Blogs from Bali, Indonesia, Asia - page 24


Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Sanur April 27th 2017

We decided to start our month in Bali by taking a trip down memory lane. We headed straight to Sanur, the beach town we'd got married in 12 years prior. Our plane landed at about 7pm and by the time we'd cleared immigration, it was way past the kids' bedtime. As the taxi from the airport negotiated the bustling streets in the dark, the kids were excited to see all of the cool statues and temples along the way. We'd forgotten just how frequently you came across them. At each one, Kyla claimed to have built it the night before while we were all sleeping! We checked into our pre-booked hotel and headed out to look for food. Thank goodness the kids had napped on the flight or we'd just be going to bed on left-over ... read more
Such a shame!
Having fun!
My little leopard cubs

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Ubud April 21st 2017

My husband and I are often asked by friends at home "What is the favorite place that we have travelled to?" It is a question for which we have only one response: "There is no one special place; every place we have travelled to, particularly in Southeast Asia, has offered something unique, something interesting, something memorable." We frequently return to this question in conversation, and have yet to find an answer, always responding instead with our own question "How do you explain this to someone who has never been here?" This has, in fact, become somewhat of a daily meditation that presents itself every time we are gazing upon, or experiencing, another small miracle or more evidence of the beauty that surrounds us. So, even though it is inexplicable, I will attempt to offer a few ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Ubud April 21st 2017

As a final assignment for this year's Bahasa Language study, my teacher asked me to write a composition which applied all of the concepts we have studied to date.. After pondering what meaningful subject I might write about, I decided to complete my latest travel blog "The Inexplicable Magic of Being Here" in two languages - English and Bahasa Indonesia, as this topic is very close to my heart. It was challenging, but I like challenges, and I learned a great deal in the process. Here, for my Bahasa Indonesia speaking friends, is the Bahasa Indonesia version of my previous travel blog entry "The Inexplicable Magic of Being Here". As well, this post will be a good refresher assignment for me when I return to my Bahasa language study next February, after an eight month absence, ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Munduk March 23rd 2017

Next time I get to Bali, I will book a whole week in Munduk. I will bring my bicycle, and every early morning I will go cycling up and down the Central Mountains. North of Munduk, towards Tigawasa, Selat, and Gitgit, there are countless little roads running through the forest, unknown to tourists, and pretty much unused even by the locals in this sparsely populated area of the island. It rains pretty much every afternoon there. These strong showers usually don’t last more than an hour. It’s the perfect time to take a nap, or find a coffee house to taste Luwak Coffee. After the rain, beautiful white clouds of fog lift above the green hills: it’s picturesque! Early morning and late afternoon (before and after the mid-day heat) is the best time of the day ... read more
mysterious Munduk
on Danau Beratan
We hiked to several waterfalls around Munduk

Asia » Indonesia » Bali March 16th 2017

Les voyages regorgent toujours de surprises! Alors que nous ne pensions aller voir qu'un simple spectacle de danse traditionnelle pour les festivités de la fête nationale indonésienne, le 17 août dernier, nous sommes sorties de cette journée le sourire aux lèvres et les yeux pétillants. Quelle journée! Tout a commencé alors que notre chauffeur de taxi, pris dans les embouteillages d'Amlapurna, causés par une gigantesque parade d'hommes habillés en bleu se rendant au festival de danse, a décidé de nous débarquer au bord de la route! Pas de problème Bien relaxes, mon amie et moi prenions des photos de la parade et des enfants qui festoyaient au bord de la route quand un des pick-up de la parade s'est arrêté. Les hommes nous ont invitées à monter à bord avec eux. Cool! C'est ainsi que nous ... read more
MUST Bali: Ne manquez pas la Fête Nationale Indonésienne
MUST Bali: Ne manquez pas la Fête Nationale Indonésienne
MUST Bali: Ne manquez pas la Fête Nationale Indonésienne

