True love

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June 10th 2009
Published: June 10th 2009
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sleeping in the Thai trainsleeping in the Thai trainsleeping in the Thai train

you sleep at the window sides and are covered by curtains
Monday evening I had dinner in London Pub. Lot of foreigners and of course also Thai. I talked during dinner with Noi who had a quick bite before working again.
Noi owns a small bar on the opposite side of Sukkumvit Soi Cowboy. Noi told the way she lost her lover.

His name was John, not too young and english. They fall in love. John worked for the UN and had to be for his job half a year in one of the new republics of old Yugoslavia. He took Noi with him. After that half year he decided a long holiday in Thailand of course with Noi. They made a lot of pictures. John went home,to England , his wife and his computer. Saved the pictures and forgot his wife used the computer as well.

She saw the pictures. Guessed what was wrong and gave him the choice. Leave her or leave me.
John took a fast decision and choose for his wife.
That s true love.
He came back one time and financed a small bar. Noi is slowly realising that in the end the bar is perhaps even better than John

Took tuesday train 35 Bangkok Butterworth(Malaysia) leaving 14.45 BK and arriving about 24 hours later in Buttersworth. Sleeping carriages in Thailand are actually the best and most clean of all the trains I spent the night last months ( 15 nights) The blankets , bedsheets and pillowcases are white and clean and individual packed in Plastic bags.

Border procedures took 1 hour for both sides so real fast. My temperature was taken again. This time they did it via the ear. again 37 degrees. We had to wait 10 minutes before they started on the Malaysian side the health procedure. They just received new masks and had to try them right away. All 8 people involved very proud with their mask and telling white coats were coming.

During the trip starting in Bangkok there was something wrong with the train. Just under my carriage,and specific under my chair nr 22. They were checking at every station. At the border the train became smaller only 2 carriages out of the original 12 went to Butterworth.
3 km after the border they stopped and checked again. On my question is there any problem the conductor said no problem at all. The brakesystem is not working well but probaly nothing happens. I told him thanks for the info I started to worry already something was really wrong. He said no it s o.k only it s single track so the driver really has to keep his eyes open


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