Blogs from Ruili, Yunnan, China, Asia


Asia » China » Yunnan » Ruili July 25th 2014

Minule se laskavý čtenář dozvěděl, jak v pohraničí u Řeky osamělého draka chcíp pes. To se ale rozhodně nedá říct o celé hranici s Barmou, naopak, výběžek ČLR o několik set kilometrů jižněji, na západ od města Baoshan (保山), se má čile k světu. Od Kunmingu tudy vede právě dobudovávaná dálnice směrem na Mandalay, v plánu je dále železnice a především ropovod – a surovinové zájmy Číny v otevírající se Barmě samozřejmě nekončí u ropy. Nejvýnosnějším artiklem je ale stále opium. Centrální i provinční vláda se oficiálně snaží zatnout pašerákům tipec, což lze ilustrovat na občasných kontrolách u silnic (strategií je zjevně nekontrolovat samotné hranice, ale posunout kontroly o řádově desítky kilometrů do čínského vnitrozemí). Veškerá snaha o potlačení obchodu s opiem ale naráží na klasický problém, zkorumpované úředníky; takže Yunnan a zvláště oblast západně od ... read more
Trh v Ruili

Asia » China » Yunnan » Ruili April 9th 2009

"I'm very lucky to have this job," Robert, who worked for an employment agency, told us in an almost ridiculously posh British accent. "It's just because I speak good Burmese, Chinese and Shan . Most of us Burmese can't even feed our families. Before I got this job I worked in Thailand, Cambodia, then back in Burma as a long-distance lorry driver for US$50 a month, then in a factory, sixteen hours a day every day with no weekends or holidays, that was for US$60 a month. Like I said, I'm very lucky though. I can't see my family but at least I can support them. The average wage in Burma is US$30 a month. The government just takes everything from the people. There's something wrong with their minds, they're not educated you know, just military ... read more
Jade dealers
Jade market area
Dai temple

Asia » China » Yunnan » Ruili November 20th 2007

"Uuuuh," Joan moans as we enter the PSB office on Beijing Lu, "this guy's a prick," he informs me under his breath. Within half a minute I've gathered as much. Standing across from him seperated by a desk, the officer speaks as though to an assembly. I respond in a likewise trumpeted voice, "I plan to travel around Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangzhou. He seems satisfied. I fill out the form and hand over my passport. It'll take a week. In the meantime Joan suggests a trip to the Burmese border. We arrange for friends to take care of Joan's black lab. His friends, Matt and Jacob message us apologies while we are away, their same sex role modeling has sorely influenced their own pitbull's randy demeanour towards the lab. A visit to Tengchong ranks, I should ... read more
jiaotzu, Ruili
night market, Ruili
Joan with hammer, sickle & pointsettia

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