Blogs from Eastern Region, Uganda, Africa - page 16


Africa » Uganda » Eastern Region » Jinja May 9th 2008

Well, we are back in one piece from white water rafting the Nile river in Jinja. WHAT A TRIP THAT WAS!!! Oh my LORD!! hahaha it was the most fun I think I've ever had - four Grade 5 rapids plus a bunch of 3s and 4s. Our raft tipped twice and I honestly have never thought I was going to die before, but I did that day. We arrived at Nile River Explorers campsite Tuesday evening, set up our tent, and settled ourselves in at the bar (note: I no longer think it is a good plan to drink the night before you raft). Every night they show a video of that day's rafting at 9:00, so we watched that and thought to ourselves "What am I getting myself into??". After a few more drinks ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Eastern Region » Jinja April 30th 2008

Looking forward to visiting Jinja and Kampala after being away for 8 yrs!. Look forward to posting interesting pictures, this will be a good way for you to keep up with me if the network lets me. My sister has dial up and its been 6 yrs since I messed around that. I have lived and worked in Jinja, Kampala. I also went to school at Namasgali college in Kamuli. I am looking forward to Bar hopping, Clubbing , relaxation. Plain old friends, Family, visiting friends and family who have since passed on. ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Eastern Region April 23rd 2008

Leaving Mbale was strange; sitting in the car, feeling like I was getting sucked back through the worm-hole I took to get there, which at the time felt like I was burrowing deep into some unreachable depth of Africa. Now I rushed quickly backward back through the same pathway I used to come, being pulled by some invisible force. Like a scene from Being John Malkovich - perceptions altered, tunnel vision. Seeing the country side with new eyes, eyes that know what each house and structure is, what each barefoot child is doing, how the goats and cows are cared for and valued, the plight of women - carrying water, wood, babies. But not knowing why... Why the situation is like it is, Why it ended up this way, Why Africa is poor and the US ... read more
Bye M!
Bye Landmark

Africa » Uganda » Eastern Region March 25th 2008

March has been a busy month. The team has already been to 9 food distributions, with 2 more to go this week. We have a team of dedicated volunteers who are administering a questionnaire to a random sample of clients at 3 to 4 food distribution sites at each of 3 centers (Tororo, Soroti, and Mbale). Food support is continuing in Soroti, but is just ending in the other two areas as of March 31, 2008. We are trying to see the effect of the food support program on clients, as well as the impact of the program ending. Here are some photos of this work. All credit goes to our volunteers, who have worked hard and learned a great deal about how to conduct ethical research and collect sound data. Still, I think we students ... read more
our volunteers

Africa » Uganda » Eastern Region » Jinja March 25th 2008

First of all, while my parents were here, Andy also arrived! We all had a few days in Mbale, showing them TASO, our work, and the cool waterfalls nearby. On the way back to Kampala to drop my parents off and head to another adventure, we did all sorts of adventure sports and had exciting times! We stopped in Jinja, which is a lovely town with many "mzungus" due to it being The Source of the Nile and host to many NGOs. First stop, Adrift, where Suzy and Andy went bungee jumping! It was amazing. I tried to jump, but I just couldn't make myself. It could have something to do with my vertigo, fear of heights, and fear of falling over edges... hmm. Anyway, I felt really good that I tried, and of course, the ... read more
Bungee jumping!!
Suzy getting ready to jump...
Andy getting ready to jump...

Africa » Uganda » Eastern Region » Jinja January 18th 2008

Having finally made it back to my feet, I’m on the first bus out of Kampala, desperate for a change of pace. Sitting at the “Source of the Nile,” Jinja is a quiet, leafy respite from the capital’s congested mayhem. The center of town is colorful and compact - brightly painted shops, flowery sidewalks, women selling withered produce in the market - and around it dirt roads shoot out toward the dark, still waters of the Nile. It’s friendly and low-key and mercifully flat, and I spend a few days strolling around, down the colonnade of palm trees by the waterfront, under a shrieking canopy of bats in the treetops, past the cream- and pastel-colored Hindu temples that look like they’re made from marzipan. It’s an odd, weathered, roughed-up place; once one of Uganda’s most prosperous ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Eastern Region » Jinja January 10th 2008

A few photos taken on our journey through Uganda. 2007-12-14 to 2008-01-07... read more
With views like this who needs to search further?
Mudhut coffeshop

Africa » Uganda » Eastern Region » Jinja November 22nd 2007

Hey! Da ich ja jetzt mein eigenes Internet habe, hab ich mir ne eigene Seite aufgebaut und sie ist jetzt unter zu erreichen. Ich hoffe ihr schaut ab jetzt dort nach neuen Berichten und Bilder, da das hier alles a bissl weniger gepflegt wird. Bis denn mal bald aus Afrika!... read more

Africa » Uganda » Eastern Region » Jinja November 12th 2007

Hey leibe Leserschaft! :) Hab mal wieder ein paar richtig tolle Sachen zu berichten! Es war im Jahr 2007, als ich an einem warmen Sommertag in ein MTN (lokaler Handy u. Internatanbieter) Store ging und mich informierte, ob es Moeglichkeiten gibt mir Internet auf meinem Laptop zu beschaffen. Ich wurde prompt beraten und 10 Minuten spaeter hatte ich den Vertrag unterschrieben und bin um 295000 Ush leichter wieder in die bruehende Hitze einer afrikanischen Strasse gelaufen mit dem Versprechen der MTN-Mitarbeiter das bis Dienstag naechste Woche (also Morgen) ein Engineer bei mir vorbeikommt und mir das ganze installiert. So was heisst das nun fuer meine liebe Leserschaft? Eigentlich nur, dass diejenigen unter euch, die ICQ besitezen mich nun mal wieder oefters abend ab 10Uhr (Deutsche Zeit) online sehen werden. Fuer die Anderen, diejenigen die dem modernen ... read more
Im Fliescher

Africa » Uganda » Eastern Region » Jinja November 6th 2007

Hey Leute! 1. :Gestern war mal wieder ein ereignissreicher Tag! Ich hatte mich entschieden endlich mal nach Kampala zu fahren und mir mal das Netzteil zu besorgen... Nach ca. 3h fahrt bin ich so gegen 11 in Kampala angekommen und hab mich mal erkundigt, wo man sowas denn kaufen kann... Kampala sieht aus wie eine moderne Grossstadt... natuerlich mit afrikanischen Touch und einigen slums aber... eine moderne stadt mit Hochhaeuserkomplexen und viiieeeel verkehr! Also, ich hatte mich in so'n PC-shop begeben und da nachgefragt. Der Herr hat sich gleich drum gekuemmert, alle moeglichen Sachen ausprobiert und dann war er auf einmal verschwunden... die andere Dame hat gesagt ich soll mich hinzetzen... ne halbe Stunde spaeter kam er dann wieder rein und sagt: Hey, ich hab was gefunden, aber es ist sehr teuer... ich wusste das es ... read more

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