Blogs from Yongin, South Korea, Asia


Asia » South Korea » Yongin October 29th 2012

The weeks seem like they are flying by! Work keeps me busy from Monday to Friday, and my weekends are usually packed with all sorts of fun activities. The days are really starting to cool off, no frost yet but nights have been pretty chilly. But with cool days comes cooler nights, in more ways than one… Friday night was pretty fun. I had dinner and drinks with my lady friend at a western style restaurant called Gecko’s. It’s a nice place on the top floor of a building which overlooks part of the city. After dinner we headed to another bar just to hangout. Saturday was a fun day too. Dave, Jon and I went to a Korean basketball game at 2pm. We didn’t have our hopes set too high about the quality of basketball ... read more
Ranbow Lounge

Asia » South Korea » Yongin January 9th 2012

While I was off Saturday afternoon, I caught up on laundry and marking and whatnot. My friend David had taken a lovely photo of the sunset a few days ago, but I teach every day between 4pm and 6pm, so I always miss it. I looked out my window around 4:45pm to see the sun just starting to go down, so I went out to the rooftop garden at my dorm to snap some pictures. I then went out every fifteen minutes until the sun had set to get a time lapse of the sunset. It was gorgeous! It was probably the most beautiful sunset I'd seen in years, with perhaps the exception of ones at Woolsey. However, Woolsey is completely different because you're on the beach. This was from the dorm at HAFS.... read more

Asia » South Korea » Yongin January 7th 2012

This is perhaps the biggest challenge since I arrived in Korea nearly two weeks ago. I find that the meals in the cafeteria are very hit and miss. My cafeteria serves a lot of meat, whereas Griff's cafeteria serves mostly vegetarian food (for those who don't know me as well, I do not eat red meat, and don't eat that much fish or fowl). I have more or less eaten vegetarian in Korea. The exceptions I can think of are the chicken wings I had at Traveler's Bar and some battered and fried chicken and shrimp I had for lunch one day this week. It is a guarantee that there will be rice and kimchi at every meal. The type of rice varies, but there will be rice. I was shocked when I realized that I ... read more
Yummy Breakfast

Asia » South Korea » Yongin January 7th 2012

One day this week, it started snowing as I was walking to Illinois' class after lunch. Towards the end of the period, one of the students looked out the window and saw the big, fluffy snowflakes. I lost them all to the pretty snow. Since there was maybe five minutes left in the period before break, I decided to just take them outside. We tried to catch snowflakes on our tongues and had a snowball fight...or at least we tried to. The snow wasn't really packing snow, but we sure did try. The kids loved it! Later on, Carla's students asked her why she didn't take them outside. I guess I just wanted to go outside and play too!... read more
Snowball Fight!

Asia » South Korea » Yongin January 5th 2012

Happy New Year from Korea! I honestly cannot believe that I forgot to bring my camera with me for New Year's Eve. Arghhh. Anyways, it was a lot of fun, once I got moving. I spent the start of my time off planning what we were going to do (this was challenging, with a dozen people wanting to do different things). I managed to talk to my friend Gill back home, which was awesome. She was my first successful Skype call to a physical phone back in Canada. I was feeling really sluggish by the time Griff got home from work. I more or less napped until 9:30, and really had to push myself to get up and go out. I promised myself that if I wasn't going to go into Seoul for western new year ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Yongin January 5th 2012

Now that I've been here in Korea for about a week, I've managed to pick up a few words, such as hello and thank you. I can also count to ten, and am learning to write the numbers in Korean. I can write 1-5 well, but am still working on writing 6-10 independently. My students are quite amused when they see me practising on the board while we're between classes. I can read the days of the week, but can't write them yet. When I first arrived at my dorm, my room didn't have any toilet paper. Brandon, my coordinator, managed to find the end of a roll for me for the time being, but I still ran out a few days later. I got to put my Korean writing to the test, to ask the ... read more
Writing is as Easy as 1,2,3

Asia » South Korea » Yongin January 3rd 2012

After our first week of teaching (before the weekly debates), most of us teachers decided to celebrate with a visit to the Alley Pub, a pub just off campus. To get into the town, you have to go down this big hill. I'm going to have amazing calves by the end of camp at this rate. I had a nostalgic moment when we were given a plate of peanuts at our table soon after we arrived. I haven't seen peanuts at a Canadian bar in years because of allergy sensitivities. We also received these sugary sticks. I later learned that they are deep fried spaghetti noodles coated in sugar. They're certainly different from anything I've ever tried before, but they were pretty tasty. We tried the local beer, Cass, which is a nice light beer. I ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Yongin January 2nd 2012 you're probably thinking that Kimchi is a bit weird for a name. In Korean, kimchi means pickled cabbage. Kimchi is actually the national food of Korea, and there is a whole museum devoted to it. Check out their website for more info. Anyways, my friend Kimchi is actually a stray cat. A few nights ago, my friend Ryan brought Kimchi into our dorm...or rather, Ryan claimed that Kimchi followed him in. I believe this, now that I've seen Kimchi follow me outside (like Mary Had a Little Lamb). All of us teachers were very thrilled to hear about our special visitor. We decided to name the cat Kimchi in honour of Korea's national food. We all got some time to cuddle and play with Kimchi before Teresa brought him back outside. I've seen Kimchi a ... read more
Cuddle Time?

Asia » South Korea » Yongin January 2nd 2012

I've survived my first week with the kiddies! I teach three different classes -- Dartmouth, Michigan and Illinois, which are elementary school classes at a basic level. The classes here are all named after American universities (which I suppose the kids' parents are aspiring for them to go to one day). I teach debating to all three classes, and I also teach reading to Dartmouth. I have a quota that I have to reach in terms of textbook work. As I mentioned in my last post, the debate style is pretty hardcore. My knowledge of Asian Parliamentary Style Debate is lacking, to say the least. Or even debating in general. I know that debate clubs are big in the USA, but I don't think they're as popular in Canada. My three classes are all really nice. ... read more
My Teaching Schedule

Asia » South Korea » Yongin January 1st 2012

As expected, I have quickly fallen behind on this blog. Oops! I have done well at keeping up on my paper journal though, which I'm happy about. The first night in Yongin was freezing! Probably the coldest night since I arrived five days ago. After a flight of not at all Kate-friendly food, I was starving. Almost all of us went into town to a place called Pizza School. I ordered a cheese pizza for the low price of 5,000₩ ($4.50 CAD) The one twist is that their cheese pizza came with kernels of corn on it! It was definitely different, but it definitely hit the spot! I actually didn't really notice the corn while eating it. Some teachers went to the pub, but I decided that I badly needed some sleep. Before bed, I decided ... read more
Name This Meal

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