Blogs from Kerala, India, Asia - page 12


Asia » India » Kerala » Varkala December 31st 2016

Geo: 8.73, 76.72As the New Year arrives, I reflect on my annual theme. I usually make a theme that is broad enough to be a guide and is not a goal. In 2016, I acknowledged my theme was a disguised goal or, really, a New Year's resolution (which I didn't accomplish), thus the reason I don't do resolutions. They just don't work for me. My 2016 theme of '500 hours of joyful writing' manifested as '50 hours of far-from-joyful writing'. Ah, but, it is often the themes that don't work so well that segue into more inspired themes for the following year. My theme for 2017 is peaceful ease. Like how I feel right now sitting amongst the chaos and buzz of the Coffee Temple in Varkala, writing blissfully as I switch back and forth from ... read more

Asia » India » Kerala December 24th 2016

I had been told that the bus from Perambuvoor to Mananthavady would take six or seven hours. It did not. It took almost ten hours. I caught a bus from Kothamangalam to Perambuvoor at 8am. I figured that was an early enough time to start off. After waiting about ten minutes at the Perambuvoor station my next bus arrived and at 9am I was off. The bus was one of the government KSRTC buses, as I almost always end up on, and it was packed. There are 50 seats on these buses but they can easily fit another thirty or forty people on in the aisles. It wasn't so bad. After an hour I got a seat, and there I remained for the next nine hours. We finally rolled into Mananthavady after dark, at 6.45pm. It ... read more
Jungle Striped Squirrel (Funambulus tristriatus)

Asia » India » Kerala » Varkala December 24th 2016

Geo: 8.73, 76.72"I'm happy to be here, but still a little sad to be here too. Sometimes it's better to travel than to arrive." - Robert PirsigAnd to arrive and be so far from home during Christmas is always hard for me. Ah, but sometimes being home at Christmas is also hard with no family living near us. I've been listening to Firestarter Sessions from Danielle LaPorte and I'm taking some advice from her. Easy is not always lazy or undisciplined; sometimes it is you intuitively waiting for the right timing or inspiration. And easy is just the other side of the coin of hard; you don't have one without the other. But you can choose where you want to spend more of your time. Think of your body, your attitude, your you want to ... read more
The Coconut Harvester
Sweet Face

Asia » India » Kerala December 22nd 2016

Probably the most famous ornithologist in India is Salim Ali, author of one of the field guides. The bird sanctuary named after him has its entrance by the little village of Thattekad, hence its alternative name of Thattekad Bird Sanctuary. I did look at going here when making my original Indian trip plans ages ago but it seemed a bit out of the way of everything else. However after it was mentioned to me a few days previously as being a place where Malabar grey hornbills are common, I had another look on the internet and asked about bus routes at the Munnar Information Centre, and found that it actually fits perfectly into a route between the Munnar area and my next destination of Tholpetty Wildlife Sanctuary (where black-footed grey langurs are found). And now having ... read more

Asia » India » Kerala December 19th 2016

Shola is the name given to the montane forests of southern India. They are a hotspot for endemism (species found nowhere else) but there aren't a lot of these forests left nowadays. Most of them have been cleared, and are still being cleared, to create tea plantations. Often when driving around in Kerala you'll see patches of forest on ridges, surrounded by nothing but tea fields. That's the fate of most of the shola, just useless patches, like islands of extinction. But there are also some protected areas of shola and the Pampadum Shola National Park, 36km outside Munnar, is one of these. From the internet I knew there were some government-owned cabins inside the park, but I also knew that they were expensive (they are currently 4500 rupees per night - when at the park ... read more
Gaur (Bos gaurus)
Nilgiri Langur (Trachypithecus johnii)

