Blogs from Magallanes, Chile, South America - page 5


South America » Chile » Magallanes » Puerto Natales December 31st 2018

K - We booked our Navimag ferry trip between Puerto Montt in the lakes and Puerto Natales in southern Patagonia way back in August. 3 nights/4 days cruising through the beautiful Patagonian fjords with the opportunity of seeing glaciers and a bit of marine life sounded much more attractive than yet more airports or tackling the notorious Carretera Austral, a challenging 800 mile road route. Once booked we hadn’t thought about the ferry much more until a couple of days before arriving at the departure town of Puerto Montt. That’s when I went on line and saw that the new Navimag website had some beautiful photos but that everyone in them was wearing Gortex and woolies. Further research identified blogs highlighting how rough part of the crossing can be. This is when the ferry moves out ... read more
Mixed weather
Safely back on land with our ride behind me
Messier channel - the wreck of the MV Captain Leonidas used as a marker for the rocks

South America » Chile » Magallanes October 12th 2018

For a change, today’s activities were organized by Daisy as she had gone straight to the reservation desk after her tour and decided it was best I have a rest from hiking which was an excellent idea as I woke up this morning with pretty sore muscles. First activity today was horse-riding. Those of you that know me would know that horse-riding wouldn’t be my first choice of activity. I don’t think I’ve ridden a horse since doing a pony ride as a child. However, it turned out to be a very nice experience. The horses are very well looked after and sure-footed so there no problems whatsoever despite some of the terrain and tracks looking quite precarious at times. Deanna was our tour leader and gave very good instructions on how to handle the horse. ... read more

South America » Chile » Magallanes October 11th 2018

Woke up way too early this morning so only got about 4 hours proper sleep, so not the best way to start this day, doing the most difficult trek on offer, the Los Torres Sendero del Ascencion or in other words the trek to the base of the three towers (Los Torres) which our hotel is named after. This trek turned out to be very close to the hardest physical challenge I’ve had, the other being the 23km uphill cycle ride in Yunnan province in high altitude. I joked that yesterday’s tour was called Full Paine but it was a more appropriate name for today’s hike. The hike is 9kms one way then 9kms back the same way and is basically in three parts, the first is 5km, fairly steep to the rufugio where back-packers trekking ... read more

South America » Chile » Magallanes October 10th 2018

Walked over to the dining room around 8:15 so a little late. Had a quick breakfast so we could make the 9:00am meeting time for the Full Paine – Glacier Grey tour. Even though it was called Full Paine it wasn’t painful at all, it was actually quite easy. Our guide for the day was Josie and we were with the same lovely group people we had met the previous day on our bus trip in. Bob and Marta who had dinner with us the night before from Texas, Ron and Maria from Utah, David and Mary from UK and Michelle, an American now living in Puerto Rico. Weather today was cloudy but most of the time very sunny and we managed to keep warm enough the whole day. The wind as we expected was the ... read more

South America » Chile » Magallanes October 9th 2018

Left our apartment on schedule at 8am walked with all our luggage for 30 minutes to the Los Heroes bus station. It was an easy walk, all flat, so was worth the effort as the bus fare for both of us was about $7 compared to about $63 for a direct transfer. There were people lining up for the bus when we arrived but not many of them had luggage so this was used by people working at the airport as well as travelers. Bus ride was about 35 minutes and we arrived at the airport around 9:20. We mis-read the boarding pass in Spanish and went to Gate 35, but luckily the correct gate 27 wasn’t far away, but there was a long line of passengers waiting to get on. The flight was amazing. I ... read more

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Punta Arenas April 22nd 2018

Die ochtend krijgen we nog ontbijt van de zeer aardige oude dame die bij de Inn woont. We hebben heel wat gesprekken met haar gevoerd, zij in het Spaans en wij in van alles wat terug. We rijden vanuit El Calafate richting het zuiden, het is eerst nog druilerig, maar al snel komt de zon door als we een hoogvlakte op rijden. Dit stuk van Ruta 40 is goed onderhouden, dus we kunnen aardig vaart maken. We willen nog een stukje onverhard afsnijden (70km), maar de weg is te nat van alle regen en de modder vliegt ons letterlijk om de oren. We rijden dus toch maar via de hoofdweg naar de grens met Chili toe. Onderweg komen we nog een paar lagune’s met roze flamingo’s tegen. Verder heel veel guanaco’s en een paar estancia’s en ... read more

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine February 17th 2018

There is no way I can share the last 6 days in detail, it would make pretty sad reading. I knew the trek was going to be “jolly hard work”, maybe “a physical challenge of unprecedented proportions”, or maybe even “dreadful”. So why and how did I come to be on it at all when I had said quite clearly and loudly last September when the subject first reared it’s troublesome head in the Lowe household those immortal and much ignored words: “I AM NOT DOING THE W TREK”. Now I am not a difficult person and have used this sort of direct language only rarely in the last 30 years and one would like to think that my clear and unenthusiastic response would at least have been noted. But somehow (and I have yet to ... read more
And it really was this colour...
Me and my friend Glacier Grey (he's about 200 feet high above the lake)
Still together, just don't mention the iceberg!

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine February 16th 2018

The "W" trek via day treks... Due to a lack of forward planning on our part and being quoted crazy prices to camp in the Torres del Paine (TDP) National Park, we decided to base ourselves in Puerto Natales and do the "W" trek via day treks (as opposed to staying in the National Park). When we started researching day treks we really struggled to find any good information online. For this reason we have decided to put some tips together based on our experience that might be of some help to other backpackers / hikers considering day hikes to the TDP National Park. We did three day hikes in the park: - Base de Las Torres - Frances Valley Lookout - Glacier Grey Lookout Note: All of the bus times, catamaran times, ticket prices, etc. ... read more
You've made it!
Hike towards Chileno Refugio
Base de las Torres

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine February 14th 2018

Booking accommodation in the Torres del Paine National Park has been an ordeal. There are three providers, all of which operate in complete isolation of the others. All have websites and all of these are unrelated to reality. The threat is that if you arrive at a site without a booking then you will be fined and thrown out of the park. The reality is that if you get to a refuge in an evening there is nowhere else to go.... so they book you into one of the many “fully booked” vacant rooms and campsites. All this for £160 a night for a fully kitted out tent and food. Staff generally behave as if they are doing you a big favour to acknowledge your existence and service requires perseverance. One of our nights we were ... read more
Grand Paine
Las Torres
Such a happy chappie!

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Punta Arenas February 6th 2018

It had been years since Marty had siphoned gas, but he looked pretty good as he bent down beside the BMW and drained fluid from the big tank down into his spare can for use in Ron's machine. By not refueling at our last gas station in Argentina we had cut our supplies very close. And we were off to the Torres del Payne -- an outcropping of amazing granite towers in a Park of the same name in Chile. It had been raining. The river was swollen and the bridges were flooded. We were unable to actually get into the park, but wandered around the Eastern set of mountains and towers, driving up the river to escape the crowds and absorb the wild views. The run South to Punta Arenas was completely paved and delightful. ... read more
The Patagonian plateau at sunrise.
Sunrise from our hotel, where the plateau rises up to become the Andes.
Hotel room windows in morning light.

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