Enjoying the Korean Sunset

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January 9th 2012
Published: January 9th 2012
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Watching the sun set from the rooftop garden at Ace Hall dormitory.
While I was off Saturday afternoon, I caught up on laundry and marking and whatnot. My friend David had taken a lovely photo of the sunset a few days ago, but I teach every day between 4pm and 6pm, so I always miss it.

I looked out my window around 4:45pm to see the sun just starting to go down, so I went out to the rooftop garden at my dorm to snap some pictures. I then went out every fifteen minutes until the sun had set to get a time lapse of the sunset. It was gorgeous! It was probably the most beautiful sunset I'd seen in years, with perhaps the exception of ones at Woolsey. However, Woolsey is completely different because you're on the beach. This was from the dorm at HAFS.


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