First Night in Yongin and Orientation

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January 1st 2012
Published: January 1st 2012
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My clothes and backpack fit nice and neatly under my bed. I think Griff was shocked at the lack of clothes I brought.
As expected, I have quickly fallen behind on this blog. Oops! I have done well at keeping up on my paper journal though, which I'm happy about.

The first night in Yongin was freezing! Probably the coldest night since I arrived five days ago. After a flight of not at all Kate-friendly food, I was starving. Almost all of us went into town to a place called Pizza School. I ordered a cheese pizza for the low price of 5,000₩ ($4.50 CAD) The one twist is that their cheese pizza came with kernels of corn on it! It was definitely different, but it definitely hit the spot! I actually didn't really notice the corn while eating it. Some teachers went to the pub, but I decided that I badly needed some sleep.

Before bed, I decided that I wanted to unpack a bit to make my room feel a bit more like home. Griff slept like a baby while I organized my pharmacy of toiletries and my desk shelves.

As I anticipated, the beds here are much harder than beds back home. My back isn't too thrilled with this, and as a result I didn't sleep much. I
Name This MealName This MealName This Meal

a) Breakfast b) Lunch c) Dinner d) Who knows?
think it was a combination between the bed and my jet lag. I was up for the day by about 4am local time. Since Griff was still asleep, I went into the wash area to update my paper journal so I wouldn't blind him with light. Once we were both up, I connected with home for a little bit before breakfast in the cafeteria.

Orientation was a pretty laid back for the most part. Brandon, my coordinator was pretty to the point about things, and added some humour to make things less dry. Brandon went to university in Canada, so his English is quite good. He does a great job at checking in with us. We received our schedules. I'm teaching debating and reading to elementary school students at a basic level. Towards the end of the day, two of the high school students came in to talk to us about the debates that would be happening each Saturday. This hour lecture was more intense than anything else that day, since I have never done formal debating at all.

After dinner, I went into town and picked up a few snacks at the supermarket with some of my new teacher friends. The supermarket was pretty similar to a Canadian supermarket in terms of layout.

I'll try my best to keep this updated. I know I'm still back-logged, but I'll try to catch up this week!


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