Cool Days, and Cooler Nights

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October 29th 2012
Published: October 29th 2012
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Abiko CurryAbiko CurryAbiko Curry

Pork Cutlet served with Japanese curry... Probably one of my favorite meals.
The weeks seem like they are flying by! Work keeps me busy from Monday to Friday, and my weekends are usually packed with all sorts of fun activities. The days are really starting to cool off, no frost yet but nights have been pretty chilly. But with cool days comes cooler nights, in more ways than one…

Friday night was pretty fun. I had dinner and drinks with my lady friend at a western style restaurant called Gecko’s. It’s a nice place on the top floor of a building which overlooks part of the city. After dinner we headed to another bar just to hangout.

Saturday was a fun day too. Dave, Jon and I went to a Korean basketball game at 2pm. We didn’t have our hopes set too high about the quality of basketball play we were in store for… And it was a good thing we didn’t! Haha… It was mildly entertaining, but compared to the excitement of baseball here, basketball has no chance of comparing. None the less, it was entertaining. After the game we headed to Gangnam for more drinks. We first stopped at a German beer house called 200 Brau Haus. We drank some very good beer that was served out of these cool, and large, looking craft type jugs. Delicious… Then we made our way to the Rainbow Lounge. The Rainbow Hookah Lounge in Gangnam is really cool place. They have live bands, you can smoke flavored tobacco out of a hookah, and enjoy some drinks. The band we saw this particular night was a Korean Rock band. They were pretty good. After the Rainbow lounge we headed to another bar called Gold Bar to meet a few more friends. This was a small place where we hung out for a while before calling it a night. By 2am I was ready for bed! Haha… Good times.

Sunday was a relaxing day. Dave crashed at my place the night before so we hit up Mr. Pho for some Vietnamese noodle soup to fend off the feeling of our actions from the previous night. After lunch Dave headed back to his place. The rest of my day was spent hanging out and relaxing. In the evening I went to dinner with my lady friend once again and saw a movie; the new James Bond movie. We weren’t too impressed, but it was the only English movie playing.

And that was my weekend. Now it’s Monday and I just got home from work. This coming week I am planning on going hiking with Mr. Kim (he’s our jack-of-all-trades guy at my school). He’s a really nice man and I go out of my way to give him a hand whenever I can. He really appreciates it I think. Anyways, he asked me if I wanted to go hiking on a Mountain in Seoul this coming weekend. Of course I said yes! It should prove to be a good time, so I am hoping for favorable weather for the hike.

Another week in the books… Stay tuned for more.

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