Asia » Indonesia » Bali March 15th 2017

Menjangan, aussi nommée "l'ile du cerf", est une petite île située au nord-ouest de l'île de Bali, dans le parc national de Bali Barat. Inhabitée et protégée, donc épargnée par la pêche à la dynamite ayant détruit la plupart des coraux autour de Bali, sa côte abrite une faune marine riche et de magnifiques coraux colorés. Du snorkeling de première classe! Si vous êtes chanceux, vous apercevrez peut-être des requins et des tortues. Conseil de Cath en Cavale: Magasinez votre prix! Combo: - Shuttle depuis votre homestay - Aller-retour en bateau - 2 plongées de 1 heure avec guide (obligatoire) dans des endroits différents sur la côte de l'ile - Diner sur le bateau - Équipement 40$ à 45$CAD Bonne découverte sous-marine ... read more
Bali: Snorkeling à Menjangan Island
Bali: Snorkeling à Menjangan Island
Bali: Snorkeling à Menjangan Island

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Uluwatu March 12th 2017

South Bali, baby! This is definitely one of my favorite places on Earth! I don’t need to write much about the beauty of the Bukit Peninsula, just take a look at the photos and enjoy! Breathtaking = picturesque = splendid = gorgeous + amazing = stunning! + peaceful = serene… If some of my IELTS students ever read this blog entry, they will smile because I constantly remind them to use these words when describing beautiful places they’ve been to. South Bali is all about the ocean. From Ulu Watu to Sanur, the coastline is amazing and untouched. These last few years, roads have literally been carved into the rock to give people access to newly found pristine beaches. Beaches such as Nyang Nyang, Karma, and Pandawa were out of reach in the past. Massive cliffs ... read more
Pantai Pandawa
This is life!
La vraie vie!

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Uluwatu March 10th 2017

South Bali is magical. There’s a hundred beautiful beaches to be discovered down on the Bukit Peninsula. On my previous two trips to Bali, I had always ended my holiday around Ulu Watu, and I had always regretted not spending more time in that area. I could remember sharp cliffs overlooking the turquoise ocean. With Shushu (Becky’s stepdad) being a photography enthusiast, my mind was set on finding those exquisite places to make Becky’s family’s first time abroad unforgettable. So this time, after getting a rental car, I decided to start with the South but my plan remained pretty vague… we’d slowly drive around the peninsula for a few days, and have a look at different beaches, but we didn’t have a set place in mind, and no accommodation booked. The weather wasn’t ideal when we ... read more
Becky seems happy!
as we walked farther down
my own pool

Asia » Indonesia » Bali March 3rd 2017

This was a short unplanned jaunt over to Bali for our mate Reg Worthington's 60th, a surprise party on Lembongan Island on Friday 3rd March. After having got cheap Tiger flights and then they cancelled we then had to bite the bullet and buy a more expensive flight with Garuda, so flew to Bali on Gloria's birthday on the 27th February. Birthday dinner at Char Char which was very good value with a great array of steaks and seafood. Great night had by all. For the next few days laid low as Reg didn't know we had come over to Bali and the last thing we wanted was for him to spot on his way to work or going out to a job somewhere. Friday 3rd March came around very quickly and we were collected from ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta March 2nd 2017

The new Kuta airport looks amazing: colorful and bright, airy but not huge, stylishly designed with unique Balinese patterns all around, and that exquisite scent of flowers in the air… We had barely landed but, after 3 months in India, Becky & I were already enjoying the Bali vibe! We'd been on the road (either cycling or backpacking) for 11 months. Becky had promised her boss she'd go back to work in April (2017)… 4 weeks left only! Time had come to take it slow & easy around Bali. We’d rent a car and drive around the island, find quiet beaches, climb a volcano, wander the rice terraces, chase dolphins, & indulge in nasi campur, babi guling & mango juices! It sounded too good to be true, so I agreed for her mother to join us!... ... read more
becky and her mom reunited after a year
This is Bali
March is a good time to visit Bali, it's still quiet.

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