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October 20th 2006
Published: October 20th 2006
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Well not where I thought I'd be starting this!

I am now connected to where I want to be by land, and have found people speaking the right language, however still a six hour flight away. Having missed the AA flight due to Delta delay.
Still should be on the same flight tonight so will start tomorrow - hopefully will be able to find Dom in La Paz!

Miami - now this is a stange place. Money and Girls seem to be the focus, with large cars and pizzas also hard to miss. I'm told for girls its largely money - unless I guess they are that way inclined. It is fair to say there are alot of legs and backs pretty much on constant display. Perhaps I should come back here when I'm more interested in either! Or have one!

Walking around this morning I think the general vibe is picked up quite well by the t-shirt store window. Fairly plane with large letters saying things like:

I taught your girlfirend that thing you like
I support single mums
Will you stop your tits staring at my eyes.

I have a pussy so that I can make the rules.

So they go on, now thats culture, modern culture - look how far we've come!,some interesting characters tho - generally those that don't have any money!

And hot, very hot - I got out the airport last night at about midnight and suddenly appreciated the effectiveness of the airconditioning in the airport.

OK, just really checking out how this blog thing works while time to kill, sun to hide from and computers that work - all tho the one at the hostel didn't! So now just have to figure out how you can all access it!

Love to all, will update when in the cooler higherlands as so as I have the opportunity.

Take it easy and look on the bright side - much easier to see! x x

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22nd October 2006

hi jimbo! we're sitting in the kitchen and have just found your blog, hurray. we like the palm tree mohican but think you look a bit serious! hopefully by now you have escaped from the long legs and bare backs and have found your way to lapaz. have you found norma's family? t and m and d xxx
23rd October 2006

Great to hear from you. let us know when you're in La Paz and what its like. Just had the future in laws for we and t and j. Hope this bloggy thing works! Hope you got over 'cold' and didn't develop tonsilitis - not ideal for demanding cycling. All well here. Study finished (apart from painting) - and carpets down! Looks greta. Take care darling and will chat longer later. All love M xx .
23rd October 2006

Settling In?
On holiday this week so plenty time to respond to TravelBlogs. These blog diaries are no fun if nobody responds so will try to respond as often as possible. So it seems you are settling right in to Miami Beach life - pity about the delay though eh! Particularly enjoyed the message related by the third of the male orientated t-shirts. Beach pictures look great, but a few comments regarding the 'ME' picture. Firstly, there is every chance you might survive if one of your five spanish words is 'agua', although on this occasion 'water' probably did the trick. To my shame, I have found myself on a french holiday hopping over the Spanish border to San Sebastien in 32 degree heat and having a mind blank on the old 'agua'. Secondly, who supplied the palm tiara (looks like something out of Priscilla Queen of the Desert). Only jesting. Lastly, with no outstretched arm, it does not seem that you have taking this photo yourself. So who took the photo? More to the point, how did you manage to take the photo when you got to La Paz airport? Did you catch the hoodlum or simply use the timer?
29th October 2006

Hi ya!
Hi d! I typed a lengthy 'comment' yesterday only to find I'd been knocked off - and so lost it! This'll therefore be short! Hope all's well and knees are bearing up. Sounds a fantastic place. Suggest booze and altitude aren't a great coctail! We're putting flesh onto our trip now. Great fun. Take care, darlingh say hi to Dom All love M x

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