Blogs from Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa, Africa - page 10


Africa » South Africa » Eastern Cape » Port Elizabeth March 10th 2009

Hoezit! We’ve made it to the Indian ocean! hey hey! just a quck apology for the lack of any continuity here!!! i write this every coule of nights or so, so i'm always talking in the present or refering to yesterday, but by the time i've actually got it published its all ages ago!!! sorry! Hello again guys, hope you are all well. I’ll catch you up with the last few days! The next day in Drakensburg was our last full day and still somewhat pleased with my mountain climbing achievements I bought a map of the local area and spent the morning trying to convince Rebecca to come for a little hike along a river. It must have been about 3pm when she finally agreed. We were back in the bar for half past! Ha! ... read more
a dance in the valley of 1000 hills

Africa » South Africa » Eastern Cape » Port Elizabeth February 27th 2009

We arrived to PE late on Wednesday night and had a few quick drinks and a chat before bed. Thursday we had a mission to do a few things before we get our bus in the evening. We get all our bits and jobs done, just and get a lift up to our 5pm bus departure to Jo'berg. Its an overnight bus with business class style seats and costs less than a ticket to cork. Cant really complain. As we are boarding there seems to be some confusion, we do not seem to be on the conductors manifest and she has a full bus. We have our tickets printed out Thursday 26th, so I'm not having any of it. I poiltely but strongly point out that this bus gets us to Jo'berg just in time to ... read more

Africa » South Africa » Eastern Cape » Port Elizabeth February 25th 2009

Erst mal das Neueste zur Uni: Haben endlich unsere Kurse fertig ausgewählt und gehen seid 2 Wochen tapfer hin. Ist ziemlich anders als in Deutschland, woran man sich erst mal gewöhnen muss. Ich belege hier insgesamt 4 Fächer, leider eins weniger als ursprünglich geplant, da die FH keine weiteren Fächer anerkannt hat. Da das Semester hier in 2 Terms aufgegliedert ist, haben wir Fächer die entweder das ganze Semester oder nur in einem der beiden Terms angeboten werden. Deswegen habe ich in Term 1 nur 2 Fächer und somit Montags, Mittwochs und Freitags keine Vorlesungen und in Term 2 habe ich „nur noch“ Donnerstags frei. Ganz schön viel Freizeit haben wir uns gedacht, so dass wir uns noch zu einem Kurs namens Community Social Learning angemeldet haben. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein Jugendzentrum was vor ... read more
Die Osnabruecker
Hans (Norwegen), Nora
Carl Joakim

Africa » South Africa » Eastern Cape » Port Elizabeth February 20th 2009

Hallo meine Lieben, herzlichen Willkommen zu meinem TravelBlog! Geniesst die Bilder und Berichte und hoffe, hin und wieder auch von euch was zu hoeren. Halte euch hier auf dem Laufenden! Kisses to Germany, Kathi... read more
Hinter unserem Haus
Das neue Stadium fuer 2010
Wahrzeichen der Innenstadt

Africa » South Africa » Eastern Cape » Port Elizabeth February 14th 2009

We get in to PE at 7am on the Sunday morning, we seem to keep waking people at this time on Sundays... sorry anyone afflicted... After a well deserved sleep we have our first braii in SA, BBQ on wood embers just so you know. Magic have been waiting for that. At last we get a few days of peace where we have nothing to do and we recharge the batteries. Well deserved and ready to go. We hit Addo Game Reserve today for my birthday (pics to follow, sorry). Then Maeve takes me out for the best steak money can buy at a ridiculas price. I was going to post the receipt but thought it bad. Follow up with a few drinks with some PE friends, as per usual... Another braii on Thursday, what can ... read more
Buffalo in the distance

Africa » South Africa » Eastern Cape » Port Elizabeth November 24th 2008

Traveling is generally filled with incredible moments. And most of this blog is filled with exactly those. But just as regular life at home can't always be perfect and good, neither can time on the road. Two nights ago, I arrived in Port Elizabeth. PE is a city on the east coast of South Africa, about halfway between Cape Town and Durban. It's a mandatory stopover night on my bus route. I arrived super late, almost midnight (the bus was behind), and if I'd left the next day, would've been on the road at 6am. I decided I had the time, I might as well spend a full day here. So yesterday was my relaxing day. My hostel is awesome - it feels like staying at someone's house. It's new, clean, comfortable, beautiful - plus wireless ... read more

Africa » South Africa » Eastern Cape » Port Elizabeth August 9th 2008

Here is my final post from Port Elizabeth. On Monday I leave for Cape Town and then London (and most likely cloudier skies, unfortunately. Today is the first overcast day since the 4th of July). I am a bit sad to leave, to be honest. The Birkholtzes have made me feel very much like family and I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in South Africa. It is quite amazing to think of all the things I've done and seen since I've been here. Alas, I must move on. Today is Women's Day so we got free scones and flowers with our breakfast. Tonight we are going to sample some Vetkoek at Wendy-Lee's friend's place (a South African specialty) and tomorrow is a goodbye braai. I have definitely never been hungry during my stay here. I'll keep ... read more

Africa » South Africa » Eastern Cape » Port Elizabeth August 8th 2008

We spent a brief day and a half visiting Port Elizabeth. Our visit here included a trip to Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University as well as to Pearson High School. We then boarded a plane for our final destination in South Africa . . . Cape Town. ... read more
Port Elizabeth
Pearson High School

Africa » South Africa » Eastern Cape » Port Elizabeth August 5th 2008

Greetings once again! Wendy-Lee, her parents and I have just returned from a little road trip down the coast. It was absolutely gorgeous! There were dozens of places at which I wouldn't have minded stopping off for a few days. Our first stop was at a town called Oudshoorn, where we visited the largest caves in Africa (the Cango Caves) and an ostrich farm. Needless to say, I decided to ride an ostrich at the farm. Actually, Wendy-Lee and I were the only two in our group that were crazy enough to try it. It was a little out of control, although two farm workers were holding on to the ostrich the whole time. I am proud to say that I didn't fall off and was able to ride longer than Wendy-Lee! Who knew I was ... read more

Africa » South Africa » Eastern Cape » Port Elizabeth July 29th 2008

I have now joined my friend Wendy-Lee in Port Elizabeth and we are having a great time catching up. But before that...... On July 25 I spent the day in Cintsa. In the morning I had my first-ever surfing lesson, and boy did my inexperience show! I apparently had "good technique" but my legs were still sore from rafting and so I couldn't quite master the standing up part. It was still alot of fun and I now have some absolutely MASSIVE bruises to show for it. The rest of my time in Cintsa was pretty much spent relaxing, and as there wasn't much else to do I decided to join Wendy-Lee a couple of days early. So on the evening of July 26th, I hopped on the Baz Bus (a backpacker's bus for SA) and ... read more

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