Blogs from South-East, Botswana, Africa - page 6


Africa » Botswana » South-East » Gaborone August 8th 2009

Well I do not know where I left off last so here is the last week in review: Went to the Baylor Clinic for Pediatric AIDS, brought items to donate to the "morning playgroup" interacted a bit with the kids then spent a few hours making their area more organized, clean and not filled with boxes (considering their space is basically a cubby under a stairwell). Spent the rest of the day going through government medical clinic, taking 18 year old Mati' that struggles with bone cancer, to get chemo. Went to take Bokang to his Speech Dr but she canceled so we still went to the city to pick up medicine for his caregiver, after waits and 2 clinics we only got half the medicine. Bokang hooted and hollared at every big truck he saw ... read more

Africa » Botswana » South-East » Gaborone August 3rd 2009

The people in Botswana really love Botswana. They love their President they are proud simple people. Some have much and some have nothing. Those that have nothing seem to enjoy life more. Life is more simple. They find such joy in waving to everyone they pass, everytime we drive, everyone we pass waves to us. Sure being anglo we are somewhat a minority, but there are plenty here, so it is notthat they are excited/surprised to see us, they are just overly joyed by friendliness. They all say hello to everyone. We went for a drive around some local villages, I visited a local pottery and we explored the roads. Everyone as usual waved. (side thought... FREE HUGS would do quite well here) :) We found this road that was not yet paved,m but has been ... read more

Africa » Botswana » South-East » Gaborone July 26th 2009

0 degrees centigrade is a bit less than I bargained for in my light packing, however thankfully Gloria has given me a heap of blankets (5 to be exact) and a couple extra fleece type pullovers. At night I sleep like a fetus in the middle of the bed with pants, a hooded sweatshirt (pulled tight), gloves and fuzzy socks then I bury myself under 5 blankets and put a pillow on each side as a barracade. Did I mention it is cold? The day time feels rather warm, but 17 c is actually probably not too warm and I think that has been the max. The flights getting here were many and the waits were long but stepping off the plane in to the chilled air was refreshing. Gloria greeting me with her lovely accent, ... read more

Africa » Botswana » South-East » Gaborone May 10th 2009

I'm very excited!! Look back here every now and then for updates... Hopefully I'll find a way to make it look better!!... read more

Africa » Botswana » South-East » Gaborone September 4th 2008

I'm having quite an interesting experience in Botswana. It's still hard to believe that I'll be here for 4 months, it feels more like a 2 week vacation. Right now I'm staying in Gabarone and we have been doing these things called Drop-offs where we are dropped off in the city and told to visit a certain village and learn about the culture. It is a really a great way to submerge yourself into the everday life of the people. We went on a game drive in Mokolodi where we saw Rhinos, Ostrich, Kudu, baboons, and wild boars. Herds of kudu and impala would gather around our lodge at night when we were staying there. I'm not sure if I'll have enough time to contribute to my blog on a regular basis but I may just ... read more

Africa » Botswana » South-East » Gaborone June 29th 2008

Well, this weekend was boring, yet fun. We had such a full week that when Friday finally came around, it was TIME TO DROP. A run down of the week: Monday: first day of work. It was great and draining and I think I blogged on it...but the week got progressively more interesting. :) Tuesday: Second day of work, bonded with SAPSSI staff and students. We had made reservations at this restaurant "Khwest" (which I also think I mentioned). Evening was great. Funnily, or unfunnily enough there was about 5 breakdowns that night- between Dee, Tereya, Sadi, a random Motswana and myself. There is something moving about poetry that opens people up to reveal things that they may not otherwise reveal. Nothing huge- really- just cartharsis galore. I think it was the point in all of ... read more

Africa » Botswana » South-East » Gaborone June 25th 2008

Hey all. :) It's been a few days and I don't blog or journal nearly enough as I should, but I'm tryin'!!! There's so much to tell and I honestly don't think I have that much time to type. So, again, lots has been going on. First- started my volunteer work at SAPSSI (Salvation Army PsychoSocial Service Initiative) and it's been really great. I enjoy interacting with the people and visiting schools and kids...first- the "office" is basically in the GHETTO...and I'm not kidding. It's the "projects" of Gaborone...but I'm not scared. ;) I work there during the day. On our first day, our boss said, "OH yeah- this place can be dangerous...but no guns. You might get knived or stabbed, but you definately won't get shot." LMAO. WHAT?!?!?!?! At any rate, that funniness aside, I ... read more

Africa » Botswana » South-East » Gaborone June 22nd 2008

Well, it's been a few days since I've blogged and I have so much to say in so little time. lol...The internet/technology here isn't at all like it is in America- quick DSL connections don't exist, but we're making the best of it. :) Ok, first things first. Two nights ago, we went to a play, "Moj and the Antarctic" was amazing. It was a one woman show about a woman's difficulty with slavery, sexuality and other various historically "taboo" topics. It was very blunt and potent...and I enjoyed every minute of it. It showed racism from a different point of view and it actually felt good to be in the hot seat. I was sitting next to Bose (OU student that is a native Batswana) and at one point she leaned in and said, "Do ... read more

Africa » Botswana » South-East » Gaborone June 18th 2008

We arrived last Saturday- took a whopping 30 hours to get here, but all in all it wasn't bad. Plane itenerary changed a bit from what we orginially thought, but it was interesting! We went from Columbus to Atlanta, Atlanta to Dakar, Senegal, Senegal to Jo-burg, South Africa and then Jo-Burg to Gaborone....landed at night- which was cool... :) Palm trees, dust, stone and desolation. It's really strange here- but not strange "bad"...just strange. It was exactly what I was expecting, yet not at all what I had expected. Wow- that was really weird. lol. ;) Anyway- I thought it would be a bigger city, but in reality it's just a few malls and then about 5 miles from the malls there are government buildings- that's it. Very different from what my imagination had in mind. ... read more

Africa » Botswana » South-East » Gaborone June 2nd 2008

Hi everyone! We have finally made it to Gaborone (Capitol of Botswana) after a very long journey - over 12 hours on planes, 7 hours in a bus and a couple of interesting taxi rides! We're spending the day here today before moving on up to Francistown tomorrow morning. Our hostel here is lovely and exactly what you'd expect to see in Africa. We slept for about 12 hours last night, which the hostel owners found quite entertaining. Everyone's feeling refreshed today though. We're just getting our bearings today and will write more when we have something more interesting to say! Lots of love, JAFA xox P.S. Weather is fab! P.P.S. My handwipes leaked all over my phone and it has died! Sim is OK but have no numbers - oops! So I'm not being rude ... read more

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