Blogs from Maharashtra, India, Asia - page 122


Asia » India » Maharashtra » Jalgaon November 22nd 2006

Completely sleeping through my 6.20am alarm meant an extra day in Jalgaon and a lovely lazy morning. I made myself get up in search of breakfast - more eggs, although rather amusingly when I asked for the salt and pepper, first the waiter looked blankly, then gasped in understanding and skuttled off to return with a napkin and glass, further attempts yielded no better - an ashray! Jagaon is a standard Indian town, but it has retained it's past unlike some other cities; the old two story wooden houses with balconies and alcoves have not be replaced by concrete blocks and there was even a clock tower at the heart of the town, albeit rather modern. It's main tourist pull being its convienent location to Aganta Caves and many people whistle through arriving late and leaving ... read more

Asia » India » Maharashtra » Mumbai November 22nd 2006

Well, our plane was 1.5 hours delayed but the flight was very painless and despite the 9 hours Virgin Atlantic made us very comfortable. First time I managed to fall asleep for a bit on the plane on a long distance flight. So landed at 2pm yesterday afternoon and then got a cab from the airport to our hotel in Cobala. Took over 2.5 hours from the airport to get to Bentley's Hotel although the distance is not far. The traffic is an absolute nightmare. WE moved a few meters and the stood still for 15 mins. Quite a lot to take in when you first arrive. All the movements, people in colourfull saris working in their stalls or doing their washing on the pavements or having a nap, smells of cocking or spices as well ... read more

Asia » India » Maharashtra » Mumbai November 20th 2006

Mumbai, a business city of India. It's very crowded and busy city everytime. Mumbai has many old European buildings in the downtown. Unbelievable, it's India but looks like Europe. ... read more
Old taxi
Pigeons like Mumbai
Taj Mahal Hotel

Asia » India » Maharashtra » Mumbai November 18th 2006

Predvcerom sme zacali nasu strastiplnu cestu domov. Kedze odlet do Europy sme mali z Mumbaia a samosebou sa nam nepodarilo zohnat priame letenky Kathmandu - Mumbai, rozhodli sme sa letiet cez Kolkatu a stravit tam aspon jeden rychlikovy den. Po divokej ceste z Pokhary do Kathmandu (ten autobus o perovani ani len nepocul, po piatich minutach sme si chrbtove platnicky mohli skladat jak puzzle..) a po prijemnom veceri nas uz cakal odlet naspat do Indie. Preslaveny Nepalsky pristup nesklamal a samozrejme sme museli absolvovat sialene predletove kontroly. Dvakrat nam vysypali prirucnu batozinu, otvorili dokonca aj balene plagaty a mne vybrali baterky z fotaku a vysypali do rupsaku. Vraj sa nemozu vozit pokope. No zahada.. Let uz tradicne meskal a do Kolkaty sme sa dostali az za tmy. Zobrali sme pre-paid taxi a nechali sa zaviezt do ... read more
Garbage surfin' crow
Vsetci maju radi Georga a Tonyho.. :)

Asia » India » Maharashtra » Pune November 14th 2006

Last week I took a break and had a quiet time. I finally found my elephant. The rider even stopped the elephant so I could get a close-up picture. The Techbook teams had "Sports Day" mostly it was football (our soccer), badminton, racing, chess, and an interesting board game called Carrum. Unfortunately all I could offer the team was my support in the game "lemon and spoon". The game required a spoon in your mouth while you try to race down to the finish line. Roshan was my coach. I did not drop the lemon but I was in last place. It was fun. The weather was mild and we sat under trees while Vijay's team played football. It was very comfortable. I got a ride to the Pune Municipal Sports Center in Roshan's BRAND NEW ... read more
Me in Indian Garb
Break the Chair?

Asia » India » Maharashtra » Mumbai November 11th 2006

hello, i'm getting a bit slack keeping up with this blog, i'm just going to briefly summerise the last week, so that i can catch up to where i am now! i'm sure the photos will speak much better than my words (and spelling) anyway! so after agra we were driven back to delhi by our stressy driver. i'm so relieved to be rid of him and to have our freedom back. we head north on the overnight sleeper to shimla, an old british hill station in the foothills of the himalaya. have to change trains at 5 am to a 'toy train' that snaked around the mountains and hills on a narrow guage track. this was spectacular, the train was old, but would have been really splendid in its time. you could imagine all the ... read more
view from hotel balcony
the town hall, shimla
another child that was thrust upon me, this one didn't cry, bonus!

Asia » India » Maharashtra » Mumbai November 5th 2006

Ok so everything was going really smoothly, having a right old time until lunch the day after meeting Pinto. What else can I say, Mel got really sick, I mean really sick, so much so we had to call in the doctor at 5am in the morning, all this only 2 hours before we were to board our train headed for Goa. I'll keep it brief.... 3 days, 5 injections, a pathology test, one course of antibiotics and a whole lot of rest later we both finally let all of that go. Hooray! not a pleasant experience, but somehow necessary...... we think. Anyways back to some memorable moments. We are here in Goa, but before we give you the story so far we thought that we'd upload some more pic's for you all to see. Especially ... read more
still dirty
crawford markets 1
crawford markets 2

Asia » India » Maharashtra » Mumbai November 4th 2006

Mumbai - India’s filthiest city. Pintos Story In the midst of searing 30 degree heat along the tourist centre of Mumbai - the Colaba causeway we meet Pinto the taxi driver who refreshingly speaks english very well and like us is not big on haggling. Although we have now learnt that haggling is a must. So a short conversation later and a few exchanges of “do you think this guy is ok” between Mel an myself we decide to enter this taxi on what is the start of another incredible human journey. Included in our 300 rupee fair is a visit to the “must see” hanging gardens of Bombay with a view across to the Tower of Silence, more about that later. As we stroll around these immaculately manicured gardens which have been set out as ... read more
mumbai slums
washing anyone

Asia » India » Maharashtra » Mumbai November 3rd 2006

Day One in Mumbai- Well I guess you never quite know what to expect when you first arrive in any city the size of one like this. We really didn’t have any expectations, only the knowledge it would be chaos, no surprises there it is! It is difficult put into words the sensory bombardment you receive as soon as you leave the airport, the smells, burning coals form roadside vendors, diesel fuel from just about everything with more than two wheels and a motor, the sweetness of a multitude of incense’s some of which I have never experienced and most of which I can not even pronounce correctly. The sights, the people are as diverse in appearance as are combinations of Hindi-English flashing signs all of these come together with the sounds of 6 cars, 2 ... read more

Asia » India » Maharashtra » Pune November 2nd 2006

Pune is a University town southeast of Mumbai. The first thing we noticed when we got off the train was that it was so much cooler here, still hot but bearable. Once we got ourselves to FC road we decided that this was much better, we were able to walk for more than 100 m without being hung onto by beggers or invited to look at every single stall (all selling the same stuff) that we passed. Big sigh of relief. Moved to a cheaper hotel on the friday as we could't afford to stay in the clean place we bagged after getting off the train. The cleaner was in our new room when we checked in but we haven't been able to figure out what he was doing, it certainly wasn't cleaning the bathroom with ... read more
Red horned cows
Palace of Aga Khan
Palace of Aga Khan 2

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