Blogs from Pushkar, Rajasthan, India, Asia - page 23


Asia » India » Rajasthan » Pushkar September 12th 2007

After visiting Ajmer Sharif and touring around with Ahmed, we both headed to Pushkar. We were curious to go and visit Pushkar because almost everyone we met on our way told us a lot of interesting little stories about Pushkar. So we thought that it might be a good idea to go and see what are these stories about. There is nothing I would like to write here since most of incidences I faced were not as good as I expected. Enjoy the collection of Pushkar photos.....we are heading to.... ... read more
A local musician - Pushkar
Ghats - Pushkar lake
Ghats - Pushkar lake

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Pushkar September 9th 2007

ADam and I have been trying, desperately, to try to see the bright side of the trash heap that is India. We came here with high hopes, but most have them have been trampled by beggars, con-men, autorickshaw drivers, and whole bunch of other bullshit. It hasn't been all bad. In fact, towns like Udaipur gave us quite a lot of hope. We drempt that the 'incredible' India that people, and the Indian tourist board, talk about would lie just around the corner. Nope... ***Puskar*** We went to Pushkar and were pushed around by a hoard of pseudo holymen gangsters. They said,"you must take a flower and throw it in the lake. It brings my family good luck." I knew this was a total lie and that he was wanting to somehow screw me out ... read more
Jaipur; Jantar Mantur 2
Pushkar; Hilltop View
Pushkar; The 'Holy' Lake

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Pushkar August 28th 2007

Pushkar is at the heart of India's religion. It is a small and enchanting town that appears out of the mountain side. Is a quaint little town with many temples that revolve around the Holy Lake. No eggs, meat or alchohol are to be consumed in the boundaries of Pushkar, ironically bhang (marijuana) is government authorised. We arrived mid-flow of the brother-sister festival, Pushkar was booming with bright lights and littered with people. Our hotel room resembled austin powers love shack but had awesome views of the lush green mountains. We saw the lake and the ghats were people go to worship and bathe, but unfortunately the beautiful view was spoilt by 'priests' some genuine and some not, who tried to give you a pushkar passport (were you put flowers in the lake and they pray ... read more
View from our hotel
Brahma Temple
Random Monument

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Pushkar August 28th 2007

Wow well after only been away a week we've done so much. Arriving in Delhi we jumped in a taxi and soon realised that on indian roads anything goes! Our hotel was situated on the main bazaar, paharganj, there were hardly and tourists and therefore we seemed to be the pick of anyones attention. We saw the main sites i.e the red fort, india gate but we didnt stay long in Delhi as it wasnt quite to our taste possibly due to the culture shock, Delhi is crazy!! So we booked ourselves on a two week tour of northern india (bit of a cop out but its only our first country) Next stop was Jaisalmer, the golden city. Its main attraction the huge fort built in 1156 and is home to some 4000 people. Today it ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Pushkar August 21st 2007

So the net day we had our first Indian night train not our first Night trains though by far. WE WERE A BIT SECluded from eeryone else- and the irrational Americans were a bit fearfull, even though all older than us but most were fine! there were bugs crawling in teh compartments though- so i had my cover over my head the whole night. We were chatting to this really nice Indian girl beneath my bunk- 3 beds to a wall, asking all about her university and general life of the young in India. Once we got off the train we arrived just outside of Pushkar, where they have the faous camel festival every year. Again another lovely place this time like a retreat and with a pool. After a quick splash and some lengths- with ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Pushkar August 21st 2007

So the net day we had our first Indian night train not our first Night trains though by far. WE WERE A BIT SECluded from eeryone else- and the irrational Americans were a bit fearfull, even though all older than us but most were fine! there were bugs crawling in teh compartments though- so i had my cover over my head the whole night. We were chatting to this really nice Indian girl beneath my bunk- 3 beds to a wall, asking all about her university and general life of the young in India. Once we got off the train we arrived just outside of Pushkar, where they have the faous camel festival every year. Again another lovely place this time like a retreat and with a pool. After a quick splash and some lengths- with ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Pushkar August 12th 2007

