A Day in the Life

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March 3rd 2008
Published: March 3rd 2008
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Main EntranceMain EntranceMain Entrance

The main foyer as you enter the school. There is a mirror image of this staircase to the right. Quite a spectacular entrance for a school!
Just putting up a few photos of the school tonight. The school population is still quite small but they are planning on a large student population down the road so the place is quite large. A second school is currently being constructed on the same property that will serve as the Grade 10-12 school when it is finished.

The school day begins at 7:00 in the morning and ends at 4:30. Luckily, I only have one day that I go to 4:30 and on Monday my first class isn't until almost 11:00 so lots of time to prepare. Every Monday at 9:30 is Flag. Everyone lines up outdoors in the courtyard. The Chinese anthem, Canadian anthem, and School song are all sang as the respective flags are raised. Then there are speeches by a student and the Chinese principal of the school. Every other day at this time the students have exercises for a half hour. The students are great and take everything very seriously. Teachers are definitely a respected bunch over here, especially those of us from Canada. I am steadily learning a little more Chinese every day and use a bit of time everyday in the classroom for my homework practice! Right now, they are telling me how to count from 100 to 1000. Last week was taxi instruction lessons.

Lunch is available every day in the cafeteria which consists of three different areas where you buy meals. The most I have spent for a meal is about the equivalent of $1 CDN. And it is always a treat. I usually have no idea what I am eating but I add the same unknown condiments I see the kids adding to theirs and go for it! Once in awhile I see or taste something I recognize.

Last night, we went for supper at a local restaurant which serves Canadian stuff. It is not exactly the same but it is called the Country Jeep Bar and they are attempting to style themselves after a North American type of place. I had a steak which was quite good. It is located in our posh complex along with several other restaurants. On our walk exploring our neighbourhood tonight, we came across a club that has a pool, ping pong tables and other stuff. We are gonna look into what is involved in getting involved with it. As always, there wasn't an
English sign around except for a small part saying what was available.

The pace is settling down a bit now that we are moved in and have most of the necessities. We are still thinking of getting a scooter so we can explore the local area a little easier. The bus and taxis are really cheap but it would be nice to have the freedom of wheels to look around the in-between areas. And the weather is already turning warm. You can see from the pics that the weather is nice and the sky is blue. Anyway, this is a quick entry cause I gotta get ready for another busy day tomorrow.

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3rd March 2008

Looking good there.
How is the fishing!!!! Thanks for the great update. What is Nancy doing there? Are you going to learn how to write Chinese? Ha! Could you get someone to write trout fisherman John in Chinese and send via a digital photo to me ? It would be fun to a sign with that on it. And hang it on the house porch or perhaps our carport. It is really snowing here. Was driving last night and could hardly see the road. So keep up the warm weather reports from your neck of the woods and send some along on the westerlies. Sure enjoy your blogs Steve . Thanks TAK DU in Norwegian .. John
3rd March 2008

unusual cuisine
Hi Guys! It certainly sounds like you've begun the adventure of a lifetime in style. I had to chuckle when I read, "Once in awhile I see or taste something I recognize." We miss you here. I have to take minutes for the PPAS today as Sylvia is away. Hope I can do them justice. Take care, looking forward to the next entry.
5th March 2008

Wow! What a nice school. That 50 cent lunch looks yummy. I hope you are over the culture shock and settling in. I just cl0osed the deal for renting an office above the post office for ou new internet radio station. Thanks for your help. Chow for now.

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