I don t like to eat rats

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June 8th 2009
Published: June 8th 2009
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covered buildingscovered buildingscovered buildings

Due to the crisis. This complex is underconstruction already almost 2 years. Now waiting for better times
Yesterday evening sitting in the bar of Gulliver a place where you can eat and drink and also visited by lots of ladies of the night waiting for a better future I talked with Nan. Nan comes from the North east part of Thailand near the Cambodian border.

We talked about food. I like thai food ,the spicier the better

Nan told me she can cook very good and her speciality is rat. If I liked rat?
No Nan I don t like to eat rat.
She understood for I was thinking of course about the black dirty rats in Bangkok.
No she was talking about the rats in her home town. Feeding themselves in the ricebarns. So very clean and excellent food.
That kind of rats are delicious.
No Nan I still don t like to eat them.

You can see in Bangkok some effects of the crisis. Some of the big buildings under construction are covered and building has been stopped waiting for better times. Infrastructural projects however ae proceeding. Thats the same way Thailand survived the previous recession.
Now they have to try to bring the value of the bath to a lower level so the tourist keep coming.Also they need political rest for tourists don t like closed airports and demonstrations.

Had a real good spicy thai lunch with a thai friend. Bought some books for coming week, did my laundry.

Received this afternoon my train ticket Bangkok Butterworth(Malaysia) for tomorrow.


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