Blogs from Wuhan, Hubei, China, Asia - page 25


Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan March 24th 2008

it has definitely been a weird few days. when i wrote the last entry, we'd just played our gigs in chengdu and were headed to changsha the next day. alas, that was not to be, cos we missed the train due to an unusual amount of traffic on the roads. luckily, there was a ticket-lady who spoke english and let us change the tickets to the next day, free of charge. as we drove to the train station, the city was overrun with people carrying placards. at first i thought they were protesters, but they turned out to be advertisers (again, i had to remind myself that i was in china, and not at home - protesters aren't looked upon quite so kindly here). they were everywhere, and with their all-pervasive presence, you almost didn't notice ... read more

Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan March 22nd 2008

Today found us travelling into another part of Wuhan to visit the Guiyuan Budhist Temple. "Covering an area of about 46,900 square meters (approx. 55,812 square yards), Guiyuan Buddhist Temple is situated in the west section of Hanyang district in Wuhan City. Being one of the four best temples in Wuhan, the temple, which was originally established in 1658 in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), was initially built on the site of Wuzhangpu Kuiyuan in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). The word 'Guiyuan' originates from a sutra, meaning to surpass the circumscription of existence and extinguishment, to return to purity and tranquility." The route there took us through small market gardens on the outskirts of the city dotted with shanty buildings that housed the local workers we assumed. We also saw our first oxen at work in the ... read more
Vanke sidewalk flowers
Vanke guides
Burning incense at temple entrance

Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan March 20th 2008

Another week has almost gone by since my last entry so life must be busy! We have sort of settled into a new routine but that might be pushing it since new experiences are still occurring each week. The weather is certainly warming up and more birds can be heard every day. For awhile we wondered if there were any birds around here but I guess they really don’t appear until the weather gets fairly warm…definitely a bunch of wooses (sp?) compared to our Canadian species. The cherry blossoms are out and new flowers are appearing everywhere. Last Friday night found us again at Mr. Mai’s coffee house for a couple hours chatting with yet another group of young people. As soon as we walk in the door, several people always approach and ask if they ... read more
Fellow science teacher, Evelyn
Spring is here!
Our friendly school security guard

Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan March 11th 2008

Just got over a wicked cold that has been passed around between all the teachers in the school. Not surprising that everybody catches anything going around since we do lots of stuff together over the course of a week. But luckily the good weather helps in getting us all back on our feet in good time! I had to include this photo for all you snowbound folks at home. Our apartment is on the right in the far distance. We went for a stroll tonight and it was almost too warm to wear a jacket..a beautiful evening. Found tennis courts in our complex during our walk so we are gonna get a couple of rackets in the next few days and start banging the balls around for fun. The mosquitoes are out but still not bad ... read more

Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan March 8th 2008

Spring has sprung in Wuhan. Over the last few days, flowers have appeared in mass numbers in many places. It is not a natural slow growth, it is a "back up the truck and unload hundreds of potted plants" and then proceed to arrange wherever they will look good. Over night, a large tiered flower display appeared in the entrance of our complex gateway and we noticed many tulips suddenly on display in an area of Wuhan we passed by on the bus today. The climate is warming up and is supposed to hit 26 degrees by Wednesday which is spring temperature around here! We went into the main part of Han Kou today and walked along Pedestrian Avenue, which is a very long "pedestrians only" wide street. It was fun browsing through the many shops. ... read more
Pedestrian Avenue 2
Han Kou Lion
Pedestrian Avenue 3

Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan March 7th 2008

It is hard to believe another week has passed. Life here is still a whirlwind adventure as we continue to see new stuff most days and venture into new areas of the city with our weekly shopping trips. Tomorrow we are off to Han Kou again, the large business and shopping area on the other side of the lake. This evening, we went to Mr. Mai’s, an American style coffee house where people go to meet and chat in English. When we entered tonight, we were soon joined by several Chinese people who asked if they could sit with us. They all are dying to learn better English and this is a spot where they can go and practice. It is a great meeting place and makes great coffee and snacks. Large round tables are scattered ... read more

Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan March 3rd 2008

Just putting up a few photos of the school tonight. The school population is still quite small but they are planning on a large student population down the road so the place is quite large. A second school is currently being constructed on the same property that will serve as the Grade 10-12 school when it is finished. The school day begins at 7:00 in the morning and ends at 4:30. Luckily, I only have one day that I go to 4:30 and on Monday my first class isn't until almost 11:00 so lots of time to prepare. Every Monday at 9:30 is Flag. Everyone lines up outdoors in the courtyard. The Chinese anthem, Canadian anthem, and School song are all sang as the respective flags are raised. Then there are speeches by a student and ... read more
Front Entrance
Front of School
Front of School2

Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan March 1st 2008

So we are two weeks into our new country and still having a blast! Today was another Saturday shopping trip to continue outfitting our new apartment and checking out the city. Today's trip took us into the center of Han Kou, the business and major center of Wuhan. It took about an hour and a half to drive from our apartment block to where we were dropped off, which gives you some sense of the scale of the city. The return trip took about half as long as we took another route and bypassed the worst of the traffic. The city covers an area of 8500 square kilometers which is quite impressive. We have two organized "shopping trips" every week, Wednesday night and Saturday. This gives everyone a chance to get to different parts of the ... read more
View from the bus 2

Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan February 18th 2008

I am sitting in the staff room of the school waiting for other teachers to arrive and the day to begin. Hence my first ability to use the internet for any period of time! There is wireless in all the staffrooms of the school. So here's a little update for now. I'll put up some pics as soon as I get a chance and have time to organize a bit more..Needless to say we have been busy here. And as I say below, there is next to no English in this area at all. It is the real China!! We have already learned some Mandarin...for survival purposes. Talk about immersion!! For some reason, I can't access my blog that I started before I left...maybe they don't like the title chinacanuck..I have no idea. Internet works in ... read more
View from other balcony

Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan December 26th 2007

we're talking Indian Indians, not native Americans. I am a PC drunk!!... read more
Nick's Big Nostrils
Nick's Big Nostrils
Penguii Is Wasted

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