Caly dzien spedzamy na internecie, zakupach - malo efektywnych I melanzu. Wieczorem obudzila sie insectofobia Lysiaka I 3 razy wybudzala nas ze snu drac sie jakby ktos ja ze skory obdzieral. A to dlatego, ze….o tym w zaciszu domowych rozmow…... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Pushkar August 11th 2007

Wiem, ze sie powtarzam, ale znow nie udalo nam sie zrealizowac porannego planu. Chyba nie jestesmy stworzeni do zrywania sie o 4 rano i biec do swiatyni by podziwiac ze wzgorza wschod slonca. Niech inni natchnieni to robia… Nie mniej jednak I tak wstajemy dosyc wczesnie bo o 7, budzimy Naomi I lecimy na porzadne sniadanie - znakomite miejsce - Om Shiva Restaurant - placisz 50Rs I jesz do upadlego. Po tym obzarstwie mozemy w spokoju wypozyczyc skutery I spedzic dzien na naszych ulubionych maszynach. Jezdzimy po okolicznych wioskach, palac bidi ( prymiywny papieros, skrecony z liscia tytoniu) z lokalami I rozmawaiajac na migi o zyciu. Jezdzilismy tam gdzie droga prowadzila I tam gdzie juz sie konczyla. W poszukiwaniu Shiva Cave trafilismy na szkolny piknik, gdzie obskoczyla nas gromada malych potworkow po tysiackroc pytajac o imie, ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Pushkar August 10th 2007

Dzis same ruszamy na podboj okolicy. Marcin rano wstal I sie zmyl. Robimy rundke po okolicznych swiatyniach, trafiamy tez do jednej z niewielu na swiecie (chyba sa 3, albo cos takiego) Brahma Temple, a po niej ruszamy przed siebie przez pola w poszukiwaniu naszego swietego miejsca. Po drodze zaprasza nas do siebie na herbate jakas rodzinka I tam Lysiak w koncu ma okazje przymierzyc prawdziwe sari. Cala rodzina mieszka w jednym malutkim pokoju, prowizoryczna kuchnie maja na dworze, wielblad w zagrodzie I jakies roslinki co by troche podjesc Wypuszczamy sie na pustynny spacer I trafiamy do cudownego miejsca. Obrazek jak z raju, spokojne male jezioro, w ktorym wlasnie kapieli zazywaja bawoly, maly chlopiec siedzi na brzegu pilnujac swojego stada, dlugoszyje ptaki brodza w wodzie, na horyzoncie palmy I inne egzotyczne rosliny. Cisza, spokoj, po drugiej strony ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Pushkar August 9th 2007

Jedziemy lokalnym pociagiem do Ajmeru a stamtad do Pushkaru. Mamy przesympatycznych wspoltowarzyszy podrozy I kolejna znajoma, tym razem jest to poznana wczoraj Belgijka, ktora Marcin dzielnie ratowal z rak biegunki I rzygania. Wypytujemy sasiadow o zwyczaje panujace w Indiach I slyszymy kolejna wersje zycia w tym kraju - tym razem wszystkio jest piekne I dobre, no I oczywiscie wszystko jest mozliwe. Podroz przerywana snem I dyskujsami mija spokojnie. Na krotka chwile zatrzymujemy sie w Ajmerze, bo tylko stamtad mozna dostac sie do Pushkaru. 30 minut jazdy autobusem za 6Rs I jestesmy w Swietym Miescie. Nie mozna tu spozywac alkoholu, obowiazuje calkowity wegetarianizm. Zakazy zakazami, ale jak tylko wbilismy sie do pierwszej restauracji by podtuczyc nasze zwatlone ciala, od razu zaproponowano nam special lassi. Zostawilysmy Marcina w tym smaczno-wygodnym miejscu I ruszylysmy na sta... read more

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