Photos from Tanga, East, Tanzania, Africa - page 4

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The sweetest smelling flower...
Brent looking at one of the wooden dhows...
playing with the crabs
The Perfect patterns created in the sand....
the guys playing soccer on the beach
Along the Indian Ocean Coastline
Dad putting up the tents...
The scene in the distanace
Emily & Maddie Checking out the beach
The view from the tent.
Our Campsite by the Ocean....
Just gorgeous... landscape
The roads are always fun in the rainy season
Red Mud Style homes... along the coastal villages...
The roads a little less traveled....
Tanga is just a gorgeous Coastal Region
Driving through Villages in the Tanga Region
The boys Half way there
Driving through the Rains
Gracie sleeping the whole 4 hour trip
Emmy & Maddie
The Road to Pangani
Hey dad, "What's a smuggler?"
This is fun!
Look what I found!
Sailing 1st century style...
The clear blue waters
It's Gilligan's Island!
Scuba Garrett
Kelly enjoying the Sailing
Emily ready to dive in!
Sea Critters...
This is so much fun!
Getting ready to Snorkel
Sailing out to sea!
Watch out BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ryan talking to the Monkey
Be careful on your way to the bathrooms...
they were everywhere
Nothing beats a near monkey attack....
just amazing to be here!!
Ryan's feet in the Sand....
Lulu just loves everything!!
Emily loves the sunsets & Stars....
Garrett loves chasing the crabs
A fun trip to Peponi!
Garrett & Gracie say "I Love You"
Leaving Footprints
Hannah learning to Cook in Africa!
A little River shack
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