Blogs from Palolem, Goa, India, Asia - page 19


Asia » India » Goa » Palolem April 2nd 2007

It is now the end of our time in India and as such many things have been going around in my head. I have been asked by loving parents and friends, “so what have you learnt?” “did you find what you were looking for there?” many times over the last week. My answer to them is, truly, I don’t know. Not just because I never really had a clear idea of what I was looking for, or if I was looking for anything, but also because I feel as if I haven’t digested any of that learning yet. Much like the sacred cow, I feel as if I have been stuffing my “India” stomach, filling and filling it for the past twelve weeks, without even initial digestion. Now this stomach is so full to the ... read more
the "Rustic Cottage"
yup, he's pretty adorable!
picture time at Asha Deep

Asia » India » Goa » Palolem April 2nd 2007

Today we went on a dophin trip and despite the dogdy boat held together with string and the persistant doubts in our minds that we would be wasting our time...we actually saw some. Seeing them wild is a fantastic experience...unfortunately because everyone wants to share it there was some competition indded not as much as you would expect though...4 other rickety wooden tubs floated around near us trying to catch a glimpse which soon turned into a chase the dolphins scenario...wildly rushing off in any direction but it was fun. Aside from pursuing dolphins we've been working on our tans, eating a LOT of yummy food,(feeding my gobi desert - gwenno) to the extent that i was asked to day if i was pregnant....i thought i'd got slimmer... Today we rented out body boards to ... read more

Asia » India » Goa » Palolem April 1st 2007

well well well, what a mad few days itsa been! its hard to recall where we left off. Think we had just arrived in arambol and we had told you a bit about it! Its tara by the way! Im quite annoyed at the moment because my stupid hotmail account isnt working and cant upload any phtotos on the travelblog! Its ok though because i am in India! So these past few days have been alot of fun! Our last day in arambol with steve was quite adventurous! We decided to head over to a nearby beach which meant going over what we thought was a small hill over a footpath! We got there safely and had what was probably the quickect swim known to man, It was very hard to swim in arambol! You did ... read more

Asia » India » Goa » Palolem March 27th 2007

Hey everyone - just a quick update of what's been happening! we left the school and went to delhi - stayed with our friends ashu and his family in Delhi (uneventful apart from me spilling hot tea down myself and burning my thigh - ouch) and then a flight to goa. Palolem is beautiful, a wide stretch of golden sand fringed with palm trees and packed with everything that you need to live...good food, supplies and bamboo huts for less than 1 pound a night! We met up with nats sister and her friends and then went up to calangute for a few days...such a shock after the peaceful laidback backpacker lifestyle at Palolem. Wall to wall tourists seriously - package holiday hell! i never thought for one minute that the type of all inclusive package ... read more

Asia » India » Goa » Palolem March 23rd 2007

So today I got up at 8am, far to early after getting used to the good life, to meet everyone: Rhodri & Rhys (2 lovely guys from Cardiff who I originally met in Jodhpur and arranged to meet again in Goa, they very kindly waited for me at the airport on the 19th so we could get a taxi together onto Palolem), Paul (a nice lad from England), Dani (from Birmingham) and Toby & Karen (both near the end of their travels from Germany). So after some breakfast we got our boats to go watch the dolphins playing just off the coast of Palolem (Goa), whilst it was great it was also a bit staged chasing after them to watch them play. For me it was the peacefulness of being at the helm of the boat ... read more

Asia » India » Goa » Palolem March 16th 2007

Japp, taget fran mangalore till Goa blev en en gang ett nytt eventyr.. hade fatt fel info om nar taget skulle ga sa da vi kom til stasjonen efter att ha stressat med o fa med oss en doggy bag med frokost sa visar de sig att taget redan gatt.. o neste tag gar forst om 6 timmar.. hm.. blev litt irriterte.. men men, detta er ju india!! valget sto mellan o ta oss til Taj Mangalore der vi spist kvelden innan o ligga o slappa vid poolen eller o finna pa nat annat.. vi gikk tilbake til sentrum o at frokost o medan vi laste dagens tidining sag vi att de gikk en massa filmer/kino kl 10 (pa morgonen) vi hoppade i en rickshaw o lite fore kl 10 sto vi med popcorn i ... read more
Vattenbufflar & Fredrik i Palolem
Oh holy cow
Malin pa Cabo de Rama

Asia » India » Goa » Palolem February 18th 2007

After Munnar we went down the mountains into the state of Kerala, where we met up with Lena and Camilla again in a friendly little homestay in a town called Allepey. Kerala is boiling hot, especially having just been in the cool mountains. A lot of people walk around with umbrellas for shade, which still makes me confused when there's no rain! Quite a good beach in Allepey, and strangely it was very deserted apart from a large amount of giant crabs. Our whole no ice creams in India rule has kind of gone to pot as we found a great ice cream palour, and were averaging around 2-3 ice creams a day, each. Evenings were spent playing carom, a game kind of like pool but it's on a wooden board with little checkers pieces that ... read more
The Backwaters
The Sunset
The Sunrise

Asia » India » Goa » Palolem February 12th 2007

So i've always wanted an Indian head massage and since i was still in the country i figured that i should really get one done here! Our cocohuts had a little ayuervdic (not sure of spelling!) massage centre, so i went to check it out. Outside the door are all the lotions and potions and next to those are all the guys massaging certificates, one in particular stood out, mainly due to the fact that it looked like it was written by a 6 year old! That aside i decided to throw caution to the wind and just book up for a face and head massage! Big mistake that was!! Went for my appointment with Michelle, only to be told that Michelle couldn't sit in as it would mean i wouldn't be able to relax fully! ... read more
Genuine certificate?
Massuse at work!

Asia » India » Goa » Palolem February 11th 2007

I'm going to have a lot more difficulty with this blog considering that in the 11 da I was in Goa I really didn't do anything. This was the appeal of the place even before we arived there. I remember being stuck in busses, in hot rooops and cold showers dreaming of this perfct beach on which I could do absolutely nothing. After over two months in India, I feel that I'ev seen enough tourist sights, taken enough photos and so forth. Right now it's all about relaxing with the sun and sand. We bussed into Panaji from Mumbai- not a bad one as far as sleeper busses go. We actually had enough of us to close off two of the compartments and have a bit of a slumber pary atmosphere. Here we played trivia (it ... read more
Out to sea
The view from our hotel

Asia » India » Goa » Palolem February 10th 2007

After a 2 and a half hour taxi journey we arrive at our new home for the next couple of days in Goa. We've moved south to Palolem and its completely different to Baga. This place is paradise - what you imagine when you think of Goa! Our accommodation is pretty cool as well, we're staing at the Hi-Tide Cocohuts. Cocohuts to those of you not in the know, are sheds on stilts! No bathroom, just a small room with a matress on the floor and thats it! God knows how they manage to stay up - but when i saw a seriously obese man getting into one i started to think it probably won't collapse under my weight!! Our first night and we head up the beach to one of the many beach restaurants, get ... read more
Inside the shed!
Sunset as seen from the shed!
La beach

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