Blogs from Shanxi, China, Asia - page 28


Asia » China » Shanxi » Datong July 17th 2006

Our only fear on our trip to Datong is that we had to buy return train tickets back to Beijing for the next day, and we couldn't do it until we were in Datong. We were afraid that the train would be sold out or we'd have difficulties purchasing the tickets due to the language barrier. We leave the platform and have to lug our huge rollie bags down a huge flight of steps and them back up three more! By the time I got to the top into the lobby, Brian had been approached by an English speaking CITS travel agent. He was able to book our soft sleeper return train tickets with the greatest of ease. He also booked us on the tour that brought us to see the Yungong Grottos and the Hanging ... read more

Asia » China » Shanxi » Datong July 12th 2006

Catching the hard sleeper train from Beijing (West) to Datong for the princely sum of 68 Yuan (about five pounds), was a little more eventful than intended. We left it a little late and ended up dashing across town in a taxi and running across four lanes of traffic, before joining the queue for our train. It seemed as if the entire 1.3 billion population of China had chosen to go to Datong with us. Chinese railways stations are a lot like an airport departure lounge, you wait in a designated waiting area until your train is ready for boarding and then you do the easy jet rush to board. We eventually settled into our allocated bunks and arrived safely in Datong five and a half hours later. We had pre-booked our accommodation and were happily ... read more
The Hanging Monastery
From the very BIG!!!
.... to the very small (3cm).

Asia » China » Shanxi » Pingyao June 25th 2006

Hi all This week was dedicated to 2 things. The first was making our way from Kashgar in the south-west of china to Beijing in the north- east a total of over 5000 km! The second thing was learning about the history of China. Went to 2 good museums in Urumqi and Xian and we now know all the Chinese dynasties from 500BC to the last emperor in the 20th century by heart. we saw archeological sites in Xian the historical capital of China till about the 10th century and saw endless Confucian and Taos temples in Pingyao - one of the riches cities in China till the 19th century when it went bankrupted and did not have the money to modernize in the 20th and 21st centuries. Beeing a Celeb Everywhere we go people say ... read more

Asia » China » Shanxi » Pingyao June 3rd 2006

We left Wutai Shan as we had arrived... on a chain smoking Chinese mini bus, this time with the added entertainment factor for poor Ann who got to sit next to a mad monk who sneaked her moby number and then wanted to listen to her iPod... apparently Simon and Garfunkel were a bit hit!! The journey to Taiyuan, where we were to change for our final destination of Pingyao was one of contrasts. Initially we got to see some of the stunning mountain scenery that we'd missed because of the bad weather on the way up - green, mountainous and peaceful. As we got to lower grounds that changed to soot filled coal producing industrial towns. Towards the end we saw the strangest thing - on a motorway there were people in orange suits sweeping ... read more
Part of a nine dragon wall.... the number 9 and dragons = vvvvvvv auspicious
Inside the Rishengchang Financial House Museum
More dragons...

Asia » China » Shanxi » Datong June 1st 2006

We arrived in Datong at 7am after a rather 'interesting' night spent getting next to no sleep on the sleeper train from Beijing. Somewhat wearily we went in search of the station travel agency that the LP described as being really helpful. We found it easily ( was full of westerners) and within 30 mins we were booked onto a tour for the day, had a hotel room organised and were sat eating brekky. At 9am we were on a bus meeting our guide and tour group... yep, after nearly three weeks in China spent actively avoiding the follow the flag tour groups here I was on one. Ahh the shame ;0) It was a great day though and considering how tired we both felt it was the only way we could have done it... trying ... read more
Yungang Caves
Yungang Caves
Yungang Caves

Asia » China » Shanxi » Pingyao May 22nd 2006

The train ride to Pingyao was not as comfortable as the overnighter to Xian but the good news is it was a little shorter. Left at 8:30 at night and arrived in Pingyao at 7AM, greeted by a sign directing us to the "Underground Funnel" to avoid walking over the tracks :). Pingyao is pretty small and a very traditional village. We spent the day on our own visiting various sites and museums and temples in the town; today we headed out to see the house of a very wealthy gentleman - the details of which I will post later. Suffice to say it was the size of a small town and quite incredible. While walking the walls around the home you could see cave houses built into the mountainside. These are actual caves that have ... read more
Streets of Pingyao
From the city wall

Asia » China » Shanxi » Datong May 21st 2006

We took the overnight sleeper train and arrived nice and early in Datong. What a culture shock, unlike Beijing this place is an industrial coal mining city. The train station was heaving with Chinese peasants migrating in search of work and unlike their Beijing counterparts these guys are not used to Westerners. With their belongings in a sack, they walk up to us and just stand staring. Having walked around this town which is stained black with coal dust, and shows no signs of any westernisation, we quickly made a decision this wasn't a place we were going to be staying the night, and booked another sleeper train out. We knew Datong was going to be a bit rough but that's not why we are here. Just out of the town are 2 two sites that ... read more
Inside Yungang Grottos
Buddha Yungang Grottos
Buddha Paul

Asia » China » Shanxi » Pingyao May 15th 2006

Our first sleeper train When we last wrote we were getting ready to head for the train station. We figured out which track to go to, boarded the train, and were pleasantly surprised by the nice quarters (granted we had paid for the nicest bunks). Our cabin had four bunks, we each had a top one, and an older Chinese lady was getting settled in one of the bottom bunks. Wow, we thought, this will be a good night's sleep after all. Then the family came in. Five people and one baby converged on our small cabin. We scrambled to the top bunks and wondered what was going on. Okay, a few of them started saying goodbye...but then there were still the baby, the mother, and what we thought was the nanny. The steward came by ... read more

Asia » China » Shanxi » Datong May 12th 2006

10th May Laura - Got the train to Datong. It was a hard seat, and when they say hard they really do mean HARD!!! It was more or less a bench with a high back, which me and Paul shared with some guy who kept clearing his throat every 10 seconds. Fortunately he got off half way through the journey (which was 6 hours long). The people sitting opposite us were apparently allergic to fresh air and when we opened the window the woman sitting next to it cowered away and looked like she was going to cry. So we had to spend most of the journey in 100 degree heat (I exaggerate, but only slightly) and breathing in stuffy, sweaty air. Needless to say when we finally arrived we both had headaches and I felt ... read more
Yungang Caves
Hanging Temple
Room with a view

Asia » China » Shanxi » Datong April 20th 2006

Arrived in Datong, 7 hours on a train west of Beijing near the Great Wall. Went on a day trip to the Yungang Caves and Hanging Temple. The Yungang caves are a set of Buddhist grottoes caved into the side of a sandstone cliff built around 400 AD. The Hanging Monastery (or named in Chinese "Temple Suspended in the Void") is anchored to the cliff walls with wooden beams set into the rock. The tour group got fed a selection of local dishes at lunch time, which were really good. Of course it was only AFTER we had finished that they informed us that one of the dishes, which tasted like really tender lamb, was really dog! Ah well, it was bound to happen sooner or later... Datong is quite a small town in China (only ... read more
Hanging temple
hanging temple II
Yungang Caves

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