Asia » India » Kerala December 17th 2016

Just outside Munnar, only about four or five kilometres along the road to Marayur, is the entrance for the Eravikulam National Park, which was created in 1978 to protect a kind of mountain goat called the Nilgiri tahr. There are only three species of tahr in the world. One is from the Himalayas (the Himalayan tahr - this is the one introduced to New Zealand and South Africa), one is in Oman and the UAE (the Arabian tahr), and one is in the Western Ghats (the Nilgiri tahr). Because I was going from Marayur to Munnar on a morning bus, and Eravikulam is only about twenty minutes by bus from Munnar, I contemplated going to the park in the afternoon after finding a hotel in Munnar, and then going back again early the next morning (partly ... read more
Nilgiri Tahr (Nilgiritragus hylocrius)
Nilgiri Tahr (Nilgiritragus hylocrius)
the park rules

Asia » India » Kerala December 15th 2016

There are two "entry" points for the Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary, although both are on the same public road which runs through the middle of the park. The park officially can only be entered with a guide and on foot (there are no jeep safaris here, and you apparently aren't allowed to just get out of your car and wander along the road). But the opening times are not great for birding, with the first possibility for getting a guide being 9am when it is already well past all the morning bird activity. The first "entry" point (i.e. where you can get a guide) is Alampetty, 6km from Marayur, which has two trails leading to a waterfall and some rock paintings respectively. The second one (the main one) is called Chinnar Check Post, 18km from Marayur, and ... read more
Tufted Grey Langur (Semnopithecus priam)
Grizzled Giant Squirrel (Ratufa macroura)
Indian Scops Owl (Otus bakkamoena)

Asia » India » Kerala December 13th 2016

I had sort of been expecting southern India to be much like Sri Lanka. Madurai sure wasn't. It was your typical manic filthy Indian town. I got into the city after the sun had gone down though, wandering through the dark crowded streets trying to avoid tuktuks and motorbikes and cows until I found the hotel, so perhaps during the day it would be nicer. In the early morning I took a tuktuk to one of the bus stations to catch the 8am bus to Munnar, which is up in the highlands of Kerala's Western Ghats (Madurai is in the lowlands of Tamil Nadu). The guy at the hotel desk had said to get there early to be sure of getting a seat, so I arrived at 7am and there was another bus just leaving bound ... read more

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi December 4th 2016

Heute stehen Ausflüge nach Cochin an. Noch arg müde ob des frühen Aufstehens gehen wir zum Frühstücken. Alle Tische stehen verwaist da, die Kellner sind mit dem Polieren des Bestecks beschäftigt. Gerade will ich meinen noch müden Hintern in einen Stuhl plumpsen lassen, um mir etwas schwarzes Lebenselixier ein verhelfen zu können, da tönt aus dem Off eine schnell näher kommende Stimme: „Ey, der Platz ist schon besetzt!“. Nach einer dramatisierenden Pause kommt noch der Satz: „Das sieht man doch!!!“ hinterher. Meiner Müdigkeit am Morgen ist es zu verdanken, dass daraus kein netter eindringlicher Hinweis auf allgemeine Höflichkeitsfloskeln wurde. Hilfesuchend schaue ich über seinen Tisch. Den einzigen Hinweis auf seine „Reservierung“ entdecke ich in einer deutlich verschobenen Kaffeetasse, wenn ich mir die anderen Tische so anschaue. Ich belasse es bei einem höflichen Kopfnicken und schi... read more
2 ...einer Inselgruppe...
3 ...voller Kontraste
4 Endlich angelegt

Asia » India » Kerala » Vagamon November 19th 2016

While we were in Kerala, we passed by many rubber trees and noticed the strange little collection cups and plastic wraps around the mature rubber trees. We decided we needed to learn more about the process of collecting and making rubber. Our time near the hill station of Vagamon proved the perfect time to do just that. We hired a guide from Vanilla County and took off for a local rubber tree plantation. We learned about rubber and may never look at the finished product the same way. The collection and production of rubber is extensive and labor intensive. It takes a rubber tree 7 years to mature, so the trees must be planted and then must grow for 7 years before they can provide any sort of profit. Once the tree matures, one side of ... read more
Squeezing Out the Water
Close-up Collection
Labor Intensive Process

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