Blogs from China, Asia - page 2390


Asia » China » Beijing » Great Wall of China January 28th 2004

I’d been staying with a friend in Beijing. He was teaching English there and had a flat just out of the city center. One night before we all went out for dinner. After the meal I wasn’t feeling too great and decided to head back to his. It was only about 9pm, so he put me in a taxi and told the driver his address. But when the taxi got there the fare was about three times the amount that it had been when it took us out in the first place and I realised he was taking the piss in a big way. So I tried to contest the price with the help of my trusty phrasebook. It wasn’t going well and it turned into a bit of an argument. At this point a man ... read more

Asia » China » Guangdong » Shenzhen January 24th 2004

story will come here, going to shanghai today... read more

Asia » China » Guangdong » Shenzhen January 20th 2004

My eyes were sore, I couldnt move my back, but I was determined to finish the book 'Bringing down the house' written by one of the MIT students who killed Vegas by card counting. It hasnt been long since the cold darkness of the atmosphere above the North Pole was broken up by the first rays of lights 35000 feet above the ground. Flying over the pole made my body clock stop, but my relief was great when I got to the last pages of the novel I started reading 11 hours earlier. Five more hours and we would be in Hong Kong. The touch-down was a little 'sketchy' due to the thick layer of low-lying clouds and associated turbulances, but the modern and trendy airport made up for everything. It was 6:15pm local time. ... read more

Asia » China December 24th 2003

Why did I come to China? That‘s such an easy question for me to answer yet many of my friends wonder why I would want to go to China. They feel that there is poverty everywhere, with much pollution and all streets being crowded with cars, people, and bicycles and garbage anywhere you look. I have found China to be nothing like the country as imagined by my friends. The single most striking and pleasing feature of the country is the people. They are so warm and friendly. I would walk a hundred miles just to see one of those beautiful smiles that I encounter everywhere that I go. And those bright eyes! They put a smile in my heart. It is no wonder I am so happy! As I bicycle, walk and bus around my ... read more
Streets are spic and span!

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing November 12th 2003

two types of residences... read more
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Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing November 11th 2003

Yanziji-river bank of Yangzi River (Chang Jiang)... read more
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Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing November 10th 2003

daily life in Nanjing... read more fact we're doing homework in an office
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Asia » China » Jiangsu » Wuxi November 8th 2003

Wuxi: Xihui Park, filming base of the TV series "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Yuantou Zhu... read more
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Asia » China » Jiangsu » Suzhou November 2nd 2003

great gardens revisited~part II: 3. Huqiu (2002 visit: 4. The Master-of-Nets Garden (2002 visit: read more
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Asia » China » Jiangsu » Suzhou November 1st 2003

great gardens revisited~part I: 1. The Humble Administrator's Garden (2002 visit: 2. The Lion Grove Garden... read more
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