Blogs from Hiroshima, Japan, Asia - page 40


Asia » Japan » Hiroshima » Miyoshi February 12th 2006

Ohaiyo! Je suis présentement chez mon oncle dans la petite ville de Konu. Je commence seulement à y croire qu'il y a des petites villes au Japon... ça ressemble à des campagnes du Québec!!! Croyez le ou non, ici il n’y a que 3000 habitants! On est très loin des millions de Tokyo! Alors je me sens un peu depaysée! Ma journée de samedi a été extrêmement lonnnnnnnngue! Je n’aime pas ces journées où il faut se promener pendant 14 heures, même si c’est un nouveau pays... je ne voulais pas me perdre non plus, donc mes déplacement étaient limités... J’étais donc contente d’embarquer dans le bus à 8h55 samedi soir. Je me suis endormie, me suis réveillée 2-3 fois pour me déplaçer sur mon banc... et me suis reveillée au son de l'annonceur qui me ... read more
Shinjuku la nuit...
Magasin de sake a Shinjuku

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima February 12th 2006

Wow, I am getting old. I spent most of today (Sunday, Feb. 12) lying in bed with one of the worst hang-overs in recent memory. Ouch. I was in such an unfortunate state because last night was a birthday party for one of our JET friends. The evening started with dinner at a local izakaya (a Japanese style pub which offers a variety of foods and alcohols). The food was pretty good, much better than I expected for izakaya fare I must say, and the beer was cheap. 400 yen for a mug is pretty darn good in this country. That’d be about 4 bucks CN, by the way. Given the price, I naturally downed as many as I could in the time I had. From the izakaya we moved our party to the Hello Kitty ... read more
At the Izakaya
Hello Kitty Karaoke

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima February 3rd 2006

While I was back in the unseasonably tropic City of Edmonton over Christmas, I had the good fortune of having a perogy feast at the Hlushak residence. My fondness for the ethnic dish was discovered while working at the Ukrainian Village, and since then I’ve had a lot of perogies of both the store-bought and home-made variety. But in my mind, the best perogies are those made by Alexis Hlushak. I couldn’t say for certain why I think Alexis’ perogies are my favourite; if I had to guess I’d wager that it’s because she uses that special little ingredient we like to call love. At any rate, Alexis was gracious enough to invite me over for a plate of my favourite Ukrainian dumplings (one plate turned into two or three, I believe), and not only did ... read more
Perogy Making with Alexis
Making Perogies in Hiroshima

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima January 29th 2006

I can’t believe that I’ve been in Japan for six months already. It’s crazy how fast the time flies sometimes! I spent a lot of my free time in January at work related functions….here’s a little catch-up. When I was in Thailand for the winter break, Innoshima and Setoda islands merged with the city of Onomichi….so now we are all considered Onomichi City. This changed only a few things for me: my address, my Board of Education and a few additional schools in my schedule. There are now over 100 people that work for the Onomichi Board of Education, which made for a lively 'welcome enkai' (welcome party). They made me get up at the end of the night in front of everyone and introduce myself IN JAPANESE! I was incredibly embarrassed! This past weekend we ... read more
our new friends at the top of the hill
at the top of Futabayama
along the hiking trail

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima January 26th 2006

I think it is pretty obvious that I am enjoying my stay in Japan, and hopefully my blogs have helped you understand why. Every experience tends to end up as an adventure, and even the bad ones (although few and far between) have their good points! Well, the past four days have been a continuation of that adventure: Thursday and Friday I attended a "Mid-Year Conference" with all of the other JET Programme English teachers in Hiroshima City, and then on Saturday and Sunday a good number of us stuck around in the city and partied it up! THE CONFERENCE: I think that all of the other JET English teachers would agree with me when I say that these "conferences" are far better than having to teach in our schools. Personally, I love being 'forced' ... read more
Some pepper lovin'!
Taiko Drumming Preformance
Taiko Drumming Preformance

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima January 14th 2006

This past Saturday Hiroshima's weather consisted of a tonne of rain, and far too many clouds! Actually, it was the kind of day where there are limited options when deciding what to do. After realizing that there was no point in sightseeing anywhere, my friend Casey and I discussed our options: go to the movies (and pay the ridiculous price of $18 AMER. to see one movie!), go shopping (even though we find it difficult fitting into the small Japanese sizes), OR be Japanese and spend the day playing Pachinko! Yep, Pachinko was by far our best bet! The best way to describe Pachiko is to think of slot machines... because that is basically what they are. But for some reason or another, Japanese people are OBSESSED with Pachinko! I have driven through towns in ... read more
Pachinko Lessons
Casey about to win her millions
Making Friends

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima January 13th 2006

To many folks, Friday the Thirteenth is synonymous with bad omens. That, or cheesy teen slasher flicks. But by in large, when TGIF happens to coincide with the thirteenth day of the month, it can tarnish the thankfulness one may otherwise feel at the working week’s end. Now I’d freely admit to anyone who asked that I’m a pretty superstitious fellow. Just as an example, if I have a big exam to write, like a Japanese Language Proficiency Test, I’ll wear the same clothes to the exam that I’d worn while studying. When it comes to Friday the Thirteenth, however, I am not so superstitious that I must fill the bath with holy water and garlic and sit in it all day just to ensure nothing bad happens. Whoops, that’s to protect oneself from vampires. Well, ... read more

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima January 12th 2006

So one of the last purchases I made before leaving my Home and Native Land was a National Hockey League desktop calendar. You know, one of those page-a-day doolies. It’s true that there are a lot of cool page-a-day desktop calendars out there,—the word-of-the-day as well as the Far Side calendars both being appealing choices—but I figured that the NHL one was the ultra super coolest and deserved laying down my hard-earned JET money because it features a different National Hockey League player for every day of the year. That’s 365 hockey players in all. Hot diggidy! I currently have my fantastic NHL calendar where I need it the most: on my desk at work. Not only is it good for checking the date, it is also useful for those times when I am longing for ... read more

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima December 22nd 2005

Yeah, yeah, that's almost as corny as my "Leaving on a JET plane" quote from one of my first entries. So yes, as many of you have heard, I am headed to Thailand this Saturday, Dec 24. This blog is to inform everyone what Christmas/winter has been like in Japan! I have been a busy lady ever since I have been back from my sister's beautiful wedding. I got back and after the first day of being extremely exhausted and my teacher telling me "just go home and get some sleep, okay?" when they are usually commenting on having too much energy than is humanly possible, it was as if I had never left. It was such a short trip that my time never got adjusted. I was basically on Japan time the whole time I ... read more
Electric Slide
Not a bad idea...

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima December 21st 2005

I took on a new role today: Santa Claus! or Santa-san as the Japanese call him. I was asked by the Habu pre-school to play the part of Santa for their kids. It was so much fun! When I got there I was ushered through the back door to make sure that no one saw me. I was dressed in a full Santa costume and then brought out on stage to a crowd of 71 little kids. Imagine a room full of tiny faces totally shocked to see this giant, foreign Santa-san standing in front of them shouting 'HO! HO! HO! Merry Christmas!' There a good chance that I was the first foreign person they have ever seen in real life...not to mention the oh-so-fabulous 'man' that they believe will bring them gifts on Dec. 25th! ... read more
Merry Christmas Daiki!
Merry Christmas!
"I just met Santa-san! COOL!"

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