Blogs from Karnataka, India, Asia - page 145


Asia » India » Karnataka » Bangalore October 17th 2005

I had been told that many westerners can feel claustrophobic upon arrival in India due to the shear concentration of people in the city. I found this to be true. Upon arrival, I was innundated with offers to carry luggage, exchange currency and purchase souvenirs.... read more

Asia » India » Karnataka » Gokarna October 17th 2005

From Diu to Mumbai to Goa to Karnataka, that has been the story of my past few weeks. I worked some sweet dance moves as an extra in a Bollywood movie (for 14 hours!), I experienced the roughly tantalizing effects of a 'famous' head massage on Chowpatty beach in Mumbai, and have been working on doing some uber-relaxation at some Indian beaches. Unfortunately, the weather hasn't exactly been cooperating: the relaxation part is working out but it's been pretty tough to stay dry. A couple of days ago I moved from the idyllic but Westernized Palolem Beach into the small town of Gokarna in Karnataka. I've been traveling with a few new 'mates', a couple of Aussies and Kiwis. And a couple of days ago we decided we'd had enough of Palolem. So we hopped a ... read more
The Chowpatty Head Massage?
The (British) India Gate
Purple Haze

Asia » India » Karnataka » Mysore October 16th 2005

After waiting a hour for the sleeper bus to turn up even though I knew it was only 15 minutes away when I left the beach at Palolem it turns up. I had a cramped mattress next to India's tallest Chevy Chase lookalike. So room was minimal, not very nice if you are not as touchy feely as Indians. Best thing to do was to stare out the window and listen to S Club 7 to cheer things up… We got to Bangalore around 9am, so a 14 hour coach ride, a new pabloq record! A quick walk to the train station to sort out a train to Mysore. It’s almost cold here, I have my fleece on and I don’t want to take it off. I opt for the first train, a passenger one, this ... read more
Why Am I On The Bus And You Lot Aren

Asia » India » Karnataka » Bangalore October 10th 2005

So, we are safely ensconced in our new apartment -that came with a service person, who we kindly asked to not work 16 hour shifts, and who is now outside our front door cleaning everything outside. I don't think he feels its ok to leave. There's only two of us we dont need all this service -he also sleeps on the kitchen floor! I agreed to abide by all these different traditions, -not using your left hand to handle food or anything clean, not showing the soles of my feet, covering my legs and arms, not being loud about really liking steak!! But there are some things here that are just so different -I feel like I'm in some slap stick comedy at the best of times! I made him a cup of coffee too ( ... read more

Asia » India » Karnataka » Gokarna September 26th 2005

Something short of paradise. Devbagh, which is about 20 kms from Goa is an island where you can actually lead the whole Robinson Crusoe existence. Untouched beaches, the cool surf, shimmering sunlight lighting up a strip of the ocean, barbeques by the ocean , and waking up to the sound of the waves….sigh! And not to forget the extremely cozy log cabins shaded by Casurina trees…(before I start sounding like one of those extremely verbose Indian writers who go on about trees you’ve never heard of, a Casurina tree it kind of looks like a pine tree, but only the cones are much smaller. In fact, next time you’re caught in a tsunami, and there is no other escape, climbing a Casuarina is a recommended option). Your view is dotted with the sight of uninhabited islands ... read more
Ocean Yin Yang

Asia » India » Karnataka September 21st 2005

Hunt for the elusive black morph Jumping Ant started off where I had seen it last time, a good 4 years back, in the valley of Evergreen forests in a village called Sullali, some 2 hours away from Sagar, Shimoga. We measure distance there by the time taken to travel rather than actual meters itself. Reached Sagar early in the morning with a bad tummy (groan...) and had the best food one can with a bad tummy, idli, vada, sambhar..yumm.. It was heavenly to get back to paying 5 Rs for a plate, compared to exhorbant prices in Bangalore. With still 3 hours to kill before catching the first bus to get to Sulalli, I walked down on those familiar streets in the early hours of the morning. The familiar shops, the ice cream place, the ... read more
With the rise of Sun
Half-submerged islands
Another of my islands

Asia » India » Karnataka » Bangalore August 24th 2005

Flies in India are dumb. They have not evolved here to become the finely tuned machines of hateful annoyance like their cousins in Australia. My current S.R. (Strike Rate) is 96.7%. Indian mozzies on the other hand are evil bastards. They are disease ridden, silent, and very, very quick. A single mozzie will take you around 15-20 minutes to kill. I have given up and just started eating anti-malarials like candy.... read more

Asia » India » Karnataka » Bangalore August 24th 2005

Apparently its "National Mess With Gringos Day" in India today. Ordering lunch today from canteen; Glenn: "One chicken sandwich" Canteen Guy: "Three sir." (holds up three fingers and starts punching it into the register.) (Glenn stands there scratching head incredulously.) Nic: (*Laughing*) (Glenn finally gathers himself) Glenn: "Um, nooo, not three. One sandwich" (Glenn holds up finger) Canteen Guy: "Ok sir". (Starts battling cash register to undo last action) Glenn: (...minutes later when battle finishes) "And two Sprites please". Canteen Guy: "Ok sir". (Punches more numbers into register. Receipt prints out. Hands it to Glenn) (Receipt is for 1 sandwich and THREE Sprites) Glenn: (Reading receipt and looking confused). "Umm" (pauses) "Nevermind". Nic: (*continues laughing*) Discussion ensues with Nic over lunch trying to understand what the hell just happened. No ... read more

Asia » India » Karnataka » Bangalore August 9th 2005

Ive created a new game. Its called 'Count The Security Guard'. The rules are: From the entrance of the complex, to your desk, count how many security guards you pass within 5 metres of. I hold the current record at 11. Not that they do anything. You could drive a car with 'Jihad' written on the front in big red letters and fertilizer leaking out the boot straight in the front door without being accosted as long as you had something that resembled an access card hanging around your neck. ... read more

Asia » India » Karnataka » Bandipur National Park August 6th 2005

perhaps, the truest of nature lies at the deepest of the jungles. and this very thought drove us to the bandipur forest; we started from bangalore at the wee hours of morning. after driving 230 kms, (taking a single stop at maddur for breakfast) we reached our destination, bandipur. located at the foothills of mysore-ooty highway, the place is a beauty with lush green and that drove us wild. from badipur we drove another few kilometers to our cottage, 'tiger ranch'. this private cottage is at the heart of deep forest. with about 8 private huts, the cottage provides you with an amazing experience of staying deep inside the forest. the hut we took was furnished with 5 beds, a not so clean toilet and wooden hammocks. the food was gr8. and you'd get enuff drink(very ... read more

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