered ... read more
Birthday Girl in her FAV place in the world

Asia » Maldives » Ari Atoll November 8th 2012

At the end of our last entry, it was just before midnight when we arrived in Doha. We had gone to the transfer area and Penny had found out that we were not going camel treking in the desert near Doha. But, she did not know where we were going. When we found our gate, the first screen we saw for our destination was in arabic, so we just kept walking for a washroom, and our destination was still a mystery to her. After the bathroom break, we headed back to the screen area and saw that they had begun boarding the plane. As we got closer, Penny noticed the english part of the sign. A very priceless look, I did see a lot of happiness there. So on board we got and it was a ... read more
In-flight map. 4 hours from Doha to the Maldives
Ibrahim Nasir Internaional Airport, Maledives
Murray heading towards our water taxi - 45 minute boat ride from the airport to the resort

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll August 26th 2012

Jak vlastne vznikla situace, do který jsem se dostal, jsem popsal v minulym prispevku. Vsechno bylo potvrzeny, Zderada se doopravdy vydava k rovniku a byla jen otazka kdy. Puvodni odlet byl planovan na konec zari, konkretne 28. Bohuzel na Maledivach zrovna v tu dobu bylo vyrizovani pracovnich viz dost pomaly, takze se datum odletu posunulo na paty rijen s tim, ze to uz snad bude vyrizeno a ja budu moct zacit pracovat. Ani takovyhle odklad ale nestacil, ovšem nakonec jsme se dohodli, ze toho pateho odletim s tim, ze se ještě prikoupi prelet na Sri Lanku, kde ve druhem sidle firmy na udeleni viza pockam. No proc ne, na Sri Lance se preci jen ceka trochu jinak nez na Smrzovce. Krome toho jsem byl rad ze vim kolik casu na rozlucky zbyva. No.. Moc ho nebylo, ... read more
Svaca u LH
Frankfurt - odlety
Condor boarding

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