Blogs from Himachal Pradesh, India, Asia - page 14


Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Dharamsala May 3rd 2014

Namaste, every trip Ive taken through India has introduced me to a new interest. At first I saw each of them as different, new experiences. First yoga, then Buddhism, then the Indian and Tibetan cultures and finally Ayurveda. And now my perspective has changed…I have seen that actually, they are all just different versions of the same lessons. Each medium has taught me something about myself, the kind of environment I want to surround myself with and the diversity the world has to offer. Ive learnt what it means to stay true to myself, to be a kind, patient and compassionate person and most importantly to not judge others who are different from myself (which is everyone, essentially!) After studying a little bit from what all these teachings had to offer, I realized (slowly…Im not the ... read more
Ayurvedic oil massage
Kati Vasti

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Kullu April 19th 2014

Banjar Valley, Himachal Pradesh April 19th 2014 “Cricket to us was more than play, it was a worship in the summer sun” Edmund Blunden “I tend to think that cricket is the greatest thing that God ever created on earth -certainly greater than sex, although sex isn't too bad either” Harold Pinter In India, the game of cricket is a passion (and as near to a religion on par with Hinduism as you will get - not to discount the fervour for other religions, but Hinduism is by far the largest religion and maybe also the most passionate – maybe). That is not to say that a Buddhist monk (for example) cannot be equally captured by this game (see picture). This is of course a story with a very male-oriented focus. I am talking about male ... read more
Taking it seriously on the Solahnu School yard
A neighbouring village pitch
Cricket as meditation

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Dharamsala April 14th 2014

I'm sure you've been there - I know I have. It's 10 PM, and you're about ready for bed. But first - let me check Facebook. Just for a few minutes, to check my updates. 2 hours later, you finally shut off your computer, somehow dissatisfied with your day - with your life. My personal experience is backed up by a recent study that found that after spending time on Facebook, people are more depressed and report less life satisfaction than before going on the social networking site. The study concluded that jealousy was the cause of this trend. It's easy to see why. When people post photos or updates about their life, they put their best foot forward. They tell the world about their latest promotion, or post photos of their happy partners and families ... read more

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Mcleod Ganj April 7th 2014

Hours rush into days – days merge into a new place or hours on the road in between places. Today - 12 hours on the road from Shimla to Rishikesh, yesterday Shimla, the day before 12 hours on the road between McLeod Ganj and Shimla – I don’t know the dates. McLeod Ganj is the physical and spiritual home of the Dalai Lama. He was in residence when we walked around the temple but you would never have known. It was the quietest Buddhist temple complex I have ever been to in my life and I feel it is the most important but unlike when I was in Lhasa or at Labrang with the cymbals crashing, the monks in yellow hats, the air thick with the smoke and smell from incense burning, constant chanting, the great ... read more
typical construction
knitting in the street
on the road

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Kullu April 1st 2014

Solahnu April 1st 2014 Find a place to call my own And try and fix up Start a brand new day Neil Young, Out on the Weekend Solahnu village (pop 123) sits at 2,800 mts above sea level in Banjar Valley, Kullu District, Himachal Pradesh and is one of hundreds of small villages strung across the lower Himali which are only accessible by walking/climbing track (often goat track). Yes it has electricity and piped water, satellite TV and even sporadic internet (for the few who have computers) but no shops and little flat space as it clings to the mountain side. The plus here is that being so high it receives over 10 hours direct sunlight from Spring to Autumn and a good deal more sunlight than the lower valley in Winter. And so agriculture is ... read more
Cricket on the Solahnu pitch
Father Son bonding in Solahnu
After work leisure in Solahnu

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Mandi March 14th 2014

Delhi 11th March 2014 “Hey babe, take a walk on the wild side” Lou Reed “Leave it to me as I find a way to be Consider me a satellite forever orbiting I know all the rules but the rules did not know me“ Eddie Vedder, Guaranteed I needed to take Gladys the wonder bike for some minor work and found The Bike Club workshop in Pahar Gange run by a lovely guy known as “DD” and his offsider “Jimmy”. Holi was fast approaching and as is their tradition, the Hijra were working the streets for money. Hijra denote transexual or transgender people (also known as Aravani or Jagappa in other parts of India). The hijra community is diverse and complex, and their place in society goes deeper than being just men who have feminine gender ... read more
Hijra at a workshop on HIV and AIDS in Bhubaneswar 2010
Hijra fashion parade organised by community activists as awaremess raising event. Bhubaneswar 2010

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Dharamsala January 17th 2014

Saturday 23rd November Up for breakfast at 8.30. Some of the group couldn't wait to get shopping but I had to pack and sort my bags out for my onward trip to Goa. Fortunately, this didn't take me too long. I walked up the hill from the hotel to look at the shops around Bhagsu Nag and bumped into Jane and Howard. Everywhere was really busy this morning as it was a weekend. I bought Dave a t shirt. A family stopped me and asked to take my photo! I ended having a hoot with every family member! I picked up a tuk tuk and went down to McCloud Ganj. I took my time walking through the shops and stopped at various places to buy things. I saw Teri, Sheila and Lynda at Mandala Cafe so ... read more
Busy street in Dharamsala
Snake Charmer in Agra
Taj Mahal

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Dharamsala January 9th 2014

I've read through my last blogs and there were things I forgot to mention, so I thought I would add them for your information. Firstly people may be interested to know the itinerary and the names of the places we visited. Day 1 - Depart UK for Delhi Day 2 - Delhi and Overnight train to Pathankot Day 3 - Pathankot and transfer to Dharamsala Day 4 - Dharamsala to Kareri (2070m) trekking distance - 14 km 7/8 hours approx Day 5 - Kareri to Bal Village (2330m) trekking distance - 15 km 7/8 hours approx Day 6 - Bal to Triund (2995m) trekking distance - 14 km 7/8 hours approx Day 7 - Triund to Laka Got (3550m) trekking distance - 14 km 7/8 hours approx Day 8 - Triund to Bhagso Nak to Dharamsala ... read more

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Dharamsala January 6th 2014

I must apologise to all of you about the delay in updating my blog. But since returning from India, I have been really unwell - the anti malaria tablets have really affected me and I have been unable to do most things. Fortunately I only have one more day to take them! I have written some of my blog, but still have a bit to complete. I have also now added you all to my email list for notifications, so you should get emails everytime I do an update from now on. To read all of my blogs, just keep clicking on previous entries and you will have access to them. The other thing I must add is that a lot of the photographs I have added will be on the bottom of the page of ... read more
Trekking down through the woods
Two Indian ladies carrying bundles of straw
One of the suspension bridges we had to cross

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Dharamsala January 6th 2014

Friday 15th November 2013 Today was a strange day, watching the clock tick by, waiting for 2.30pm to come. 2.15 and we are leaving Eastwood Place, driving to Yatton to pick Lisa up. She was ready and waiting when we arrived. So off we went, both a little nervous about what lies ahead of us. Traffic wasn't a problem and we arrived in good time, meeting Teri (our Team Leader) at the Jet Airways check in desk. We met up with Hannah and all checked in so we could sit together. Through Departures we met up with the rest of our group and then each went our separate ways to get something to eat and drink. We boarded fairly quickly and were soon in the air. I fell asleep almost instantly due to my little yellow ... read more
Sheila. Janet and Nick in their bunks on the overnight train
Breakfast in Pathankot
Al Fresco Breakfast

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