Blogs from Senegal, Africa - page 5


Africa » Senegal » Cape Verde Peninsula » Dakar October 13th 2016

Mardi après-midi a été marquée par mon entretien avec M. le Directeur et une journée au bureau assez longue : de 8h à 19h30. Mon entretien s’est vraiment bien passé. Cet ancien colonel des forces spéciales parachutistes, un homme brillant et fort, laisse cependant transparaître beaucoup de sollicitude et un vrai paternalisme. Mon passé au Prytanée Militaire m’aide à comprendre le personnage. Il veut que je sois son bras droit, un bras droit parmi les autres, cependant le seul qui puisse vraiment le rejoindre en esprit dans ce lieu où nous restons étrangers. Il me fait l’honneur de sa confiance, une confiance presque au-dessus de mes compétences j’en ai peur. Cependant je n’ai que des opportunités ici et des soutiens partout. L’homme de bonne volonté a déjà les bonnes armes pour réussir, je veux en faire ... read more

Africa » Senegal October 11th 2016

Je décolle donc le lundi 10. Le jour est venu. Tout est allé si vite finalement. Cela dit j'ai passé un mois de septembre extraordinaire partagé entre la Bretagne, me az kar, le GR20 Corse et la capitale de mon monde universel : Rome. J'ai aussi passé mes derniers jours avant mon départ en très bonne compagnie où les rires avaient le monopole excluant en fin de compte toute tristesse de quitter les miens. On est le 11 maintenant war raok, en avant ! Quelques réflexions ont parcouru mon esprit durant mon vol. J'avais beau voyager en classe économique, l'avalanche de services proposés par Airfrance, dont bière, vin, champagne et cognac, me porta finalement assez à la méditation. Je quitte le vieux continent. Le monde européen dont on m'a tant appris à en être fier. Une ... read more

Africa » Senegal » Cape Verde Peninsula » Dakar May 16th 2016

Distance travelled from Cape Town: 3,704 nautical miles From Walvis Bay we have been on a North Westerly heading. We crossed over the Angola Basin at a depth of 5000m, just over 3 miles deep, before crossing the equator. Rounding the 'bump' of the African continent we sailed past the coast of Liberia and headed north toward Dakar, Senegal. The day before we docked we received a notice from MSC in our cabin: As a measure of general precaution, as the security and personal safety of our guests is always paramount to us (translated as: we don't want to have the shit sued out of us!!) we recommend you exercise extra caution and remain aware of your surroundings when in the vicinity of any large gatherings or, more in general, in areas that are particularly crowded.'This ... read more
A slave native effergy - Goree Island
Our guide complete with army fatigues!!
Roisin taking it all in - The House of Slaves

Africa » Senegal January 9th 2016

Dakar, Senegal One of the first signs that we definitely were in Africa was when our ship arrived. There was a freighter docked where the Mariner was suppose to dock. The remaining space was inadequate for our ship to dock. Finally after three hours after the first excursion was to have departed they moved the freighter back about 20 feet and our ship was able to slip in. All this time the buses were parked there waiting. Greater Dakar has about 2 million people, dusty, garbage everywhere, very hot and traffic jams everywhere. One feature is that one can purchase just about anything from people along the side of the streets, ranging from drinks, to toilet paper, virtually anything. We were about an hour late returning to the due to traffic jams. It was worse for ... read more

Africa » Senegal August 24th 2014

My first day in Dakar!... read more

Africa » Senegal » Saint-Louis Region » Saint-Louis March 27th 2014

Ok so when last you saw me it was in Senegal, at night, on the side of the road, in questionable company, hitch hiking to St Louis with about an hour to go....Definitely not what was intended!As fate would have it our angel of mercy appeared in the form of a fly 20 something year old with fresh haircut (so full of complicated razored intersecting lines and angles as to confound even Pythagorus) in shiny black car, reverberating with pumping bass, sporting multiple air fresheners and juju beads hanging in a cluster from the rear view mirror. He and his equally slick traveling companion took pity on us, flew us to St Louis in record time, and deposited us gratis in what was probably the closest to Hades that I've ever been and ever hope to ... read more
Beautiful New Additional Wife
Kind Mama Amina
St Louis Warf

Africa » Senegal » Saint-Louis Region » Saint-Louis March 26th 2014

Last year in Senegal I decided to leave the safe bustling compound of my family and being an independent (budget) adventurer, chose to travel by public (shared) taxi from the depot in downtown Dakar to St Louis in the north, 6 hours away by car; there(theoretically ) I would once again meet up with my sister and The Truck. There are many nuances to this mode of travel that are revealed only as the journey unfolds. First of all one has to wait until the taxi is full before leaving the depot...this can take quite a while as there are not exactly hoards of people making this journey on a random weekday morning. The next problem is that if you want a window rather than a middle seat where you run the risk of being sandwiched ... read more
Repacking luggage
Beautiful second wife
Fishing village

Africa » Senegal » Saint-Louis Region » Saint-Louis September 17th 2013

As part of a seaside holiday in Senegal or Senegalese tour visiting the romantic city of Saint Louis is a must! I also have opened me to a day in the beautiful old town. The former pearl of West Africa Saint Louis is located at the mouth of the Senegal River Basin, about 265 kilometers north of Dakar. Located near the border with Mauritania City until 1902 was the capital of the colony of French West Africa, which included among other things, Mauritania, Niger, Mali, Guinea and the Ivory Coast. The city is now the capital of the region of Saint Louis and has about 170,000 inhabitants, who live mainly by fishing and agriculture. Referred to in the Wolof language "Ndar" city is a cultural center of Senegal and attracts with its bustling everyday life. I ... read more

Africa » Senegal June 25th 2013

I had decided to return to Ghana, a country where I volunteered in 2004 and made a number of friends (something which is not hard to do in a friendly country like Ghana) and where I was sponsoring a few schools and libraries. So I wanted to take the relatively rare occasion of a trip to Africa as an opportunity to visit one other African country. Senegal was a pretty easy decision, as I had heard a lot about it - the music, wrestling, fashion, food, and other cultural and natural wonders. Upon arriving in Dakar, I was happy that I decided to hire the hotel's private taxi service (although I found out later they charged me at least 5 times the standard rate), as I was literally mobbed as soon as I walked out of ... read more
At Lac Rose, the pink lake
The Baobab tree, which looks like an upside down true, is everywhere in Senegal, and a symbol of Africa
Hitching a ride, African style

Dear All, Thank you to those who have left us messages either on the blog or via It sounds a bit cliched, but it is great to hear about everything, even if it is snow or night shifts! We honestly derive no pleasure at all, none, from hearing about the ongoing winter in England.....! We have just passed the 50 day point and are celebrating our 3 month wedding anniversary overlooking the river Gambia. Ironically, the "campement de lion" menu tonight has served up Jo's nightmare meal of really bony fish, onions and rice, but she has been entertained by a baby monkey, so things are not too bad..... I have started the tropical medicine textbooks in an attempt to not look like a complete idiot, and have, to put it mildly, instilled a certain ... read more
Tea in the desert
No mans land

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